Planned Parenthood Hijinks

I love it when the left can't get its story staight.

Wait you notice inconsistencies when talking about race? Remind us of how all mixed babies are ugly again?

I mean, if "racially motivated" abortions are bad, why?

Because most normal people disapprove of actions that stink of eugenics and genocide.

Wouldn't that necessarily include an analysis of why ANY abortion is bad? Hmmmm? And other questions that won't be asked.

Not really, no.
Because most normal people disapprove of actions that stink of eugenics and genocide.

Really? Then why is abortion legal?

The pranksters point is a good one. If there are SOME reasons to oppose abortion, what are they? The abortion-rights movement is very absolutist and does not admit that there are any moral difficulties with abortion. They're all good, all the time. And, the call center person was going along with that... until caught like a Spitzer.
Really? Then why is abortion legal?

Because it doesn't stink of eugenics or genocide, unless done in a certain way.

Gee...that was hard.

The pranksters point is a good one. If there are SOME reasons to oppose abortion, what are they? The abortion-rights movement is very absolutist and does not admit that there are any moral difficulties with abortion. They're all good, all the time. And, the call center person was going along with that... until caught like a Spitzer.

Umm, no. The abortion-rights movement is very absolutist in that the US government should not be interfering with abortions. They don't think that anyone who gets pregnant should have an abortion, and they certainly don't think there are no moral difficulties with the issue.
aka, unless it fits YOUR beliefs.

Umm, no.

Aborting a child 2 days before they are born by pulling them out and hacking them to death with an axe is certainly against my beliefs, but it has no relation to eugenics or genocide.

You do, I hope, get the actual connection between aborting babies based on their race and genocide, yes?
When the right supports living people they can argue for the unborn, until then they must be labeled hypocrites.

Randall Balmer was on cspan today and it was interesting to learn that what brought out the fundies' political action was money not life. Interesting, as you would think morality had something to do with them getting involved in politics and the separation of church/state, but in the end it was only that green stuff that makes the world go round: money. :confused:

"History within the Southern Baptist Convention

Before 1980, the Southern Baptist Convention advocated for abortion rights.[12] During the 1971 and 1974 Southern Baptist Conventions, Southern Baptists were called upon "to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother."[13] W. Barry Garrett wrote in the Baptist Press, "Religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the [Roe v. Wade] Supreme Court Decision."[14]

[edit] History in the larger Evangelical movement

Randall Herbert Balmer, Ph.D., argues in his book, Thy Kingdom Come, that contrary to the popular belief that anti-abortion sentiments galvanized the fundamentalist evangelical movement, what actually galvanized the movement was evangelical opposition to the American Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after the IRS stripped the evangelical Bob Jones University of its tax-exempt status for refusing to allow interracial dating and marriage.[15] It was not until 1980 that the evangelical movement came to oppose abortion."
When the right supports living people they can argue for the unborn, until then they must be labeled hypocrites.

Supports people? As in, forks over government dollars for their care and feeding, when they're able-bodied? Refusal to do this is a prerequisite to opposing abortion? That is the weakest liberal reasoning I've heard this hour.

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