Pre-existing conditions coverage

Those who are unconcerned about pre-existing conditions, might be very surprised when their insurance company decides not to pay. I guess that's a thing of the past now.

You don't get it... insurance companies can not just "decide" not to pay. There is a contractual agreement.

The only time the insurance company doesn't pay, is if A: You lie, in which case you get what you deserve. B: it's a pre-existing condition, in which case, they shouldn't pay.

What part of this is too hard for you people?

If you LIE to the insurance company so you can avoid higher premiums.... duh... you lied! Lying voids the contract stupid.

If we talk about you buying a car from me, and I tell you it's got 5,000 miles, and is in mint conditions, and you agree to buy the car. Then you come and see the car, and it's got 50,000 miles, and the inside is torn up, and their rust all over the sides, are you going to abide by the agreement and pay me?

But but but you agreed to pay! Yeah, but I lied to you. The agreement is void, because I lied about the whole thing.

If you apply for insurance, and they ask "do you have any on going health issues" and you know if you say yes, they'll increase your premium, and so you say no, even though you do..... hello you lied. Liars don't succeed in life stupid. You get screwed.

So you lie, say no, then something happens, and when the insurance company finds out this is a well known on going issue, you get dropped.... AND YOU SHOULD.

I fully support that. Why should me, and everyone else who is honest and operate with integrity, be forced to pay for your lying scummy butt? Answer... we shouldn't. Period. So, yes, I want them dropping your butt.

They are not going to drop me, because I have not lied, and if they do, I'll sue them and get more money out, than I would have if they agreed to pay.

Second, if you have a pre existing condition, well no, I don't want them paying for you.

If you have insurance policy, and I fall of a ladder and break my arm, I call up your company, fill out the application, they approve. I walk into the hospital the next day with my insurance card, have thousands of dollars of care, all paid for by the insurance company, then as soon as I'm fixed up, I cancel the insurance, and leave.

Suddenly, you get notices that your premiums are going up. Well who the hell did you think was paying my tab? The insurance company??? Are you stupid? The insurance company doesn't have ONE PENNY, that doesn't come from premium payers. That's you stupid. You pay my bill.

You think I want to pay for people like that? No. Of course not. Would you? I promise you, if you knew that *YOU* were paying for people like that directly from your premiums, you would be SCREAMING for pre-existing condition clauses.

The problem is, you are... and you don't know it. Instead you think the mystical magical "company" is going to pull money out of their butt to pay for these people. Sorry, not happening. The money is coming from you. That's why premiums have been going up faster in the last 2 years, than at any time in the past.
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Maybe the solution is, if the MD does not take Medicaid he is ineligible to get reimbursement from ANY insurance in which the government is involved; to include practicing in Hospitals getting Hill-Burton funds.

I think that's already the rule. Any MD that turns down Medicaid or Medicare, is ineligible for any government reimbursement.

And I know for certain that any hospital or clinic that turns down, is completely locked out of the system, I believe for a specified amount of time. (which I can't remember what the span is maybe 2 years or something).

Regardless, this isn't a loss. You miss the point. Doctors are LOSING money on government patients. Hospitals are LOSING money on government patients.

When you are losing money, and the government threatens to cut you off from losing money..... is that really a bad thing?

Remember the Mayo Clinic?
Mayo Clinic Makes Medicare, Medicaid Cuts | Heartlander Magazine
Mayo Center is Arizona is not going to accept Medicare in Arizona because they don’t pay enough.

The clinic will continue to accept Medicare patients at the facility for primary care treatment, but only if they pay cash.

The Mayo Clinic that Obama visited, where he said it was a model for health care across the nation, that clinic has completely opted out of Medicare and Medicaid.

Apparently losing government backing isn't a loss. It's a gain. Because they were LOSING on government patients.
The doctors and hospitals and clinics all over the south would fold without Medicare and Medicaid.

I don't buy it.

That's the same argument as without welfare and food stamps, millions of people would be homeless and starve. When welfare was reformed, and people were kicked of both in the mid-90s, they simply found jobs. In a free-market capitalist system, you have no idea what innovations will come into being, when the market creates demand for it.

Perhaps lower-cost clinics will come into being. Perhaps charities will step up, and provide more help.

Perhaps patients will reduce their usage of health care services to only when they are absolutely needed, instead of every time little Timmy scrapes his knee on the sidewalk.

There are dozens of possibilities. But saying that based on the current economic conditions, all those places would close, ignores the fact the current economic conditions exist because of these policies.

It's like the UK low-cost housing crisis. All the politicians are saying, the government must provide more low-cost housing, because the market isn't providing low-cost housing.

That ignores the fact, the whole reason the market isn't provided low-cost housing is because the government programs of building low cost housing, has killed that market off.

Why would any private contractor build low cost housing to sell, if the government pays contractors a higher price, to build the same housing, and sells them off at a loss?

It's impossible for private business to compete with the government, so they don't.... and then everyone complains there's not enough low cost housing.

You don't know what the health care market would look like, if government wasn't screwing with it. Yes, it looks like everything would close without government, and the world would come to an end. But that's only because this is the market government has created.
Those who are unconcerned about pre-existing conditions, might be very surprised when their insurance company decides not to pay. I guess that's a thing of the past now.

You don't get it... insurance companies can not just "decide" not to pay. There is a contractual agreement.

The only time the insurance company doesn't pay, is if A: You lie, in which case you get what you deserve. B: it's a pre-existing condition, in which case, they shouldn't pay.

What part of this is too hard for you people?

If you LIE to the insurance company so you can avoid higher premiums.... duh... you lied! Lying voids the contract stupid.

If we talk about you buying a car from me, and I tell you it's got 5,000 miles, and is in mint conditions, and you agree to buy the car. Then you come and see the car, and it's got 50,000 miles, and the inside is torn up, and their rust all over the sides, are you going to abide by the agreement and pay me?

But but but you agreed to pay! Yeah, but I lied to you. The agreement is void, because I lied about the whole thing.

If you apply for insurance, and they ask "do you have any on going health issues" and you know if you say yes, they'll increase your premium, and so you say no, even though you do..... hello you lied. Liars don't succeed in life stupid. You get screwed.

So you lie, say no, then something happens, and when the insurance company finds out this is a well known on going issue, you get dropped.... AND YOU SHOULD.

I fully support that. Why should me, and everyone else who is honest and operate with integrity, be forced to pay for your lying scummy butt? Answer... we shouldn't. Period. So, yes, I want them dropping your butt.

They are not going to drop me, because I have not lied, and if they do, I'll sue them and get more money out, than I would have if they agreed to pay.

Second, if you have a pre existing condition, well no, I don't want them paying for you.

If you have insurance policy, and I fall of a ladder and break my arm, I call up your company, fill out the application, they approve. I walk into the hospital the next day with my insurance card, have thousands of dollars of care, all paid for by the insurance company, then as soon as I'm fixed up, I cancel the insurance, and leave.

Suddenly, you get notices that your premiums are going up. Well who the hell did you think was paying my tab? The insurance company??? Are you stupid? The insurance company doesn't have ONE PENNY, that doesn't come from premium payers. That's you stupid. You pay my bill.

You think I want to pay for people like that? No. Of course not. Would you? I promise you, if you knew that *YOU* were paying for people like that directly from your premiums, you would be SCREAMING for pre-existing condition clauses.

The problem is, you are... and you don't know it. Instead you think the mystical magical "company" is going to pull money out of their butt to pay for these people. Sorry, not happening. The money is coming from you. That's why premiums have been going up faster in the last 2 years, than at any time in the past.

Everything you said is true!
And like most uninformed people those that don't understand how health insurance works think as Obama FALSELY said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," he told the crowd in Maryland.

HALF of 310 million is 150 million! But idiots never questioned that statement!

Since about 85 percent of Americans already have insurance, many through large group plans, this would not be a concern.
Obama says half of Americans have a pre-existing condition | PolitiFact
85% of 310 million is 263 million WITH insurance thus "pre-existing" doesn't apply... so where are the 150 million Obama???

From the people that know...

Insurance industry studies show that one in eight applicants for private health insurance have preexisting conditions that affect their eligibility or premiums.
This gives a total of 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper - Forbes

NOT 150 million!!
Those who are unconcerned about pre-existing conditions, might be very surprised when their insurance company decides not to pay. I guess that's a thing of the past now.

You don't get it... insurance companies can not just "decide" not to pay. There is a contractual agreement.

The only time the insurance company doesn't pay, is if A: You lie, in which case you get what you deserve. B: it's a pre-existing condition, in which case, they shouldn't pay.

What part of this is too hard for you people?

If you LIE to the insurance company so you can avoid higher premiums.... duh... you lied! Lying voids the contract stupid.

If we talk about you buying a car from me, and I tell you it's got 5,000 miles, and is in mint conditions, and you agree to buy the car. Then you come and see the car, and it's got 50,000 miles, and the inside is torn up, and their rust all over the sides, are you going to abide by the agreement and pay me?

But but but you agreed to pay! Yeah, but I lied to you. The agreement is void, because I lied about the whole thing.

If you apply for insurance, and they ask "do you have any on going health issues" and you know if you say yes, they'll increase your premium, and so you say no, even though you do..... hello you lied. Liars don't succeed in life stupid. You get screwed.

So you lie, say no, then something happens, and when the insurance company finds out this is a well known on going issue, you get dropped.... AND YOU SHOULD.

I fully support that. Why should me, and everyone else who is honest and operate with integrity, be forced to pay for your lying scummy butt? Answer... we shouldn't. Period. So, yes, I want them dropping your butt.

They are not going to drop me, because I have not lied, and if they do, I'll sue them and get more money out, than I would have if they agreed to pay.

Second, if you have a pre existing condition, well no, I don't want them paying for you.

If you have insurance policy, and I fall of a ladder and break my arm, I call up your company, fill out the application, they approve. I walk into the hospital the next day with my insurance card, have thousands of dollars of care, all paid for by the insurance company, then as soon as I'm fixed up, I cancel the insurance, and leave.

Suddenly, you get notices that your premiums are going up. Well who the hell did you think was paying my tab? The insurance company??? Are you stupid? The insurance company doesn't have ONE PENNY, that doesn't come from premium payers. That's you stupid. You pay my bill.

You think I want to pay for people like that? No. Of course not. Would you? I promise you, if you knew that *YOU* were paying for people like that directly from your premiums, you would be SCREAMING for pre-existing condition clauses.

The problem is, you are... and you don't know it. Instead you think the mystical magical "company" is going to pull money out of their butt to pay for these people. Sorry, not happening. The money is coming from you. That's why premiums have been going up faster in the last 2 years, than at any time in the past.
Ask someone who was denied coverage because they had some minor problem in the past, and the insurance company said it was related, thus a pre-existing condition.

This yet another example of the absolute stupidity of the left.

Did you bother to actually look at the data? Did you look at the research?

From the link given....
"The map below from the Commonwealth Fund shows the stark divide. "

The Commonwealth Fund was linked....
Aiming Higher: Results from a Scorecard on State Health System Performance, 2014 - The Commonwealth Fund

Downloaded the entire report.
Page 8 "Indicators" This is the methodology they used to make up their crap about which states had better care.

Children ages 0–18 uninsured
At-risk adults without a doctor visit
Adults without a dental visit in past year
Adults ages 19–64 uninsured
Adults who went without care because of cost in the past year

Is that the quality of care? I had no insurance and went to the hospital. I got a bill. I paid the bill. I had GREAT care. They fixed me up very well.

And how do you prove that someone actually needed care, but didn't go because they didn't have money? What does that mean, and how did they prove it? The information was lacking.

Children ages 19–35 months with all recommended vaccines
Elderly patients who received a high-risk prescription drug
Hospital discharge instructions for home recovery
Patient-centered hospital care
Medicare patients experienced good communication with their provider
Children who received needed mental health care in the past year
Older adults with recommended preventive care
Hospital 30-day mortality
Elderly patients who received a contraindicated prescription drug
Children with a medical home
Adults with a usual source of care

The first couple there are largely irrelevant. What elderly person doesn't get 'high-risk' prescription drugs? And for infants, vaccines are fairly standard. And if you look at the numbers, all the states were fairly well the same.

However lower on the list, the more stupid it gets. I don't have a 'usual source of care'. So that's a negative for me, even though the health care I have gotten when I needed it was wonderful.

And how does 30-day mortality have to do with health care? If you live in a high crime zone, where people are being shot constantly, how is it the fault of the health care system that people die in the hospital? There are dozens of things like that.

Also you can't force people to take preventative care. I have never had a flu shot. I'm not going to have a flu shot. I know dozens of people just like me. I met a lady who was 67 years old, and told me she had never been to a doctor, and would never go to one.

The research in this report makes no attempt to correct for these aspects.

Medicare admissions for ACS conditions, age 75 and older
Medicare admissions for ACS conditions, ages 65–74
Medicare 30-day hospital readmissions, per 1,000 beneficiaries
Hospital admissions for pediatric asthma, per 100,000 children
Long-stay nursing home residents with a hospital admission
Short-stay nursing home residents with a 30-day readmission to the hospital
Total Medicare (Parts A & B) reimbursements per enrollee
Health insurance premium for employer-sponsored single-person plans

Now this to me is nearly idiotic. The people on Medicare are old. The idea that Medicare could somehow be so amazing and perfect, that they avoided hospital re-admissions, is ridiculous.

So we're going to say that the quality of the health care is bad, because old people had to go back into the hospital. Hello idiots.... they are not 23 anymore. You don't give them a pill, and they are back surfing on the ocean again. They are old. They are going to have relapses and end up back in the hospital.

You could have PERFECT care, and still have them back in the hospital bed the very next day. That's how my grandmother went. She got an illness, and they fixed her up and she was moving around and having a great time, and in two days she was hospitalized and it wasn't even a week and she was gone. That's what happens when you're in your late 70s. Grow up people. You all gonna die. The real Mortality rate is 100%, and no amount of government health care will ever fix that.

My point is, none of this shows the quality of the care. None of it does. Especially the cost indicators. What's that got to do with cost? The cost of a Smart ForTwo is really dang low..... yeah... and it's crap. I personally would much rather pay for good care, than get a 'deal' on cut rate care.

Colorectal cancer deaths per 100,000 population
Breast cancer deaths per 100,000 female population
Mortality amenable to health care
Years of potential life lost before age 75
Children who are overweight or obese
Infant mortality, deaths per 1,000 live births
Adults who smoke
Adults who are obese
Adults who have lost six or more teeth
Suicide deaths per 100,000 population
Adults with poor health-related quality of life

AGAIN!!! Gah.......... What %@#(*&%(@# does ANY of this have to do with the quality of the care?!?!?

I had a roommate who came home, ate chocolate cake on my couch, watching biggest loser on TV, and complaining she wanted to be like them. I kicked her out of my home, and months later she called me up and told me "I've got diabetes!".

She got diabetes because she ate like a pig, all the sugar filled carb filled food she could stuff into her mouth every day she rented my spare bedroom.

How does her Obesity reflect on the quality of the health care system?

I had a co-worker who I mistakenly said he should quit smoking, and he looked me in the eye, and said "I like smoking. I enjoy it. I'll never quit, I don't want to."

There is no method to prevent cancer. Further, different people, and different places, have higher and lower cancer rates. Even genetics plays a part in cancer. Some people groups have lower cancer rates than others. Cultural aspects, and risky behavior, play a part in cancer.

Did you know the number one cause of throat cancer in the US today, is oral sex? Logically in places that have more people practicing such disgusting acts, have higher cancer rates.

What does ANY OF THIS have to do with the quality of the health care system?

Nothing. The whole report was absolute CRAP!

The only thing the report did show conclusively is that insurance premiums over the last five years, have drastically risen. But NONE OF IT, reflects at all on the quality of care.

The article you posted, was trash, because it was based on trash research.
Those who are unconcerned about pre-existing conditions, might be very surprised when their insurance company decides not to pay. I guess that's a thing of the past now.

You don't get it... insurance companies can not just "decide" not to pay. There is a contractual agreement.

The only time the insurance company doesn't pay, is if A: You lie, in which case you get what you deserve. B: it's a pre-existing condition, in which case, they shouldn't pay.

What part of this is too hard for you people?

If you LIE to the insurance company so you can avoid higher premiums.... duh... you lied! Lying voids the contract stupid.

If we talk about you buying a car from me, and I tell you it's got 5,000 miles, and is in mint conditions, and you agree to buy the car. Then you come and see the car, and it's got 50,000 miles, and the inside is torn up, and their rust all over the sides, are you going to abide by the agreement and pay me?

But but but you agreed to pay! Yeah, but I lied to you. The agreement is void, because I lied about the whole thing.

If you apply for insurance, and they ask "do you have any on going health issues" and you know if you say yes, they'll increase your premium, and so you say no, even though you do..... hello you lied. Liars don't succeed in life stupid. You get screwed.

So you lie, say no, then something happens, and when the insurance company finds out this is a well known on going issue, you get dropped.... AND YOU SHOULD.

I fully support that. Why should me, and everyone else who is honest and operate with integrity, be forced to pay for your lying scummy butt? Answer... we shouldn't. Period. So, yes, I want them dropping your butt.

They are not going to drop me, because I have not lied, and if they do, I'll sue them and get more money out, than I would have if they agreed to pay.

Second, if you have a pre existing condition, well no, I don't want them paying for you.

If you have insurance policy, and I fall of a ladder and break my arm, I call up your company, fill out the application, they approve. I walk into the hospital the next day with my insurance card, have thousands of dollars of care, all paid for by the insurance company, then as soon as I'm fixed up, I cancel the insurance, and leave.

Suddenly, you get notices that your premiums are going up. Well who the hell did you think was paying my tab? The insurance company??? Are you stupid? The insurance company doesn't have ONE PENNY, that doesn't come from premium payers. That's you stupid. You pay my bill.

You think I want to pay for people like that? No. Of course not. Would you? I promise you, if you knew that *YOU* were paying for people like that directly from your premiums, you would be SCREAMING for pre-existing condition clauses.

The problem is, you are... and you don't know it. Instead you think the mystical magical "company" is going to pull money out of their butt to pay for these people. Sorry, not happening. The money is coming from you. That's why premiums have been going up faster in the last 2 years, than at any time in the past.
Ask someone who was denied coverage because they had some minor problem in the past, and the insurance company said it was related, thus a pre-existing condition.

Give me an example.

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