Politicians and corporations are playing us for fools


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Now we just sit back and wait for the jobs to roll in.

The debt ceiling is raised. The deficit-reduction machine is revved up. The uncertainty has been tamed. We no longer need to worry that even talk of higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations will cause the country's most powerful people to cower in the corner when they could be putting Americans to work.

The wealthy now know that their tax cuts are safe. They know that a significant number of Republicans in Congress would risk destroying the global economy before they would raise taxes by a penny. And they know that Democrats and the administration don't have the political will or political acumen to stand up to them.

So, let the hiring begin.
Have you forgotten about the fact that Boeing spent $1-billion for a new plant in SC and the BO admin won't let them operate it? If I was a CEO and someone recommended to build a plant here I'd say "You're fired".

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