Please someone tell me....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
How are people using the *informative* button? Is it serving as a negative commentary, or does it mean literally, gosh, that was informative!

Because I can't tell.

Does it have any implications with regards to trophies or...? on the admin side?
sometimes i hit that button sincerely just to say thanks for the good info provided.

other times i use it sort of tongue-in-cheek if something amuses me for one reason or another...
i use it when the post is informative....simple as that...

should you know carla danger has a hard on for you?
I already know, lol. I've had her on ignore forever, that's why she feels compelled to declare her love publicly.
How are people using the *informative* button? Is it serving as a negative commentary, or does it mean literally, gosh, that was informative!

Because I can't tell.

Does it have any implications with regards to trophies or...? on the admin side?
I don't know, but I wish we had a "play it again, Sam" button.
Beats me but I am enjoying the Hell out of the "funny" button... using it at the most inappropriate of times lol​
I use it mostly to just recognize the post/poster. Not worthy of a "thanks", not "funny", and not appropriate for an "agree". Sometimes it is informative and piques my interest. Ergo, the informative hit.
I use the informative button when the post is informative or just a really good post.
koshergrl you shuold email the foundry. There isn't a I hate n1ggers button. Why in the hell is there an Informative button when there isn't a button we can click to point out mud people.
Hi koshergrl
I use it for when someone posts a good link, information, etc.
that adds knowledge, details or clarification I didn't have before.

[I also use it if someone reveals or explains their thinking, motivation or viewpoint;
if it helps me to understand their views, perspective or reasoning, EVEN IF I DISAGREE.
It is still "informative" to understand the background or justification behind something.]
I think we should have the "too much information" button. You know, for those special times that we have to listen to certain posters go on and on about their sexual preferences or their poop.
The irony by someone speaking of private and personal info being plastered and doomed to read it, leaves me gobsmacked.

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