Police State: NSA, Google Spy Ties 'Can Remain Secret'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Another travesty for the Nanny/Police State Worshippers to celebrate.

US spy agency can keep mum on Google ties: court

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday.

The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret.

The ruling came in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from a public interest group, which said the public has a right to know about any spying on citizens.

The appeals court agreed that the NSA can reject the request, and does not even have to confirm whether it has any arrangement with the Internet giant.

"Any information pertaining to the relationship between Google and NSA would reveal protected information about NSA's implementation of its information assurance mission," Judge Janice Rogers Brown wrote in the appeals opinion.

The non-profit Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) filed a formal request to make public documents related to the dealings, and said much of the information had already been in news media.

The request stemmed from a January 2010 cyber attack on Google that primarily targeted the Gmail email accounts of Chinese human rights activists.

According to the Google blog, the Internet group's chief legal officer David Drummond stated that the firm was notifying other companies that may have been targeted and was also working with the relevant US authorities...

Privacy advocates already critical of Google policies regarding saving user data and targeting ads to match online behavior patterns fear that an alliance with the spy network could put private information at risk.

Read More:
US spy agency can keep mum on Google ties: court - Yahoo! News Canada
Granny says, "Dat's right - the cops is wantin' Google to do their data minin' fer `em...
Governments fishing for more user data from Google
Jan 23,`13: Google is being pulled into an increasing number of police and government investigations around the world as authorities seek to learn more about the people who use its Internet search engine, email and other services.
The latest snapshot of law enforcement agencies' efforts to extract personal information from Google emerged in a Wednesday report from the company. Governments presented Google with 21,389 requests for information on 33,634 of its users during the last six months of 2012. The number of requests was up 17 percent from a year earlier.

Authorities in the U.S. delivered nearly 8,438 of the requests, representing nearly 40 percent of the worldwide total. The U.S. volume was one-third higher than in the same period the previous year. Subpoenas accounted for 68 percent of U.S. requests, followed by search warrants at 22 percent. A mix of court orders and other legal demands made up the remaining U.S. requests for user information from Google.

India generated the second highest number of user requests during the final half of last year at 2,431, a 10 percent increase from the previous year. Since 2010, Google Inc. has been disclosing the total number of subpoenas, search warrants and other legal requests that it receives.

The company, which is based in Mountain View, Calif., said it plans to release a report within the next few months on the number of government demands it receives to remove videos, blog entries and other content from its services. That data also will cover the July-December period.

Granny says, "Dat's right - the cops is wantin' Google to do their data minin' fer `em...
Governments fishing for more user data from Google
Jan 23,`13: Google is being pulled into an increasing number of police and government investigations around the world as authorities seek to learn more about the people who use its Internet search engine, email and other services.
The latest snapshot of law enforcement agencies' efforts to extract personal information from Google emerged in a Wednesday report from the company. Governments presented Google with 21,389 requests for information on 33,634 of its users during the last six months of 2012. The number of requests was up 17 percent from a year earlier.

Authorities in the U.S. delivered nearly 8,438 of the requests, representing nearly 40 percent of the worldwide total. The U.S. volume was one-third higher than in the same period the previous year. Subpoenas accounted for 68 percent of U.S. requests, followed by search warrants at 22 percent. A mix of court orders and other legal demands made up the remaining U.S. requests for user information from Google.

India generated the second highest number of user requests during the final half of last year at 2,431, a 10 percent increase from the previous year. Since 2010, Google Inc. has been disclosing the total number of subpoenas, search warrants and other legal requests that it receives.

The company, which is based in Mountain View, Calif., said it plans to release a report within the next few months on the number of government demands it receives to remove videos, blog entries and other content from its services. That data also will cover the July-December period.


Google and Facebook work very closely with the Government. They're now part of the Government/Media Complex. Such a tangled web of Big Brother deceit.
Does the NSA think there are any secrets left? The CIA couldn't find a spy in the next cubicle for ten years and now Wikileaks are all over the world. Clinton sold ICBM technology to China and Hussein is giving American jets to the muslem brotherhood in Egypt who danced in the street after 9-11.
.Click on image
It has been reported that the CIA funded the start up of Google.


  • $google-spies-cia-2.jpg
    22.9 KB · Views: 91
Does the NSA think there are any secrets left? The CIA couldn't find a spy in the next cubicle for ten years and now Wikileaks are all over the world. Clinton sold ICBM technology to China and Hussein is giving American jets to the muslem brotherhood in Egypt who danced in the street after 9-11.

Yeah, what a bizarre mess. Some are waking up though. Cracks are beginning to appear in the Government/Media Complex facade. More & more Americans are beginning to understand that all information they currently receive, is filtered through the Government/Media Complex. There is very little if any truth in the information Americans receive. Facebook and Google are just part of the Government/Media Complex. Mere surveillance tools for Big Brother.
If you fear a tyrannical government, then you should always support giant cuts in military/security spending. Giant military states ALWAYS oppress their own populations.
Granny says, "Dat's right - the cops is wantin' Google to do their data minin' fer `em...
Governments fishing for more user data from Google
Jan 23,`13: Google is being pulled into an increasing number of police and government investigations around the world as authorities seek to learn more about the people who use its Internet search engine, email and other services.
The latest snapshot of law enforcement agencies' efforts to extract personal information from Google emerged in a Wednesday report from the company. Governments presented Google with 21,389 requests for information on 33,634 of its users during the last six months of 2012. The number of requests was up 17 percent from a year earlier.

Authorities in the U.S. delivered nearly 8,438 of the requests, representing nearly 40 percent of the worldwide total. The U.S. volume was one-third higher than in the same period the previous year. Subpoenas accounted for 68 percent of U.S. requests, followed by search warrants at 22 percent. A mix of court orders and other legal demands made up the remaining U.S. requests for user information from Google.

India generated the second highest number of user requests during the final half of last year at 2,431, a 10 percent increase from the previous year. Since 2010, Google Inc. has been disclosing the total number of subpoenas, search warrants and other legal requests that it receives.

The company, which is based in Mountain View, Calif., said it plans to release a report within the next few months on the number of government demands it receives to remove videos, blog entries and other content from its services. That data also will cover the July-December period.


Google and Facebook work very closely with the Government. They're now part of the Government/Media Complex. Such a tangled web of Big Brother deceit.

There is an aspect of Google's operations that has disturbed me also.
I bought an Android cellphone, and like most have downloaded free applications from the Google store. Some of these Apps ask for all sorts of permissions to read from and to write to my phone in order for them to run. If "Big Brother" so desired, he could get pretty good knowledge of what I do with my phone (who I talk to, etc) and also what I do on the internet via a data link to these "free" applications. The independent developers of these Apps might not even know that "Big Brother" was doing this, as the relationship is between Goggle and "Big Brother" and not with them. :frown:
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Granny says, "Dat's right - the cops is wantin' Google to do their data minin' fer `em...
Governments fishing for more user data from Google
Jan 23,`13: Google is being pulled into an increasing number of police and government investigations around the world as authorities seek to learn more about the people who use its Internet search engine, email and other services.

Google and Facebook work very closely with the Government. They're now part of the Government/Media Complex. Such a tangled web of Big Brother deceit.

There is an aspect of Google's operations that has disturbed me also.
I bought an Android cellphone, and like most have downloaded free applications from the Google store. Some of these Apps ask for all sorts of permissions to read from and to write to my phone in order for them to run. If "Big Brother" so desired, he could get pretty good knowledge of what I do with my phone (who I talk to, etc) and also what I do on the internet via a data link to these "free" applications. The independent developers of these Apps might not even know that "Big Brother" was doing this, as the relationship is between Goggle and "Big Brother" and not with them. :frown:

They definitely are the standard permissions of tracking your location which the wireless companies can do anyhow.

In that same vein:

Google Maps Coordinate Allows Businesses to Track Employees | TIME.com
You have to kidding me. You are worried about Google when every two way communication form that uses any telephone trunk line in the USA is and has been recording your stuff for years?
You can't do anything on any phone or any computer that the government can't listen to or read. It's all being done in the name of your safety. Don't you feel a lot safer?
You have to kidding me. You are worried about Google when every two way communication form that uses any telephone trunk line in the USA is and has been recording your stuff for years?
You can't do anything on any phone or any computer that the government can't listen to or read. It's all being done in the name of your safety. Don't you feel a lot safer?

Who is dismissing telcom data mining issues? Google and the court ruling happens to be the topic of this thread.

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