Pocahontas "troubled" by $400K Obama speech


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Funny my 10,000 post should be about progressive liberal ilk...

Warren "troubled" by $400K Obama speech at upcoming Wall Street conference

20 / 29

CBS News

Alan He 6 hrs ago


"I was troubled by that," Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, a fierce Wall Street critic, said on Thursday during in an interview with Sirius XM's "Alter Family Politics" program.

Watch: Former President Obama makes first post-presidency public appearance


In the interview, Warren decried money in politics as a "snake that slithers through Washington" and distinguished between campaign contributions, which are documented by the Federal Election Commission, compared to the kind of money that flows to think tanks and lobbyists.

For his part, Obama was a critic of Wall Street excesses while in office. Amidst the financial crisis in 2009, he famously told CBS' "60 Minutes," "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat-cat bankers on Wall Street."

Warren "troubled" by $400K Obama speech at upcoming Wall Street conference
Sure, she said she was troubled..... during an interview where she was also promoting her new book, which is how Liz cashes in.

They're all whores. The letter next to their name doesn't mean a fucking thing when it comes to lining their own pockets, and the words that come out of their mouths to sell themselves mean even less...
Who the hell would pay almost half a million dollars to hear that blowhard speak? Oh. Wait. Wealthy democrats.
Well, at least some African Americans
benefited from the first African American president....
Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha. :lmao:
Funny my 10,000 post should be about progressive liberal ilk...

Warren "troubled" by $400K Obama speech at upcoming Wall Street conference

20 / 29

CBS News

Alan He 6 hrs ago


"I was troubled by that," Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, a fierce Wall Street critic, said on Thursday during in an interview with Sirius XM's "Alter Family Politics" program.

Watch: Former President Obama makes first post-presidency public appearance


In the interview, Warren decried money in politics as a "snake that slithers through Washington" and distinguished between campaign contributions, which are documented by the Federal Election Commission, compared to the kind of money that flows to think tanks and lobbyists.

For his part, Obama was a critic of Wall Street excesses while in office. Amidst the financial crisis in 2009, he famously told CBS' "60 Minutes," "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat-cat bankers on Wall Street."

Warren "troubled" by $400K Obama speech at upcoming Wall Street conference

I'd like to be troubled about this, I really would.

Unfortunately, we have a stupid Cheeto threatening a deranged, nuclear armed regime to worry about.

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