Police Chief Saunders ducks responsibility on missing killer


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The Canadian kakistocracy at work. Low performing, unaccountable, often unethical and most importantly, unconcerned about consequences because there aren't ever any. This escaped killer could have killed 12 people after being released and not one person would lose a dollar off of their paycheques.

He walks away from a low security area (which makes little sense considering he's a murderer), the police chief pretends he didn't know there was a risk even though an internet search would have shown he murdered his roomate. He and his band of professional ass coverers then decide it's better they DON'T inform the public after the guy leaves because they would rather the risk to us be high until they can cover their asses and either find him themselves or create a narrative.

The guy was able to get on a plane back to China. Meaning, TPS, OPP RCMP are all responsible. None of these agencies have Canadian interests or allied interests at heart. It's been a covert racket of ass covering, misrepresentation of citizens and threats while REAL threats go on unabated.

If they cannot control the narrative or manufacture the threat, they don't solve the crime. This used to be the domain of only the RCMP and OPP, it's spread broadly to many agencies and government employees.

LILLEY: Police Chief Saunders ducks responsibility on missing killer
Sounds like some of our liberals did leave the country.
Sounds like some of our liberals did leave the country.

Oh we don't have liberals in our police agencies. The worst part about these fake conservatives is they prefer nepotism and unimpressive elitism over character and competence. Politicians willingly allow them to be incompetent as long as they leave them alone. We had both the mayor and premier feign fake outrage about this, demanding an "independent investigation". They want it to blow over fast, in fear some of it will reflect on them and their incompetence.

As an example, John Tory, the mayor, sits on the Police Board. Doug Ford had dinner with Saunders after he was elected and tossed him $25M bonus on top of their $1B budget, "just because". Ford chose a guy for OPP (their agency itself, grossly self serving) commissioner who was his pal, the pressure got to him so he declined the offer. This same guy just this week who I posted about, the TPS Superintendent who can't testify in a sexual assault trail against some in his precinct, a case that has dragged on for 5 years.

No bigger racket in Canada than the SIC. Unaccountable, helping to destroy our reputation and economy. From the RCMP on down, we have a crisis of our Charter of Rights and, unaccountable covert, methodology that serves nobody except those looking to build their own careers on lies. What's vital about all of this, is that I KNOW there are American agencies from the FBI to LAPD and NYPD, some state police who work closely with Canadian police, and they probably believe Canadian police. They believe the fraternity is based on honesty, character etc.

They don't know how Canada works, or are sadly naive...
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I think the psychiatric facility is responsible, he should of never been let out or given any pass since he is a danger to others and will be forever.

I'm sure they want it to blow over fast. Same things happen in the US.
I think the psychiatric facility is responsible, he should of never been let out or given any pass since he is a danger to others and will be forever.

I'm sure they want it to blow over fast. Same things happen in the US.

Yes they have responsibility. However, police didn't notify ANY public members for 2 weeks. They knew he was out there, they knew he was a murderer but yet, they told nobody. They wanted to quietly find him and felt it best to keep it all "hush hush" rather than face the humiliation. Then they find out, he left the country, which now involves many police agencies.

I don't expect perfection, but these are billion dollar budget agencies and there were lives at stake. I can understand when they sweep under the rug smaller issues, small time problems within the force, that's internal and not a harm to anyone else. I may not agree with it, but it is understandable. This is different, this decision placed innocent lives at risk
I think the psychiatric facility is responsible, he should of never been let out or given any pass since he is a danger to others and will be forever.

I'm sure they want it to blow over fast. Same things happen in the US.

Yes they have responsibility. However, police didn't notify ANY public members for 2 weeks. They knew he was out there, they knew he was a murderer but yet, they told nobody. They wanted to quietly find him and felt it best to keep it all "hush hush" rather than face the humiliation. Then they find out, he left the country, which now involves many police agencies.

I don't expect perfection, but these are billion dollar budget agencies and there were lives at stake. I can understand when they sweep under the rug smaller issues, small time problems within the force, that's internal and not a harm to anyone else. I may not agree with it, but it is understandable. This is different, this decision placed innocent lives at risk

True I missed the point it was almost 2 weeks, that is a long time for a mental killer to be loose.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.


Wrong thread pal. I'm just a Canadian trying to follow God and my dreams, and being denied. THAT'S the real Canadian story. I'm not sure which thread you were trying to post in.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.


Wrong thread pal. I'm just a Canadian trying to follow God and my dreams, and being denied. THAT'S the real Canadian story. I'm not sure which thread you were trying to post in.
The comments in the article you posted.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.


Wrong thread pal. I'm just a Canadian trying to follow God and my dreams, and being denied. THAT'S the real Canadian story. I'm not sure which thread you were trying to post in.
The comments in the article you posted.

Oh. I don't control the comments section under the article. That's just some crazed Canadian looking to complain about issues that have nothing to do with the malfeasance of these agencies and the risk they placed the public in
Looks like lots of people plain didn’t do their jobs. To let a mentally ill nut out on a day pass is just stupid, to not let the public know for two weeks is reckless endangerment. Then he gets on a plane? How the hell does that happen? The guy is insane, you would have thought his name would pop up somewhere.

Tons of mistakes, at least he is in China and Canada is safe.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.

Reading the comments section about how you can earn lots of money sitting at home? Lol! Give me a break, law enforcement screwed up royally and it has absolutely nothing to with Somalian refuges.
Looks like lots of people plain didn’t do their jobs. To let a mentally ill nut out on a day pass is just stupid, to not let the public know for two weeks is reckless endangerment. Then he gets on a plane? How the hell does that happen? The guy is insane, you would have thought his name would pop up somewhere.

Tons of mistakes, at least he is in China and Canada is safe.

Herein lies the problem. How much of this is going on that we are not privy to?

Smaller stories and threats, abuses against citizens that nobody exposes? I know first hand how the racket in this nation works, let me tell you, American companies operating here are exposing themselves to abuses within their HR depts. management etc. These are vital details Canadian politicians do not want Americans to know about. Without question some do know, especially in Europe where once again they are delaying CETA due to concerns about Canadian tariffs and abuses.

This is just one issue of MANY, and again, leadership blames others, politicians pretend they didn't know about it, one police force blames another (a screw up this big involves more than one incompetent force), on and on. No nation is perfect, but some are diabolical in their methods against citizens.

Ask yourself this. How did this guy get a pass and gain access to a plane out of the nation? What level of broad incompetence does that require?

As I said, the RCMP have always had a bad reputation and have not been trusted by many domestically or internationally, but this is now a systemic problem in many police forces. Even their recruiting methodology is suspect, ensuring they do not hire people of the highest character.
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Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.


Wrong thread pal. I'm just a Canadian trying to follow God and my dreams, and being denied. THAT'S the real Canadian story. I'm not sure which thread you were trying to post in.
The comments in the article you posted.

Oh. I don't control the comments section under the article. That's just some crazed Canadian looking to complain about issues that have nothing to do with the malfeasance of these agencies and the risk they placed the public in
I realize that. I just thought it was an interesting glimpse into the psyche of some Canadians.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.


Wrong thread pal. I'm just a Canadian trying to follow God and my dreams, and being denied. THAT'S the real Canadian story. I'm not sure which thread you were trying to post in.
The comments in the article you posted.

Oh. I don't control the comments section under the article. That's just some crazed Canadian looking to complain about issues that have nothing to do with the malfeasance of these agencies and the risk they placed the public in
I realize that. I just thought it was an interesting glimpse into the psyche of some Canadians.

Meh, a small minority. I always just assume they are provocateurs, looking to rile people up, or, they are young people still lacking logical thinking.
In a statement, the service said it had been informed that Mr. Cong “was a ‘low risk’ to public safety, to himself and was allowed on regular, unaccompanied public passes.”
Toronto CAMH patient who left Canada one of three to flee hospital’s care in two months

Apparently one does not know when a killer is let out of a mental hosp unless he/she goes missing.
Thank you for sharing. The comments section was interesting. I see folks in Canada are bemoaning the loss of Canadian culture and being invaded by Somalis just like Americans.

Reading the comments section about how you can earn lots of money sitting at home? Lol! Give me a break, law enforcement screwed up royally and it has absolutely nothing to with Somalian refuges.
Exactly. Read comment 14 and the OP response. Really not interested in making a huge deal out of an innocuous observation made from the comments section of the OP link.

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