Plot uncovered to derail Arpaio pardon


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Plot Uncovered to Derail Arpaio Pardon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The case President Trump needs to understand is that Arpaio, the victim of an unjust prosecution and an unjust conviction, is being set up for an unjust sentencing and jail term that he will inevitably suffer if Democratic operatives and their allies in the establishment GOP succeed in convincing Trump to delay the pardon until after Sheriff Arpaio is sentenced on October 5.

The Judge who sentenced him based on the wrong law is an idiot and should be forced to step down.
There is an error in the analysis.

It is not true that once sentence has been given there is no pardon for five years.

A pardon can be given at any time. A request for a pardon can only be made after five years post sentence completion. It is part of the application process, not part of the pardon process.
Granny says, "Dat's right - ya can't keep a good man down...

Federal judge dismisses challenge to Trump's pardon of ex-sheriff Arpaio
Oct. 5, 2017 -- A U.S. federal judge dismissed Wednesday a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and several other civil rights groups that argued President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio was unconstitutional.
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton dismissed the case against the pardon with prejudice, meaning the plaintiffs cannot refile. Arpaio had been found guilty of criminal contempt in a court case involving his part in racial profiling of Latin immigrants in Maricopa County, Ariz. Trump issued a pardon for the 85-year-old ex-sheriff in August.
In a 14-page ruling, Bolton said she found no legal grounds to deny the presidential pardon.

Bolton was the judge who originally found Arpaio guilty of criminal contempt for refusing to obey another judge's orders to stop profiling undocumented migrants in Maricopa County. Arpaio did not attend the Wednesday hearing, but commented on the ruling to the Arizona Republic. "I'm happy the conviction was dismissed, especially since I am not guilty and I will be addressing that issue in the near future," he said.


A federal judge on Wednesday approved President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt and stepped down as sheriff.​

After Trump's pardon, the ACLU criticized the move, calling it a "presidential endorsement of racism" before filing its lawsuit. "With his pardon of Arpaio, Trump has chosen lawlessness over justice, division over unity, hurt over healing," said ACLU Deputy Legal Director Cecillia Wang. "Once again, the president has acted in support of illegal, failed immigration enforcement practices that target people of color and have been struck down by the courts."

House Democrats filed an amicus brief last month urging Bolton to deny the pardon. "The pardon here is an intentional usurpation of the court's authority by the president," the letter stated. "President Trump does not pretend that his pardon of the defendant is based upon the considerations of grace that usually justify the exercise of the pardon power."

Federal judge dismisses challenge to Trump's pardon of ex-sheriff Arpaio
Plot Uncovered to Derail Arpaio Pardon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The case President Trump needs to understand is that Arpaio, the victim of an unjust prosecution and an unjust conviction, is being set up for an unjust sentencing and jail term that he will inevitably suffer if Democratic operatives and their allies in the establishment GOP succeed in convincing Trump to delay the pardon until after Sheriff Arpaio is sentenced on October 5.

The Judge who sentenced him based on the wrong law is an idiot and should be forced to step down.
Why are you STILL using InfoWars as a news source? We've gone over this a million fucking times now. No one is interested in your fake news.
Ariz. judges Susan Bolton refuses to erase Sheriff Joe Arpaio's conviction...

Federal judge refuses to erase Arpaio's conviction from court records
Oct. 19, 2017 -- Former Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio received a pardon from President Donald Trump, but the judge who found him guilty of criminal contempt has refused to wipe evidence of his conviction off the record.
The presidential pardon assures that Arpaio is protected from prosecution, but his attorneys and the Justice Department had asked Judge Susan Ritchie Bolton to have her rulings vacated from the court.


A federal judge in Arizona has refused to expunge a contempt conviction against former Maricopa County (Ariz.) Sheriff Joe Arpaio, even though he's received a pardon from President Donald Trump.​

Bolton denied the request. "The power to pardon is an executive prerogative of mercy, not of judicial record keeping," she wrote in her ruling. "To vacate all rulings in this case would run afoul of this important distinction. The court found defendant guilty of criminal contempt. "The pardon undoubtedly spared [Arpaio] from any punishment that might otherwise have been imposed. It did not, however, 'revise the historical facts' of this case." Arpaio insists he will keep fighting to have the record of his conviction erased. "It's not going to be dropped," the 85-year-old former sheriff told Capitol Media Services.

Arpaio attorney Jack Wilenchik said his client wants the conviction expunged because he was not entitled to a jury trial -- and if he had been, he believes Arpaio would have won. Arpaio's team said it will appeal Bolton's ruling on grounds that she misstated facts in a previous presidential pardon case involving former President Bill Clinton, which she used as legal precedent for her ruling.

Federal judge refuses to erase Arpaio's conviction from court records
Arpaio can still be sued in civil court for his actions. The pardon only protects him from the consequences of the criminal convictions against him but it doesn't erase his convictions or protect him from civil suits.
Plot Uncovered to Derail Arpaio Pardon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The case President Trump needs to understand is that Arpaio, the victim of an unjust prosecution and an unjust conviction, is being set up for an unjust sentencing and jail term that he will inevitably suffer if Democratic operatives and their allies in the establishment GOP succeed in convincing Trump to delay the pardon until after Sheriff Arpaio is sentenced on October 5.

The Judge who sentenced him based on the wrong law is an idiot and should be forced to step down.
Agreed. Sheriff Joe is an American patriot.
Arpaio can still be sued in civil court for his actions. The pardon only protects him from the consequences of the criminal convictions against him but it doesn't erase his convictions or protect him from civil suits.
Civil court for what? Damages by illegal aliens? Lol.
Agreed. Sheriff Joe is an American patriot.

Nope. He's just a sleazy little uneducated and bigoted bitch who thought that he was exempt from the Constitution of the United States and our laws. He ain't no hero or patriot by a long shot.
The judge is correct.

The "judge" is a well known political enemy of Arpaio and should have recused herself. She didn't thus she is unethical, thus she is wrong.
Arpaio can still be sued in civil court for his actions. The pardon only protects him from the consequences of the criminal convictions against him but it doesn't erase his convictions or protect him from civil suits.
Civil court for what? Damages by illegal aliens? Lol.

Arpaio refused to prosecute rape cases and child molestation cases, even if the perpetrator was known, if the victim was undocumented. He deliberately left rapists and molesters free to offend again.

He abused prisoners in his custody, some of whom were diabetics or had medical conditions. Some people died due to lack of medical care. In total, the County paid out over $24 million in settlements to Arpaio's victims.

He also let other crimes in his county slide while he went on an all-out search for illegals. Please remember that immigration enforcement is not the job of local police. Arpaio' job was to serve and protect the citizens in his county, not to enforce immigration law, which is the job of federal law enforcement.

This is a sadistic asshole and he's definitely no hero.
Plot Uncovered to Derail Arpaio Pardon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The case President Trump needs to understand is that Arpaio, the victim of an unjust prosecution and an unjust conviction, is being set up for an unjust sentencing and jail term that he will inevitably suffer if Democratic operatives and their allies in the establishment GOP succeed in convincing Trump to delay the pardon until after Sheriff Arpaio is sentenced on October 5.

The Judge who sentenced him based on the wrong law is an idiot and should be forced to step down.

You are the idiot. She got it right.
Plot Uncovered to Derail Arpaio Pardon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The case President Trump needs to understand is that Arpaio, the victim of an unjust prosecution and an unjust conviction, is being set up for an unjust sentencing and jail term that he will inevitably suffer if Democratic operatives and their allies in the establishment GOP succeed in convincing Trump to delay the pardon until after Sheriff Arpaio is sentenced on October 5.

The Judge who sentenced him based on the wrong law is an idiot and should be forced to step down.

You are the idiot. She got it right.

You are an idiot because you don't know the facts, you assholes believe MSM lies when evidence is produced over and over dumb asses you all are pathetic.

Arpaio can still be sued in civil court for his actions. The pardon only protects him from the consequences of the criminal convictions against him but it doesn't erase his convictions or protect him from civil suits.
Civil court for what? Damages by illegal aliens? Lol.

Arpaio refused to prosecute rape cases and child molestation cases, even if the perpetrator was known, if the victim was undocumented. He deliberately left rapists and molesters free to offend again.

He abused prisoners in his custody, some of whom were diabetics or had medical conditions. Some people died due to lack of medical care. In total, the County paid out over $24 million in settlements to Arpaio's victims.

He also let other crimes in his county slide while he went on an all-out search for illegals. Please remember that immigration enforcement is not the job of local police. Arpaio' job was to serve and protect the citizens in his county, not to enforce immigration law, which is the job of federal law enforcement.

This is a sadistic asshole and he's definitely no hero.
They are prisoners...because...they broke the fucking law! Hello!

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