Predict the DNC headlines


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
Shoveling the ashes
The Democratic National Convention will he held in Charlotte NC the week of September 3, 2012
Predict your headlines about the event here.

I've done a little research and I've discovered that the arena in Charlotte has a leaky roof. It also often rains in Charlotte in September.

I predict one of the headlines to be. "Arena Rains on Obama's Parade".
The headline in the paper should be, "WELCOME DEMOCRATS - AND ALL OTHER INSANE PEOPLE!"
I'll predict their rallying song.

[ame=]Travis - Why does it always rain on me Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was 17?

No, it's because you lie every fucking time you open your mouth, Mr Obama.
"Occupy Charlotte Protesters Quiet During DNC", will be a headline.
It won't be true, but the media will play it that way.
The Democratic National Convention will he held in Charlotte NC the week of September 3, 2012
Predict your headlines about the event here.

I've done a little research and I've discovered that the arena in Charlotte has a leaky roof. It also often rains in Charlotte in September.

I predict one of the headlines to be. "Arena Rains on Obama's Parade".

North Carolina citizens who aren’t black, got to throw in that exception, are furious at Obama and the DNC for calling out of state unionized contractors to service the convention. You see, North Carolina is a right to work state and they didn’t want to offend their union support by hiring local Carolina workers.
The Democratic National Convention will he held in Charlotte NC the week of September 3, 2012
Predict your headlines about the event here.

I've done a little research and I've discovered that the arena in Charlotte has a leaky roof. It also often rains in Charlotte in September.

I predict one of the headlines to be. "Arena Rains on Obama's Parade".

September is the second driest month in Charlotte.
Liberal talking points for the election.......the usual, predicted and compulsive.
They will proclaim superiority to feel better, demonize conservative ideas (to feel smarter),
and their decisive act .....they will feign being offended by certain phrases or words to silence different opinions.
And they will lie, and expect and except the congregate will agree.
Unfortunate and foreseeable.
If the polls don't look good the liberal media will announce "new Nixon tapes uncovered".
Too emotional, but I still thought of it:

(Pete's theme) Only love
Can make it rain
The way the beach is kissed by the sea.
Only love
Can make it rain
Like the sweat of lovers'
Laying in the fields.

Love, reign o'er me.
Love, reign o'er me, rain on me.

Only love
Can bring the rain
That makes you yearn to the sky.
Only love
Can bring the rain
That falls like tears from on high.

Love Reign O'er me.

On the dry and dusty road
The nights we spend apart alone
I need to get back home to cool cool rain.
The nights are hot and black as ink
I can't sleep and I lay and I think
Oh God, I need a drink of cool cool rain.

Any headline will focus on the economy or the death of bin Laden, I believe.

I know you are not seeking re-election, but please Dumplin' (Gov Bev Perdue ?sp), stop your defection and quit supporting those RW policies all of a sudden.

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