Petraeus Scandal Could Bring Obama Down


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I don't think it will happen but the timing of all of this seems really convenient for the President does it not? Not even a peep and now we have what is, at least, a four person scandal involving the CIA director and the nominee to become the head of NATO. I almost forgot the FBI agent.

It would seem really remarkable that all of this took place prior to the FBI vetting of General Petraeus for the top slot at the CIA so we have that failure as well.

And there may be the smoking gun; if the FBI reported it to the President and the Senate body that held his confirmation hearings and these men simply ignored it...this should blow up in all of their faces and let the chips fall where they may. If the FBI didn't know it, that is in some light an even greater scandal.

Again, I do not think it happened but it sure sounds like a case of either the FBI dropping the ball or the White House and Senate leadership looking the other way.
I don't think it will happen but the timing of all of this seems really convenient for the President does it not? Not even a peep and now we have what is, at least, a four person scandal involving the CIA director and the nominee to become the head of NATO. I almost forgot the FBI agent.

It would seem really remarkable that all of this took place prior to the FBI vetting of General Petraeus for the top slot at the CIA so we have that failure as well.

And there may be the smoking gun; if the FBI reported it to the President and the Senate body that held his confirmation hearings and these men simply ignored it...this should blow up in all of their faces and let the chips fall where they may. If the FBI didn't know it, that is in some light an even greater scandal.

Again, I do not think it happened but it sure sounds like a case of either the FBI dropping the ball or the White House and Senate leadership looking the other way.

Yeah, Patraeus is taking the fall to protect Obama and Hillary.

Same old same old.
What leads you to think this has anything to do with Obama. The facts so far seem to point to the FBI knowing about it, deciding there was no criminal behavior, and dropping it. Then an FBI agent with a hardon for Petraeus (fueled by jealousy perhaps) tells Eric Cantor, who several days later calls (or has a staffer call) the FBI to make sure they know.
It took a sex scandal for people to start paying attention to the Benghazi tragedy.
This has nothing to do with BenGhazi.

This has nothing to do with the election. Eric Cantor knew about this weeks before the election.

Patraeus is a Republican, was not a surrogate for Obama, and was known to not be all that friendly with the President, and didn't like the way McCrystal was handled.

So how could this have hurt Obama in ANY way, for the election?

It took a sex scandal for people to start paying attention to the Benghazi tragedy.
This has nothing to do with BenGhazi.

This has nothing to do with the election. Eric Cantor knew about this weeks before the election.

Patraeus is a Republican, was not a surrogate for Obama, and was known to not be all that friendly with the President, and didn't like the way McCrystal was handled.

So how could this have hurt Obama in ANY way, for the election?


I didn't say the scandal had anything to do with Benghazi. Petraeus is tied to the Benghazi tragedy since he was the CIA director. Both are different subjects but inextricably linked.

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