Poll Shows Democrats Enjoy 10-Point Lead Over Republicans Ahead of 2018 Midterms

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Things are looking up.

Democrats Enjoy 10-Point Lead Over Republicans Ahead of 2018 Midterms

Democrats appear well positioned ahead of the midterm elections, both in terms of voter preference and enthusiasm. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows 50 percent of registered voters prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats while 40 percent say they would rather have one controlled by Republicans. That marks a widening of the Democratic lead from the January poll that showed Democrats with a six-point edge. Significantly, Independent voters also seem to be leaning toward the Democrats by a 12-point margin.

Democrats are also much more excited about the prospect of heading to the polls with 60 percent saying they have a high degree of interest in the upcoming elections while 54 percent of Republicans feel the same way.
One last look at the polls: Hillary Clinton's lead is holding steady

What do the polls say now?

As of Monday morning, polls show a modest lead for Hillary Clinton. She’s ahead of Donald Trump in the RealClearPolitics four-way national average (which also includes Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein) by 2.2 percentage points and by 2.0 points in the two-way average.

Clinton also leads in state polls. If every state voted according to its RCP average, she would win with 297 electoral votes to Trump’s 241, surpassing the needed 270.

Poll Position: Where Clinton, Trump Stand on Election Eve | RealClearPolitics

Yep, the polls are to be believed in, only if your religious party is leading!
Things are looking up.

Democrats Enjoy 10-Point Lead Over Republicans Ahead of 2018 Midterms

Democrats appear well positioned ahead of the midterm elections, both in terms of voter preference and enthusiasm. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows 50 percent of registered voters prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats while 40 percent say they would rather have one controlled by Republicans. That marks a widening of the Democratic lead from the January poll that showed Democrats with a six-point edge. Significantly, Independent voters also seem to be leaning toward the Democrats by a 12-point margin.

Democrats are also much more excited about the prospect of heading to the polls with 60 percent saying they have a high degree of interest in the upcoming elections while 54 percent of Republicans feel the same way.
I swear we've all been here before.

dé·jà vu
[ˌdāZHä ˈvo͞o]
  1. a feeling of having already experienced the present situation.
    • tedious familiarity.
      "to list the opponents of his policies is to invite boredom and a sense of déjà vu"
Good luck making back what you lost under the Kenyan Messiah

Things are looking up.

Democrats Enjoy 10-Point Lead Over Republicans Ahead of 2018 Midterms

Democrats appear well positioned ahead of the midterm elections, both in terms of voter preference and enthusiasm. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows 50 percent of registered voters prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats while 40 percent say they would rather have one controlled by Republicans. That marks a widening of the Democratic lead from the January poll that showed Democrats with a six-point edge. Significantly, Independent voters also seem to be leaning toward the Democrats by a 12-point margin.

Democrats are also much more excited about the prospect of heading to the polls with 60 percent saying they have a high degree of interest in the upcoming elections while 54 percent of Republicans feel the same way.
Yeah. You saw how much those polls worked for you during the presidential election.
Things are looking up.


After all, if the Democrats regain congressional power, look at what we have to gain: 100% Trump resistance/interference instead of just 99.3%

And look at what the Democrats did over the last 10 years when they were in charge of everything!
  • Gave us the Dodd/Frank Bill that lead to the SNL banking collapse and mini-recession.
  • Gave us the socialization and federalization of our Healthcare (1/6th the economy) which has lead millions to ruin and brought down healthcare quality to a new low.
After all, time to stop this precipitous drop in the nation's affairs under Trump, where:
  • The Supreme court has been stabilized to be a much less partisan body.
  • We have wrested some control of nuclear North Korea.
  • We are restructuring our world affairs to be better for the USA.
  • We have all but crushed ISIS.
  • Jobs and economy are way up.
  • Illegal immigration is way down.
  • The Individual Mandate has been eliminated.
  • People are keeping much more of their money.

But let's be realistic: the GOP could lose a lot of seats. It's not like they've done much of anything to make us like them much more than the Democrats, the Trump Administration has, at least as presented to us been something of a continuing circus of daily media stories, and people have a tendency to see-saw back and forth giving each their turn because let's face it: the average person doesn't have the time or the interest to really follow closely what really goes on in Washington, so gets a lot of their attitudes formed by the liberal media.

But it is way too early for anyone to be counting their eggs just yet.

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