CDZ Please explain to me something...


Sep 16, 2018
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?
I read not too long ago that the historic, unprecedented worldwide immigration of refugees is causing a backlash and a great deal of civic and economic distress everywhere.
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

In my opinion, the biggest problem is that many (most?) people in government have become enamored with the idea that we can "mold" society via government. But people tend to resent, and resist, being molded. And they've become so sick of it they'll vote for anyone they think might break the mold.
I read not too long ago that the historic, unprecedented worldwide immigration of refugees is causing a backlash and a great deal of civic and economic distress everywhere.
Arent the same countries that suffer from the economic distress by immigration often the reason those people are on the move?
I read not too long ago that the historic, unprecedented worldwide immigration of refugees is causing a backlash and a great deal of civic and economic distress everywhere.
Arent the same countries that suffer from the economic distress by immigration often the reason those people are on the move?
Yes. The places they are arriving at are the ones reacting with extremist reactions.
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

In my opinion, the biggest problem is that many (most?) people in government have become enamored with the idea that we can "mold" society via government. But people tend to resent, and resist, being molded. And they've become so sick of it they'll vote for anyone they think might break the mold.
With what in mind? How would a voters life get better by dismanteling the government or replacing it with some autocracy? I really mean it... I dont understand these people. My parents are very well settled (economy wise) and they started voting for AfD (a german right wing party) - part of me thinks, its age, but considering who votes for them, it is not the only reason. They have no reason to be unhappy with the government, with their lifes and i think 30-40 percent cannot be explained with "people tend to resent" - why now and not 20 years ago? I would agree that in every society you will find 10 percent where your statement holds true
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

In my opinion, the biggest problem is that many (most?) people in government have become enamored with the idea that we can "mold" society via government. But people tend to resent, and resist, being molded. And they've become so sick of it they'll vote for anyone they think might break the mold.
With what in mind? How would a voters life get better by dismanteling the government or replacing it with some autocracy? I really mean it... I dont understand these people.

Neither do I. But that's just the point. Neither do the people in government who are trying to tell them how to live. We need to re-discover the beauty of live-and-let-live. It's not such a bad way to go.
The extremists don't elect people, they try to influence but in the end Average Joe and Josephine America is who elects.

You saw that in 2916...a silent majority decided the election.
Maybe they decided the election, but it was far too close anyways. Him being president is one thing, but even if he would just have gotten 45 percent it would have been questionable still. And i still dont get it, when i was still in high school he was bankrupt with one of his companies and yet if you listen to Fox News people see him as the better Warren Buffet. How is this possible?
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

First off, the US isn't a "Democracy". We're a constitutional republic. Secondly, please don't confuse "extremism" with nationalism, a love of country, God, and traditional values of marriage and family.

"Extremism" is what murders unborn babies in the womb, denies people their First Amendment constitutional right of free speech and Second Amendment right to protect themselves and their family.

"Extremism" is what causes people to attempt a political assassination on a baseball field, or welcome thousands of illegal alien murderers, drug dealers, pedophiles, and sex offenders into this country, or even try to give them the "right" to vote in our elections.
The extremists don't elect people, they try to influence but in the end Average Joe and Josephine America is who elects.

You saw that in 2916...a silent majority decided the election.
Maybe they decided the election, but it was far too close anyways. Him being president is one thing, but even if he would just have gotten 45 percent it would have been questionable still. And i still dont get it, when i was still in high school he was bankrupt with one of his companies and yet if you listen to Fox News people see him as the better Warren Buffet. How is this possible?

People were weary of the bullshit the dems played. Then the dems ran an unlikeable hag who would have continued the same BS
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?
I blame the republican attack on education. An uneducated populace is easier to control.
People are unhappy because they have to listen to progressives whine like petulant children 24/7 on TV.
Everything is fine in the USA and has been fine for me for very close to 70 years . The main reason i voted for the TRUMP is that i want importation of third worlders and all immigrants into the USA STOPPED . Of course i never would have voted for 'hilary' or any of the other 'republicans' except for Ted Cruz Baum .
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

In my opinion, the biggest problem is that many (most?) people in government have become enamored with the idea that we can "mold" society via government. But people tend to resent, and resist, being molded. And they've become so sick of it they'll vote for anyone they think might break the mold.
With what in mind? How would a voters life get better by dismanteling the government or replacing it with some autocracy? I really mean it... I dont understand these people. My parents are very well settled (economy wise) and they started voting for AfD (a german right wing party) - part of me thinks, its age, but considering who votes for them, it is not the only reason. They have no reason to be unhappy with the government, with their lifes and i think 30-40 percent cannot be explained with "people tend to resent" - why now and not 20 years ago? I would agree that in every society you will find 10 percent where your statement holds true
---------------------------------------- regarding your Parents , no disrespect to you but maybe they see things that you don't see or maybe they are smarter than you . Also , being older , well , wasn't it the Older that voted for the BREXIT in England while the younger people voted against Brexit Baum .
The extremists don't elect people, they try to influence but in the end Average Joe and Josephine America is who elects.

You saw that in 2916...a silent majority decided the election.

25% is by no definition a "majority" of anything.
The extremists don't elect people, they try to influence but in the end Average Joe and Josephine America is who elects.

You saw that in 2916...a silent majority decided the election.
Maybe they decided the election, but it was far too close anyways. Him being president is one thing, but even if he would just have gotten 45 percent it would have been questionable still. And i still dont get it, when i was still in high school he was bankrupt with one of his companies and yet if you listen to Fox News people see him as the better Warren Buffet. How is this possible?

Actually he did get only 46% (of those who bothered to vote). While his main opponent got 48.

And unlike Europe and most voting places, our electoral participation was only 55% anyway. The rest of the eligible voters looked at the choices, decided "what's the point?" and stayed home.

As for why any of those voters actually cast a vote for a narcissist asshole who's never held a job in his life, I have no answer. That's a complete mystery.
Well considering that the Ds were founded on the big lies of genocide Jackson I suspect you are reversing causality and political spectrum
The exact same thing could be said about Obama and his followers.

At least 40% stood behind him no matter what he did, what scandals he got caught up in, etc etc.
I blame the republican attack on education. An uneducated populace is easier to control.

Are they? Hmmm... not sure I see the math there. I'd guess it's more likely to the other way, depending on who's doing the educating.

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