Prediction: Biden will be the nominee and he will lose in a landslide.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.
Trump managed to pull in the I hate Hillary vote

There is no I hate Biden vote
Biden is the easy and obvious choice now, but the first primary is still 6 months away, and the convention almost a year.

Honestly, Trump could beat any one of them right now, but if the economy slips into a recession (having you been watching?) and the stock market craters, he could lose to anyone of them as well.
The media doesn't want Biden.
None of the Democrats want Biden. Biden wants Biden.

Having said that, with the way things are going, Biden will have a hard time against Trump. Biden isn't well - mentally. It's like having an escapee from a Mental Asylum running for President. He forgets a lot and he says a lot of things that don't "add up" at times.

We'll see...

My prediction: Tulsi Gaddard will become the First Madam President.
Honestly, Trump could beat any one of them right now, but if the economy slips into a recession (having you been watching?) and the stock market craters, he could lose to anyone of them as well.
Democrats have sided with the Hispanics and blacks.
Trump has sided with real Americans. Trump will win easily in 2020.
Trump managed to pull in the I hate Hillary vote

There is no I hate Biden vote

That’s a shadow. There was nobody who only voted to vote against Hellary. If anything, some Libs stayed home because of her. Can Biden get them off the couch?
Biden will not get the nomination. He is too old and has way too much baggage. His voting record is atrocious and will easily be exposed.

However, I do expect the D Party elites and MSM to collude in an effort to marginalize and eliminate any candidate that is not for the .1%. Much like they did Bernie in 2016. They are doing it now to Tulsi and Bernie.

So once again, the American people will get screwed no matter who wins in 2020.
The only reason Biden is leading in the polls is name recognition. That will change as the process moves ahead. Biden himself has little to offer.

Biden will not be the nominee.
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.
Yes, Biden will run and may win. Replace doddering old fool with pervert and that was Trump in 2016
The only reason Biden is leading in the polls is name recognition. That will change as the process moves ahead. Biden himself has little to offer.

Biden will not be the nominee.
Biden has likability- something neither Trump or any of the Democrat candidates have.
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.
I think that the Democratic Party's voters are to the Left of Biden and that they will nominate Warren.

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