Pick the Most Absurd!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In his defense of liberals, Alterman quotes this about liberals:
Often characterized as “weak, elitist, out of touch, lacking in moral fiber, unpatriotic, unwilling to stand up for ourselves, and a general pox on the body politic…the political equivalent of an untreatable but potentially containable social disease.” Eric Alterman, “Why We’re Liberals.”

2. “Here's the reason liberal has become a dirty word. Because Communists, fellow-travelers, pro-terrorists, terrorist sympathizers have hijacked the word liberal and because organs like the New York Times have abetted them, using "liberal" to describe anti-American radicals and even totalitarian radicals like Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, Michael Moore, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation.” Why Liberalism Has A Bad Name

3. Dick Armey has written that the New Deal and the Great Society, on the one hand, and Soviet Russia’s five-year plans and Communist China’s Great Leap Forward, on the other, were created by “the same sort of person” separated only by differences of “power and nerve.” Dick Armey, “ The Freedom Revolution: The New Republican House Majority Leader Tells Why Big Government Failed, Why Freedom Works, and How We Will Rebuild America”

4. Newsweek warned Americans to be on guard against what it called Nancy Pelosi’s “dopey liberalism.” Newsweek, December 25, 2006, p. 27

5. Rahm Emanuel, upon leaving his White House position: "Mr. President, I thought I was tough," Emanuel told Obama. "I want to thank you for being the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest times any president has ever faced."
Rahm: Thank you for being the toughest leader - On The Left
PoliticalChic, where ya going with this? You looking for a reaction to each quote? They were all said by the same guy? Who is Eric Alterman, Ma'am?

Anyways, here goes...

1. [Liberals are o]ften characterized as “weak, elitist, out of touch, lacking in moral fiber, unpatriotic, unwilling to stand up for ourselves, and a general pox on the body politic…the political equivalent of an untreatable but potentially containable social disease.”

So what? Conservatives get insulted too.

2. Here's the reason liberal has become a dirty word. Because Communists, fellow-travelers, pro-terrorists, terrorist sympathizers have hijacked the word liberal and because organs like the New York Times have abetted them, using "liberal" to describe anti-American radicals and even totalitarian radicals like Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, Michael Moore, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation.

The only one of the people listed I have ever heard of is Michael Moore. I think his films are funny and thought provoking, and I'm a fan. But I do not plan to put up Moore as a candidate for any elected office...he's a comedian, not a pundit.

BTW, there has never been a "communist nation" so unless we're referring to college philosophy students, there are no "communists".

3. Dick Armey has written that the New Deal and the Great Society, on the one hand, and Soviet Russia’s five-year plans and Communist China’s Great Leap Forward, on the other, were created by “the same sort of person” separated only by differences of “power and nerve.” Dick Armey, “ The Freedom Revolution: The New Republican House Majority Leader Tells Why Big Government Failed, Why Freedom Works, and How We Will Rebuild America.

WTF did the Republicans get control of the House, PoliticalChic? Who is this Dick Armey?

Anyway, comparing FDR to Stalin should soil the insides of any American's mouth. Stalin murdered over 40 Million of his own people....this is a truely ugly comment to make, whoever said it.

4. Newsweek warned Americans to be on guard against what it called Nancy Pelosi’s “dopey liberalism.” Newsweek, December 25, 2006, p. 27

Good for Newsweek. I did not know Pelosi was a loon until 2010. BTW, I don't buy that Pelosi has a well-thought-out political vision...I think she's just a power-mad bullshit artist.

5. Rahm Emanuel, upon leaving his White House position: "Mr. President, I thought I was tough," Emanuel told Obama. "I want to thank you for being the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest times any president has ever faced."

Good for Rahm. He should have left on a grace note. What is the big fat deal with this quote? Was Rahm expected to burn his bridges with Obama?

I still do not see any unifying theme to your Op other than some people do not like Democrats. What am I missing?
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PoliticalChic, where ya going with this? You looking for a reaction to each quote? They were all said by the same guy? Who is Eric Alterman, Ma'am?

Anyways, here goes...

1. [Liberals are o]ften characterized as “weak, elitist, out of touch, lacking in moral fiber, unpatriotic, unwilling to stand up for ourselves, and a general pox on the body politic…the political equivalent of an untreatable but potentially containable social disease.”

So what? Conservatives get insulted too.

2. Here's the reason liberal has become a dirty word. Because Communists, fellow-travelers, pro-terrorists, terrorist sympathizers have hijacked the word liberal and because organs like the New York Times have abetted them, using "liberal" to describe anti-American radicals and even totalitarian radicals like Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, Michael Moore, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation.

The only one of the people listed I have ever heard of is Michael Moore. I think his films are funny and thought provoking, and I'm a fan. But I do not plan to put up Moore as a candidate for any elected office...he's a comedian, not a pundit.

BTW, there has never been a "communist nation" so unless we're referring to college philosophy students, there are no "communists".

WTF did the Republicans get control of the house, PoliticalChic? Who is this Dick Armey?

Anyway, comparing FDR to Stalin should soil the insides of any American's mouth. Stalin murdered over 40 Million of his own people....this is a truely ugly comment to make, whoever said it.

4. Newsweek warned Americans to be on guard against what it called Nancy Pelosi’s “dopey liberalism.” Newsweek, December 25, 2006, p. 27

Good for Newsweek. I did not know Pelosi was a loon until 2010. BTW, I don't buy that Pelosi has a well-thought-out political vision...I think she's just a power-mad bullshit artist.

5. Rahm Emanuel, upon leaving his White House position: "Mr. President, I thought I was tough," Emanuel told Obama. "I want to thank you for being the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest times any president has ever faced."

Good for Rahm. He should have left on a grace note. What is the big fat deal with this quote? Was Rahm expected to burn his bridges with Obama?

I still do not see any unifying theme to your Op other than some people do not like Democrats. What am I missing?

1. Alterman wrote the book "Why We're Liberals," which, I think, you might enjoy.
The OP was composed when I heard #5 on the news, and thought it was hysterical....

I saw the OP as kind of one of those multiple choice questions, with one correct answer(being absurd)...it was #5.

2. 'BTW, there has never been a "communist nation" so unless we're referring to college philosophy students, there are no "communists".'
This is truly one of your most head-in-the-sand comments...unless you are intending to include all of the totalist political philosophies i.e., communist, nazi, fascist, progressive,...under one heading...
if so, what name are you using?

3. "The only one of the people listed I have ever heard of is Michael Moore."
Now, here I am surprised, as you appear more familiar with the political landscape.

4. "What am I missing?"
The humor in quote #5.
As so Rahm kissed Barack good bye. If he had not, I'd have been even more disgusted with him....it's no less than professional, adult behavior.

As for Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation -- I'm flattered that you see me as well-informed but no, truely I dun have a clue. There's a pro-Saddam movement? In 2010? They do know we executed him, right?

I shall make a note of Alteman's book, since you reccomend it. I just got a whole bunch of new books in, some trash (I have eclectic tastes) and a biography of Joe McCarthy.

If you ask me, the stupidiest thing (and man, that's a high bar to meet) that Obama has said lately is that "I Need A Break" comment. Did you see that thread on here?
As so Rahm kissed Barack good bye. If he had not, I'd have been even more disgusted with him....it's no less than professional, adult behavior.

As for Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation -- I'm flattered that you see me as well-informed but no, truely I dun have a clue. There's a pro-Saddam movement? In 2010? They do know we executed him, right?

I shall make a note of Alteman's book, since you reccomend it. I just got a whole bunch of new books in, some trash (I have eclectic tastes) and a biography of Joe McCarthy.

If you ask me, the stupidiest thing (and man, that's a high bar to meet) that Obama has said lately is that "I Need A Break" comment. Did you see that thread on here?

Why We're Liberals: A Handbook for Restoring America's Most Important Ideals [Paperback]
Eric Alterman

This, from one of the reviews on Amazon..
"In chapters like "Why Do Liberals Hate Patriotism?", "Why Do Liberals Hate Religion?" and "Why Are Liberals Such Wimps?", Alterman attacks the assumptions that liberals are "soft" on national defense and crime and rejects the nonsensical labels - like "elitist," "tax-and-spend," and "anti-family" - that form the modern liberal public relations crisis. While any self-described liberal should realize the ridiculousness of these accusations, many are treated as fact by both conservative and moderate pundits and media sources. Proud liberals may feel the book is preaching to the choir, but as the old saying goes, "That's how you make them sing." Liberals have a lot of singing to do if they want to reclaim their good name, and provide the logic and compassion America needs to fight the reactionary politics and religious fundamentalism offered by conservatives."

Of course, I'm one of the conservatives who believe the accusations....
He writes pretty well, just not as funny as Coulter.
As so Rahm kissed Barack good bye. If he had not, I'd have been even more disgusted with him....it's no less than professional, adult behavior.

As for Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, the organizers of the anti-Iraq and pro-Saddam "peace" movement, and Katrina vanden Heuvel and the Nation -- I'm flattered that you see me as well-informed but no, truely I dun have a clue. There's a pro-Saddam movement? In 2010? They do know we executed him, right?

I shall make a note of Alteman's book, since you reccomend it. I just got a whole bunch of new books in, some trash (I have eclectic tastes) and a biography of Joe McCarthy.

If you ask me, the stupidiest thing (and man, that's a high bar to meet) that Obama has said lately is that "I Need A Break" comment. Did you see that thread on here?

Why We're Liberals: A Handbook for Restoring America's Most Important Ideals [Paperback]
Eric Alterman

This, from one of the reviews on Amazon..
"In chapters like "Why Do Liberals Hate Patriotism?", "Why Do Liberals Hate Religion?" and "Why Are Liberals Such Wimps?", Alterman attacks the assumptions that liberals are "soft" on national defense and crime and rejects the nonsensical labels - like "elitist," "tax-and-spend," and "anti-family" - that form the modern liberal public relations crisis. While any self-described liberal should realize the ridiculousness of these accusations, many are treated as fact by both conservative and moderate pundits and media sources. Proud liberals may feel the book is preaching to the choir, but as the old saying goes, "That's how you make them sing." Liberals have a lot of singing to do if they want to reclaim their good name, and provide the logic and compassion America needs to fight the reactionary politics and religious fundamentalism offered by conservatives."

Of course, I'm one of the conservatives who believe the accusations....
He writes pretty well, just not as funny as Coulter.

Coulter has wit, I'll give you that. Questionable reality contact, but certainly wit. She's got one unexpected backstory; ever read her bio?

I'm not really all that concerned with saving the Democrats, PoliticalChic. I would prefer to get the GOP on the right track...I'm a Republican, believe it or not. Still, I will look for this book you suggest.


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