Pinning your hopes on Faithless Electors?

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
You'll have better luck playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Trump opponents try to beat him at the Electoral College

Some excerpts of note:

"Just one elector so far has wavered publicly on supporting Trump.

Texas Republican Art Sisneros says he has reservations about the president-elect, but not because of the national popular vote. He told The Associated Press he won't vote for Clinton under any circumstance."

"Michael Banerian, 22, one of Michigan's 16 Republican electors,Under the Constitution, the House — currently under Republican control — decides the presidency if no candidate reaches the required electoral vote majority. House members choose from the top three contenders. said he has received death threats from people who do not want him to vote for Trump. But he said he is undeterred."

"Under the Constitution, the House — currently under Republican control — decides the presidency if no candidate reaches the required electoral vote majority. House members choose from the top three contenders."

more in the article

Wait... are there still people thinking Trump won't be sworn in come January 20th?


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