Piers Morgan


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The 'bloke' seems to have engendered a bit of dislike....
The following is from a column appearing in my local paper:

1. "British CNN host Piers Morgan, whose aggressive anti-gun views have made him the target of a petition calling for his deportation, should be the last person to slander Americans for exercising their lawful rights.

2. Morgan, a disgraced British journalist ...owes his media reincarnation to the U.S. Yet that didn’t stop the pin-headed pundit from railing into our Constitution and calling a recent pro-gun guest on his cable show an “unbelievably stupid man.”

3. Morgan was dumped unceremoniously in 2004 as editor of the Daily Mirror — best known for its topless “Page 3 girls” — for exploiting the war on terror with deliberately doctored photographs that side-stepped integrity, decency, scruples, and all the other good stuff that separates reputable reporters from “unbelievably stupid” ones.

4. Readers of the May 1, 2004 edition reeled with shock over their morning cuppas when they found themselves eyeballing tawdry images of British troops torturing Iraqi detainees that were later discovered to be forgeries.

5. One picture showed a soldier urinating on a hooded man, while another depicted the suspect being walloped in the groin with a rifle.The fake pics generated a real and fierce backlash.

a. The Mirror took itself to task in a red-faced editorial entitled, “Sorry... we were hoaxed.”“It is now clear that the photographs the Mirror published of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi prisoner were fakes.

6. Morgan remained remorseless to the bitter end.“According to one report, Mr. Morgan refused the demand to apologize, was sacked, and immediately escorted from the building,” reported the BBC.

7. These days Piers seems to be as gung-ho about gun control as he once was about tricking his faithful readers into his tomfoolery.

8. British broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson spoke for the British masses — if not for ex-pats in the U.S. — when he tweeted, “Americans. It took us 40 years to get rid of Piers Morgan. Please don’t send him back.”
Not gun-ho for Piers Morgan • Brooklyn Daily

The above was written by Shavana Abruzzo. Her column is called "A Britisher's View."
What parent would name their son "Piers ?"

Talk about setting one up for a lifetime of assbeatings and assfuckings.
It also appears that Morgan is achieving his obvious objective: making a name and a fortune for himself in America by courting controversy.
What parent would name their son "Piers ?"

Talk about setting one up for a lifetime of assbeatings and assfuckings.

What poster would name himself "Warrior"? :rofl:

The 'bloke' seems to have engendered a bit of dislike....
The following is from a column appearing in my local paper:

1. "British CNN host Piers Morgan, whose aggressive anti-gun views have made him the target of a petition calling for his deportation, should be the last person to slander Americans for exercising their lawful rights.

Still ironic after all these Piers-fears. An entire column slandering a target for "slandering excercising of lawful rights", the literal number one of which is that to freedom of speech.

Interesting basis of attack: what the guy's parents named him and what he did in another country nine years ago on stories utterly unrelated. Engage evasive maneuvers. Or you could have just not brought it up and come out ahead. Can't handle the message? Attack the messenger.

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" Piers Morgan...
"Sue" the Journal News...
"Imprison" David Gregory...

"See" the pattern.
What parent would name their son "Piers ?"

Talk about setting one up for a lifetime of assbeatings and assfuckings.

What poster would name himself "Warrior"? :rofl:

The 'bloke' seems to have engendered a bit of dislike....
The following is from a column appearing in my local paper:

1. "British CNN host Piers Morgan, whose aggressive anti-gun views have made him the target of a petition calling for his deportation, should be the last person to slander Americans for exercising their lawful rights.

Still ironic after all these Piers-fears. An entire column slandering a target for "slandering excercising of lawful rights", the literal number one of which is that to freedom of speech.

Interesting basis of attack: what the guy's parents named him and what he did in another country nine years ago on stories utterly unrelated. Engage evasive maneuvers. Or you could have just not brought it up and come out ahead. Can't handle the message? Attack the messenger.

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" Piers Morgan...
"Sue" the Journal News...
"Imprison" David Gregory...

"See" the pattern.

Put your mouth back on Piers' nut sack and STFU, asswipe
What parent would name their son "Piers ?"

Talk about setting one up for a lifetime of assbeatings and assfuckings.

What poster would name himself "Warrior"? :rofl:

The 'bloke' seems to have engendered a bit of dislike....
The following is from a column appearing in my local paper:

1. "British CNN host Piers Morgan, whose aggressive anti-gun views have made him the target of a petition calling for his deportation, should be the last person to slander Americans for exercising their lawful rights.

Still ironic after all these Piers-fears. An entire column slandering a target for "slandering excercising of lawful rights", the literal number one of which is that to freedom of speech.

Interesting basis of attack: what the guy's parents named him and what he did in another country nine years ago on stories utterly unrelated. Engage evasive maneuvers. Or you could have just not brought it up and come out ahead. Can't handle the message? Attack the messenger.

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" Piers Morgan...
"Sue" the Journal News...
"Imprison" David Gregory...

"See" the pattern.

Put your mouth back on Piers' nut sack and STFU, asswipe

Hi, you have received -1588 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go suck a bag of dicks, ya assfucking Goddamned little cocksucking beaaaaaaaaaaaathc [sic]



What kind of mind comes up with the concept of a "bag of dicks"?

Again, interesting that this is all the critics can come up with when it's pointed out that their logic is a nonentity. Says a lot.
What poster would name himself "Warrior"? :rofl:

Still ironic after all these Piers-fears. An entire column slandering a target for "slandering excercising of lawful rights", the literal number one of which is that to freedom of speech.

Interesting basis of attack: what the guy's parents named him and what he did in another country nine years ago on stories utterly unrelated. Engage evasive maneuvers. Or you could have just not brought it up and come out ahead. Can't handle the message? Attack the messenger.

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" Piers Morgan...
"Sue" the Journal News...
"Imprison" David Gregory...

"See" the pattern.

Put your mouth back on Piers' nut sack and STFU, asswipe

Hi, you have received -1588 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go suck a bag of dicks, ya assfucking Goddamned little cocksucking beaaaaaaaaaaaathc [sic]



What kind of mind comes up with the concept of a "bag of dicks"?

Again, interesting that this is all the critics can come up with when it's pointed out that their logic is a nonentity. Says a lot.

Neg rep whine.
Tissue, assfucker?
Why not start a thread about how you've been wronged.

What an asswipe
Put your mouth back on Piers' nut sack and STFU, asswipe

Hi, you have received -1588 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go suck a bag of dicks, ya assfucking Goddamned little cocksucking beaaaaaaaaaaaathc [sic]



What kind of mind comes up with the concept of a "bag of dicks"?

Again, interesting that this is all the critics can come up with when it's pointed out that their logic is a nonentity. Says a lot.

Neg rep whine.
Tissue, assfucker?
Why not start a thread about how you've been wronged.

What an asswipe

Gun nutter mentality, in living words ^^. Complete with anal fixation.

This is better than watching Alex Jones melt down. :popcorn:

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