Possible mass killing averted


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
In a "nice area", not a poor part of town:

Teens charged with making threats in school plot

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Two teenagers suspected of plotting a mass shooting at a suburban Los Angeles high school were charged Wednesday with making criminal threats against another boy.

Los Angeles County prosecutors filed the Juvenile Court charges against the 16- and 17-year-olds from South Pasadena. Their names were withheld because of their ages.

Additional charges may be filed as investigators uncover more evidence, South Pasadena police Sgt. Brian Solinsky said.

Solinsky said a tip from a community member led school officials to alert police last week about the shooting plan.

The boys were arrested Monday after detectives monitored their online activity and unraveled the alleged plot to target three school staffers and kill as many students as possible, police said.

Police say the pair was researching automatic firearms, handguns, knives, explosives and tactical techniques.

Prosecutors contend that the teens shared their intent with another boy and on Saturday threatened to kill him. Further details weren't immediately released.

The pair didn't have any weapons or a date for an attack, police said.

Police Chief Arthur Miller has said his officers saved lives by thwarting the attack in the town of about 25,000 people known for its quality schools and community involvement in education.

This police work should be applauded.
In a "nice area", not a poor part of town:

Teens charged with making threats in school plot

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Two teenagers suspected of plotting a mass shooting at a suburban Los Angeles high school were charged Wednesday with making criminal threats against another boy.

Los Angeles County prosecutors filed the Juvenile Court charges against the 16- and 17-year-olds from South Pasadena. Their names were withheld because of their ages.

Additional charges may be filed as investigators uncover more evidence, South Pasadena police Sgt. Brian Solinsky said.

Solinsky said a tip from a community member led school officials to alert police last week about the shooting plan.

The boys were arrested Monday after detectives monitored their online activity and unraveled the alleged plot to target three school staffers and kill as many students as possible, police said.

Police say the pair was researching automatic firearms, handguns, knives, explosives and tactical techniques.

Prosecutors contend that the teens shared their intent with another boy and on Saturday threatened to kill him. Further details weren't immediately released.

The pair didn't have any weapons or a date for an attack, police said.

Police Chief Arthur Miller has said his officers saved lives by thwarting the attack in the town of about 25,000 people known for its quality schools and community involvement in education.

This police work should be applauded.
Well except they have no means to carry out the supposed attack. What exactly can they be charged with? They can be charged with the threat to the one person and I don't see how they can be charged for the rest.
In a "nice area", not a poor part of town:

Teens charged with making threats in school plot

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Two teenagers suspected of plotting a mass shooting at a suburban Los Angeles high school were charged Wednesday with making criminal threats against another boy.

Los Angeles County prosecutors filed the Juvenile Court charges against the 16- and 17-year-olds from South Pasadena. Their names were withheld because of their ages.

Additional charges may be filed as investigators uncover more evidence, South Pasadena police Sgt. Brian Solinsky said.

Solinsky said a tip from a community member led school officials to alert police last week about the shooting plan.

The boys were arrested Monday after detectives monitored their online activity and unraveled the alleged plot to target three school staffers and kill as many students as possible, police said.

Police say the pair was researching automatic firearms, handguns, knives, explosives and tactical techniques.

Prosecutors contend that the teens shared their intent with another boy and on Saturday threatened to kill him. Further details weren't immediately released.

The pair didn't have any weapons or a date for an attack, police said.

Police Chief Arthur Miller has said his officers saved lives by thwarting the attack in the town of about 25,000 people known for its quality schools and community involvement in education.

This police work should be applauded.
Well except they have no means to carry out the supposed attack. What exactly can they be charged with? They can be charged with the threat to the one person and I don't see how they can be charged for the rest.

Depends on their plans, and as always the police do NOT have to release every detail; it may be that obtaining the various weapons involved others. Great police work. The work police officers do to protect the public, for less than high wages; this plot was almost cstopped by police, doing their jobs, while excellent deeds by police do not make the news, that does not mean it doesn't happen EVERY DAY.
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The fact that the boys researched the internet for means and opportunities to commit the desire of the conspiracy is the one constructive act prosecutors need.
In a "nice area", not a poor part of town:

Teens charged with making threats in school plot

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Two teenagers suspected of plotting a mass shooting at a suburban Los Angeles high school were charged Wednesday with making criminal threats against another boy.

Los Angeles County prosecutors filed the Juvenile Court charges against the 16- and 17-year-olds from South Pasadena. Their names were withheld because of their ages.

Additional charges may be filed as investigators uncover more evidence, South Pasadena police Sgt. Brian Solinsky said.

Solinsky said a tip from a community member led school officials to alert police last week about the shooting plan.

The boys were arrested Monday after detectives monitored their online activity and unraveled the alleged plot to target three school staffers and kill as many students as possible, police said.

Police say the pair was researching automatic firearms, handguns, knives, explosives and tactical techniques.

Prosecutors contend that the teens shared their intent with another boy and on Saturday threatened to kill him. Further details weren't immediately released.

The pair didn't have any weapons or a date for an attack, police said.

Police Chief Arthur Miller has said his officers saved lives by thwarting the attack in the town of about 25,000 people known for its quality schools and community involvement in education.

This police work should be applauded.
Well except they have no means to carry out the supposed attack. What exactly can they be charged with? They can be charged with the threat to the one person and I don't see how they can be charged for the rest.

The charges are explained in the article:

Criminal threats is the crime of putting someone in fear.

California Penal Code 422 PC defines the crime of "criminal threats" (formerly known as terrorist threats).

A "criminal threat" is when you threaten to kill or physically harm someone and

  1. that person is thereby placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for his/her safety or for the safety of his/her immediate family,
  2. the threat is specific and unequivocal and
  3. you communicate the threat verbally, in writing, or via an electronically transmitted device

California laws on "Criminal Threats" | Penal Code 422 PC
What should be applauded is the tip from the community member.

The police did not ignore the tip, they responded. Give credit where it is due, instead of only fixating on the rare errors.
I ain't fixatin' on shit, woman.

Many do, only bad news about law enforcement, rarely attention focused on the successes.
Oh, ok. Absolutely.
Butt (and that's a big butt), without the tip would the authorities have had any indication something foul was afoot?
Or an ankle? Or a knee? A KNEE?
In a "nice area", not a poor part of town:

Teens charged with making threats in school plot

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Two teenagers suspected of plotting a mass shooting at a suburban Los Angeles high school were charged Wednesday with making criminal threats against another boy.

Los Angeles County prosecutors filed the Juvenile Court charges against the 16- and 17-year-olds from South Pasadena. Their names were withheld because of their ages.

Additional charges may be filed as investigators uncover more evidence, South Pasadena police Sgt. Brian Solinsky said.

Solinsky said a tip from a community member led school officials to alert police last week about the shooting plan.

The boys were arrested Monday after detectives monitored their online activity and unraveled the alleged plot to target three school staffers and kill as many students as possible, police said.

Police say the pair was researching automatic firearms, handguns, knives, explosives and tactical techniques.

Prosecutors contend that the teens shared their intent with another boy and on Saturday threatened to kill him. Further details weren't immediately released.

The pair didn't have any weapons or a date for an attack, police said.

Police Chief Arthur Miller has said his officers saved lives by thwarting the attack in the town of about 25,000 people known for its quality schools and community involvement in education.

This police work should be applauded.
Well except they have no means to carry out the supposed attack. What exactly can they be charged with? They can be charged with the threat to the one person and I don't see how they can be charged for the rest.

The charges are explained in the article:

Criminal threats is the crime of putting someone in fear.

California Penal Code 422 PC defines the crime of "criminal threats" (formerly known as terrorist threats).

A "criminal threat" is when you threaten to kill or physically harm someone and

  1. that person is thereby placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for his/her safety or for the safety of his/her immediate family,
  2. the threat is specific and unequivocal and
  3. you communicate the threat verbally, in writing, or via an electronically transmitted device

California laws on "Criminal Threats" | Penal Code 422 PC

The investigation could lead to sources of weapons, and other conspirators.
The 16- and 17-year-olds are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and are entitled to comprehensive due process. The arrests, charges, and prosecution are perfectly appropriate given the evidence; there are no civil liberties 'violations' here, as some are likely to contend.
The 16- and 17-year-olds are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and are entitled to comprehensive due process. The arrests, charges, and prosecution are perfectly appropriate given the evidence; there are no civil liberties 'violations' here, as some are likely to contend.
And like I said with what was released all they have is the threat on the one boy. Unless they have more evidence they will have trouble with sustaining any other charges.
The 16- and 17-year-olds are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and are entitled to comprehensive due process. The arrests, charges, and prosecution are perfectly appropriate given the evidence; there are no civil liberties 'violations' here, as some are likely to contend.
And like I said with what was released all they have is the threat on the one boy. Unless they have more evidence they will have trouble with sustaining any other charges.

Maybe links to sellers, or other plotters; a positive report of effective, intelligent, and and successful police action. There has been a glut of negative stories about police, why not note the excellent work and commend them?

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