Political Predictions 2012...

Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

I think you are delusional.

First in the Senate, the Democrats have a big problem. They are defending 23 seats, the Republicans are defending only 10. Only two GOP seats are really even in contention- Massachusetts and Nevada. The Democrats have 7 vacancies and two seats where the GOP is likely to pick up the seats- NE and ND. So best case scenario for the Democrats is that they break even. (lose NE and ND, pick up MA and NV, win all the other close ones) Worst case scenario they lose nine seats. (Lose all nine contested elections), My estimate of 5 is a median guess of where they are likely to end up.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

For the house, the scenario I see there is worst case, the GOP picks up 10, best case (for dems) is they pick up 10 seats. Lots of redistricting being managed by Republican governors and legislatures, so not a good sign for the Dems on that front.

For your final delusion, if you think we are ever getting Canada style health care, you are delusional. Too many people making money, and happy to spend it.

Why do you think Obama took Single Payer off the table to start with when he had a filibuster proof senate?

He waited too long. When he lost Kennedy, he lost Congress.
1. Mr Obama will be re-elected.
2. The GOP will retain control of the House.
3. The GOP will take majority of the Senate.
4. The news media and liberals (redundancy alert) will blame the GOP for being obstructionist. (Dependent upon #1 happening)
5. Taxes will be raised on tobacco products.
6. Government spending will not be reduced.
7. Joe Biden will not be VP for four more years.
8. The GOP will continue to move leftward in an effort to appease the media but further alienate conservatives such as myself.
9. Mr Obama will order the dropping of bombs on a foreign country.
10. I won't change my political stance.
Republicans may do well next election. The reason I think so is that they have a motivated base that does not like the direction Congress and the White House are going. I also think the nation will dispel corruption at the polls or face a revolt of such magnitude there will be civil war. Also prominent lawmakers who are promoting nepotism may face impeachment and permanent ouster. The voter fraud will also stop when and not before they are escorted out of power.
Obama will win because the Republicans only have clowns to choose from. The Democrats will take back the House and win more seats in the Senate because the American people are sick and tired of Republican obstruction.

Hell.....even Porky Limbaugh is.....



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