Politics and national security

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Personally, I think the government should have as few secrets as possible, but I know that some things that should not be made public. details of covert operations fall into that category because they can sometimes harm people who are vulnerable to reprisal, like the Pakistani doctor who helped get the DNA that showed us where bin Laden was hiding. Yet, for some reason, the Obama administration is being unusually open about how decisions are made and how deeply Obama himself is involved in them. It is even more inexplicable given the fact that the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers than every other president combined.

Looking at a calendar I can't help wondering if it has something to do with the upcoming election.

The level of detail spilling out through media reports about crucial national security operations is raising the question of whether President Barack Obama's administration can keep a secret - or in some cases even wants to.
In just the past week, two tell-all articles about Obama's leadership as commander-in-chief have been published, dripping with insider details about his sleeves-rolled-up involvement in choosing terrorist targets for drone strikes and revelations about his amped-up cyber war on Iran.
Each article notes the reporters spoke to "current and former" American officials and presidential advisers, as well as sources from other countries.

Loose lips and the Obama national security ship – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
Many politicians are unable to keep their mouths shut about National Security. Apparently, the need to be seen as 'in the know' outweighs our security and the safety of those who undertake such tasks on behalf of a 'grateful' nation.

It seriously pisses me off that this Administration - far more than any other - is unable to shut the fuck up. Personally, I'd throw a few of them in prison for treason... providing 'aid and comfort' to our enemies in time of war... that's fucking treason.

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