CDZ Please explain to me, The term "undocumented" is this a PC term for "illegal immigrant"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.
I don't think it's the same thing. I've been an undocumented worker but I was never "illegal".

I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant"

The correct term is illegal alien.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.
A couple years ago it became taboo to say "illegal alien." Undocumented is strictly a Liberal Progressive PC term. Liberals are stung by words and need safe spaces to escape these hurtful words.
I don't think it's the same thing. I've been an undocumented worker but I was never "illegal".


OK two things --- one, I did not put that egg there, and two, I would never wear horizontal stripes.

Perhaps it's an undocumented ovarian.
You will hear a lot of BS from the Right on this, but "Undocumented" simply means someone who can not produce proof that he is in this country legally, BUT, has not yet been convicted of being an "illegal alien" in a court of law. In spite of the Right wanting to skip the person's right to a trial, a person is simply not an "illegal alien", until he has been convicted of that in court.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.
A couple years ago it became taboo to say "illegal alien." Undocumented is strictly a Liberal Progressive PC term. Liberals are stung by words and need safe spaces to escape these hurtful words.

I don't traffic in either term but it seems to me "undocumented worker" refers to where one works and "illegal (or legal) immigrant" refers to where one lives. Seems to me they're two different things.

For example I've worked in Canada, without any proper documentation to do so --- but I've never lived there.
I don't think it's the same thing. I've been an undocumented worker but I was never "illegal".


OK two things --- one, I did not put that egg there, and two, I would never wear horizontal stripes.

Perhaps it's an undocumented ovarian.
The egg is from Coyote's OP about the USMB Easter egg hunt. Here's the setup.

USMB Ultimate Egg-Off Challange! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Thanks Hoss, that essplains it. I just knew there had to be a female involved.
'Course if it were left up to us guys it would be a much more squiggly thing. And way smaller.

Whew. I thought somebody was trying to tell me my post laid an egg. Yolk yolk.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. It hurt the illegal's sensibilities to be called illegal, so the pc police starting calling them undocumented. And the liberal media perpetuated it. And the snowflakes are too busy coloring and playing jacks to form a rational opinion.
We voted for illegal and removal.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. It hurt the illegal's sensibilities to be called illegal, so the pc police starting calling them undocumented. And the liberal media perpetuated it. And the snowflakes are too busy coloring and playing jacks to form a rational opinion.
We voted for illegal and removal.

That's a cute paraonia fantasy but they don't mean the same thing. If you get pulled over and can't find your registration card because you left it somewhere else, that makes the car "undocumented". If you can't find it because it doesn't exist because you never got one, the car is "illegal". And again, AFAIK the former is usually attached to "worker" and the latter to "immigrant". One is where you work, the other is where you live.
I don't think it's the same thing. I've been an undocumented worker but I was never "illegal".


OK two things --- one, I did not put that egg there, and two, I would never wear horizontal stripes.

Perhaps it's an undocumented ovarian.

I have seen two so far and I am about to call INS on a Coyote that is egging us!

Damn illegal eggs!
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. "Undocumented immigrant" is a politically-correct term used by those who are strangers to fact and reality to describe one illegally and criminally in the United States. The term is an attempt to soften the criminality of their presence.

Those whose visas have expired are here illegally. Those born here are considered citizens, but that does not pass to their relatives, and the question of the constitutional circumstances of their citizenship may be revisited soon.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. It hurt the illegal's sensibilities to be called illegal, so the pc police starting calling them undocumented. And the liberal media perpetuated it. And the snowflakes are too busy coloring and playing jacks to form a rational opinion.
We voted for illegal and removal.

That's a cute paraonia fantasy but they don't mean the same thing. If you get pulled over and can't find your registration card because you left it somewhere else, that makes the car "undocumented". If you can't find it because it doesn't exist because you never got one, the car is "illegal". And again, AFAIK the former is usually attached to "worker" and the latter to "immigrant". One is where you work, the other is where you live.

Having no document ever and being unable to produce an existing document at a given time and place from your glove compartment are not the same. Said document is available from your DMV. A nonexistent document is not.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. It hurt the illegal's sensibilities to be called illegal, so the pc police starting calling them undocumented. And the liberal media perpetuated it. And the snowflakes are too busy coloring and playing jacks to form a rational opinion.
We voted for illegal and removal.

That's a cute paraonia fantasy but they don't mean the same thing. If you get pulled over and can't find your registration card because you left it somewhere else, that makes the car "undocumented". If you can't find it because it doesn't exist because you never got one, the car is "illegal". And again, AFAIK the former is usually attached to "worker" and the latter to "immigrant". One is where you work, the other is where you live.

Having no document ever and being unable to produce an existing document at a given time and place from your glove compartment are not the same. Said document is available from your DMV. A nonexistent document is not.

No shit.
That's what I just said.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

Yes. It hurt the illegal's sensibilities to be called illegal, so the pc police starting calling them undocumented. And the liberal media perpetuated it. And the snowflakes are too busy coloring and playing jacks to form a rational opinion.
We voted for illegal and removal.

That's a cute paraonia fantasy but they don't mean the same thing. If you get pulled over and can't find your registration card because you left it somewhere else, that makes the car "undocumented". If you can't find it because it doesn't exist because you never got one, the car is "illegal". And again, AFAIK the former is usually attached to "worker" and the latter to "immigrant". One is where you work, the other is where you live.

Having no document ever and being unable to produce an existing document at a given time and place from your glove compartment are not the same. Said document is available from your DMV. A nonexistent document is not.

No shit.
That's what I just said.

No. You said the car was "undocumented" if the registration could not be produced on the spot. That is not true. Assuming the owner follows the law, the document exists.

An undocumented alien has no such document whatsoever.
The term "Undocumented Alien" was created to replace the actual term "Illegal Alien" during the GW years.
I keep hearing this being used to describe illegals from Mexico. I don't know if this is a PC term for illegal immigrants, a term to describe a specific situation for someone who had a VISA and it expired, or, one of the "dreamers" who was born in America because their parents were illegal, yadda yadda.

Can someone explain this term to me please? If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant", it needs to be wiped from the lexicon, it's an insult to the terminology.

I await any information that you guys could provide.

If it is just a politically correct term for "illegal immigrant"

The correct term is illegal alien.

Yes, criminal illegal alien is the correct term. there is no such thing as an 'illegal immigrant' or an 'undocumented immigrant'; it's just kulturekampf nonsense, like using 'gay' to mean mentally ill homosexual sex fetishist.

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