Poverty and income.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Looking at rates of poverty is very important because it provides a good deal of insight into Mexican immigration�s impact on the United States. Poverty rates have wide-ranging implications not only for the immigrants themselves but for society in general. If Mexican immigrants are finding it difficult to obtain a middle-class income, it implies that a significant proportion of immigrants are unable to succeed in the modern American economy, and it implies significant fiscal costs to the country as well. Persons who live in or near poverty are, by design, eligible for a wide range of means-tested programs. Moreover, because of the progressive nature of payroll and other taxes, those with low incomes pay relatively little in taxes. Finally, by consuming scarce public resources, an increase in the size of the low-income population as a result of immigration may hinder the ability of the nation to help those with low incomes already here.
Center for Immigration Studies

It would take a hundred years for us to recover our losses from illegal immigraiton throught the Dream Act if ever.
I don't know...

Show me some kid whose been living here nearly their whole lives, and expecting them to migrate back to the land that they never knew seems pretty harsh.

I don't know all the specific details of the DREAM ACT, but I have the impression that the DREAM ACT is mean to help out those kids.

And I support that sentiment.
I don't know...

Show me some kid whose been living here nearly their whole lives, and expecting them to migrate back to the land that they never knew seems pretty harsh.

I don't know all the specific details of the DREAM ACT, but I have the impression that the DREAM ACT is mean to help out those kids.

And I support that sentiment.

It don't seem so hard when their parents live their entire life in Mexico and then come here?
Don't you think we have a supply of kids of of own that need help?
Dream Act will just add competition for our own kids for education and jobs. The point is not they cannot already going to schoo, the point is with Democrats is AMNESTY.

Many 18 year old kids migrate here not knowing the language, culture. That is not harsh? It is major culture shock and many of those kids drop out of school and join gangs to feel at home. It is a tragedy to take kids from their culture and bring them here and expect them it fit in when their parents do make any attenpt to learn the language and assimulate.
Deport them as soon as possible and stop this madness.

The sole purpose for the Dream Act is legalization. Nothing else. They are already going to college and getting an education. Don't need a Dream Act for that.
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Cut the crap about illegal criminal immigration being "for the children" LOL. Ask Obama why his administration authorized the shipment 2000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico? To promote a revolution?
We IMPORT poverty! Do you think that those crossing our borders from the south are rich or even middle class??? The are the poor, the uneducated.....and very, very few will ever climb out of it. They come here because we offer poor, uneducated people many perks - especially under the dems. Investigate for yourselves and you will find out how many resources we have for the poor in this country and the poor of other countries know it! NO, people, I'm sorry to disappoint - but they DON'T come here to 'work' only. That is NOT their primary reason. It's time for americans to wake up to that fact. They know that jobs are very scarce but they keep coming.....what does that tell you??? WE will give to them what is needed to survive which is something their governments do NOT do. Wake up.

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