Portman up 23 points on Fisher


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Republican Rob Portman has now jumped to a 23-point lead over Democratic Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher in Ohio’s U.S. Senate race.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Ohio shows Portman, a former congressman and Bush administration official, earning 57% support, his best showing in the race to date. Fisher claims just 34% support, a new low, while two percent (2%) prefer another candidate and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

Election 2010: Ohio Senate - Rasmussen Reports

I have to assume that a disparity that large is at the very least slightly inflated, but I do fully expect Portman to soundly defeat Fisher. It's just a shame that with the Republican Party supposedly repenting for its past big government sins that my own state would nominate someone with such close ties to the Bush administration. Of course, the Republican Party of Ohio bought off anyone who wanted to challenge Portman in the primary and convinced them to run for other offices, but it's still disappointing.

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