Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.
As long as Trump keeps staying active, doing interviews, I would argue he should do rallies, even outside if need be. Keep doing virtual campaigning, staying active in front of the camera and talking about how much of better a candidate he is than Biden (and point out he is a businessman, not a career politician), I can't see how Biden has much of a chance if he remains underground.

There isn't even a pent up care about who the V.P is going to be. It's as if people realize that Trump is too active and energized, too strong on China, which many Americans wisely know that NO other politician has been or will be.

My opinion has been from the start of this campaign that his ace in the hole is China. It's simply too big of an issue and a complete weakness for all other politicians in the West for 30 years. The more he repeats it and attacks the communists, the more he pounds home the point. Don't forget, many people are old enough to have voted for Reagan, or like me, even as a Canadian; have a strong admiration for Reagan.

Reagan won on American Patriotism and crushing Communism. Trump can do the same.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!
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HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.

You are correct. It'll be fun...well, for Democrats anyway. :)
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.

You are correct. It'll be fun...well, for Democrats anyway. :)

Yeah, I enjoyed watching democrats having fun in 2016:

HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.

You are correct. It'll be fun...well, for Democrats anyway. :)

You must be too young to remember 2016.
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):

One would have to believe that the biased media wouldn't want something like this to be revealed to the voting public.. Hence it's buried or completely deleted from the reading or viewing public just as Trump appearances are not found on the fake cable TV agencies....
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.

You are correct. It'll be fun...well, for Democrats anyway. :)

Yeah, I enjoyed watching democrats having fun in 2016:

View attachment 366444

I just love watching all those substandard fuckups realizing that their defects have just been invalidated. It makes me harder than Chinese math (which I probably should seek help for). I look forward to another 2-week boner in Nov.

EVERY election with no incimbent President, and the hostility to Trump by the establishment media equates to not being an incumbent, the Dems lead in the summer to early fall and the Republican catches up.

why? Because Democrats are overly enthusiastic early, then fade, and moderate Republicans and moderate centrists dont make up their minds till a few weeks before the election.

HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..

Uh..no, he isn't. Your numbers for Georgia, Kentucky, Montana, and Texas are accurate. But Biden was never expected to carry these states. I will note that it is close in Texas and there's a long way to go. The rest of your numbers, are not accurate. And you can tack Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin in Biden's column right now. By my estimate, if things hold, that's the makings of a landslide. And as always, in your Comment section, you keep pounding the same narratives. Lots of "ists", couple of "isms", and parroting baseless conspiracy theories. Maybe try giving an honest explanation as to why Trump's numbers are so bad right now and what he could do to turn it around.

Just use the drop down box where it says Battleground states.

See you motherfuckers in November.

The only poll that counts.

You are correct. It'll be fun...well, for Democrats anyway. :)

Yeah, I enjoyed watching democrats having fun in 2016:

View attachment 366444

Well, you keep reliving those Greatest Hits.
At the moment, they'll be all you have. :)
HUGE! Polls From Battleground States Show President Trump is Crushing Sleepy Joe Biden

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Breaking huge news – President Trump is crushing Sleepy Joe Biden in current polls in the swing states where it matters.
President Trump is running away with the lead in polling where it matters. Sleepy Joe may be slightly ahead of the President in Delaware where Biden is campaigning but that may be it.
Last night President Trump’s Media Director released polling numbers in the swing states where the President is showing sizable leads.
Dan Scavino tweeted results from recent polling at the American Principals Project (although his tweet is no longer available):
Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Kentucky: Trump 60, Biden 34​
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 45​
Montana: Trump 52, Biden 42​
North Carolina: Trump 49, Biden 46​
Pennsylvania: Trump 48, Biden 47​
Texas: Trump 49, Biden 45​
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is doing all it can to discourage Trump voters with phony polling but unfortunately for them, America has been through this rodeo before (only 4 years ago). Today’s results are very encouraging for those on the Trump train. If President Trump is polling ahead in these polls in these states now, after the Democrat MSM doing all it can to curtail free speech and hurt the Trump campaign with fake news and fake polls, the real outcome will be a massive Trump win.
There is no reason to be discouraged. Americans see through the Democrat and foreign entity sponsoring of the Democrat city riots. Americans see through the insane actions of Democrats in regards to the China coronavirus, trying to destroy the economy before the election. But it just won’t work.
Americans love President Trump and know that he is the only chance we have to save this country. We never knew how corrupted the country was after the Obama years until now. All we have to change is everything and Trump can lead that change.

The coming election will no doubt give Progressive Marxist Socialis/DSA Democrat Leftist the opportunity to cheat massively in November. Their propagandists seeding the disinformation need to be smoked out of the institutions so that they can stop brainwashing 40% of the nation into thinking that America is bad.
Just as in previous years with "ACORN" and the SEIU Union the new attempt by the PMS/DSA Left is to use absentee ballots to corrupt the election in their favor.
The citizens of America, especially the "Silent Majority" that shouldn't take anything for granted. We need the largest turnout in history to overcome the Marxist leftist radical from cheating once again. 2016 was too close for comfort and the 2018 midterm elections show the dangers of what could happen. We cannot be complacent, campaign and vote to save this country from the false utopian world similar to the failed countries that have succumbed to the lies of the PMS/DSA Communist Left..
They started it 4 years ago with treasonous acts to overthrow a setting president That will be our que to finish it. Genocide has it's good points.

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