Petition to Ban Conservative Websites

After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |
If these fucktards thought it could be done, they'd have conservatives shot on sight.

Too bad for the liberals, they don't believe in guns.

Of course these are the same fucks who threaten those who do have guns while spewing their happy-happy-joy-joy thoughts of a socialist revolution.

Doesn't make any fucking sense.

"Liberals don't believe in guns"


Get a load of this tool.
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |

After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |
If these fucktards thought it could be done, they'd have conservatives shot on sight.

Too bad for the liberals, they don't believe in guns.

Of course these are the same fucks who threaten those who do have guns while spewing their happy-happy-joy-joy thoughts of a socialist revolution.

Doesn't make any fucking sense.

Liberals dont believe in guns? Did Obama ask Seal team 6 to go in and use hard language on bin laden?
I'm sorry... I missed your question. Absolutely. I would support a GOP admin doing the same of Left Wing Sites spreading LIES and MISINFORMATION. Opinion is one thing, facts are another.

I've said the same thing about lobbying groups, Political Action Committees and Campaign Finance. I want all of the bullshit stopped. I always get asked the same question from you lunkheads.... What about the UNIONS?!??! Yeah... I want their money stopped being funneled into the "legislation buying" game too. Even though Corporations(collectively) absolutely DESTROY the Unions(Collectively) at the game. I want it all stopped. Just like this issue.

I am not the lunkhead here, you are.

Tell me something, what do we do if the government is the one spreading lies and misinformation? If we give the government the power to argue their version of truth, and they are lying, then it will attack people who are actually spreading truth and information and simply refute it with lies and mis information. It is not the government's job to maintain truth, and I do not understand why most of the people that understand this are labelled as right wingers. This is not a partisan issue, and never has been, but some people insist on making it one.

If you ban lobbying groups and PACs you deny people the right to band together and let their government know how they feel. Take a look at the top 10 lobbying groups from this list.

Top 10 lobbying groups. Explore the offcial sites of the top lobbying groups.

I have no idea what criteria they used, nor do I care, I am just using the list to illustrate the point that lobbying groups and PACs are not just about corporations trying to buy elections, they are also about people coming together to make a difference in the world. Since there is no way to allow the groups I support and oppose the groups I do not without being a hack I simply support the right of everyone, even people I vehemently disagree with, to come together and lobby politicians, make issue ads, and even get stupid laws passed if they can. This preserves my right to do the same thing.

Public financing of elections, it is a bad idea precisely because it removes the public from elections. Have you ever noticed how many incumbent politicians support public election financing? The reason for that is that it takes a lot more money to get your message out if you are challenging a person who has the resources of the government at his beck and call. This effectively doubles the available money

The system you want would have more in common with a tyranny than anything that would arise out of our current system. Eliminating the public input into our government means that it will be less responsive, less likely to care about issues that have immediate impact, and less likely to change things that are bad for everyone.

If you really want an open government you should speak up and argue for, not against, everything you hate.

Since NOBODY actually KNOWS what will happen tomorrow if WhatEver is done politically today, all ANYBODY can do is spread opinions, not truth.

If you tell me that returning to the tax rates of the Regan Administration (which would be a pretty hefty increase on the upper crust) will plunge the nation into an unemployment driven recession because the top 10% won't be able to afford to hire help any more, I get to call "Bullshit!" because THAT'S predicting the future and I don't believe that you're correct. Besides, anyone who can really predict the future is sitting on South Beach with no cares for mortal politics, working with Mohito in one hand and smart-phone in the other while the stock market is open.

A leader is supposed to be the guy who most people believe makes sense when he says what he THINKS will happen.


In theory.

I did not say anything about tax rates, Reagan, or unemployment. I just pointed out some simple truths about who wants to do what, and provided an explanation of why some people really support the things that they do.

I guess that means I call bullshit on you.
Can you please show me where the First Amendment only protects the right to tell the truth? Oh and by truth , what we really mean here is truth as perceived by some. Because what these idiots REALLY want to ban is conservative OPINION. Let's talk about the boogie man Glenn Beck here for a moment. The man is a kook, a conspiracy theorist, but he never lies about facts. If he shows a fact on his show and it's wrong it's a mistake, not intentional, and he ALWAYS corrects it when he's made aware. But loons want to call him a liar. How can his OPINION be a lie, and further to THIS conversation who the hell are you , or anyone else, to say he doesn't have a right to express that opinion even if it were a lie?

That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

You want to talk about Beck and Limbaugh and the like? Great, let's do it. Beck comes on and calls the President a Freedom hating Racist. You guys believe he's a freedom hating Racist. Limbaugh says he wants to destroy American.... you guys believe he wants to destroy America. Hannity says he's nothing more than a card carrying Communist Muslim From Kenya... you guys are the first to see the Birth Certificate and no matter how many times or how many people back the guy up.... He's still a Communist Muslim Kenyan.

So why shouldn't His Administration keep an eye on these OPINIONS... and refute them somewhere else? No one is calling for BANS... that is your sides ever increasing paranoia.
The video: Stupid people easily entrapped.

The USMB right wing response: Circle jerk orgy of superiority.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
If it is just a bunch of talking point lies, it has it's own niche, only certain people visit.

For example, Newsmax and WMD are for extremist wingnuts. I don't care what those two say. Let them be.
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |
If these fucktards thought it could be done, they'd have conservatives shot on sight.

Too bad for the liberals, they don't believe in guns.

Of course these are the same fucks who threaten those who do have guns while spewing their happy-happy-joy-joy thoughts of a socialist revolution.

Doesn't make any fucking sense.
Commies don't believe in guns, eh? :rolleyes:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪People's Liberation Army[PLA] Parade - Worlds Greatest Army!‬‏[/ame]

Yeah, commiefascisocialists don't believe in guns. Gotcha.
If these fucktards thought it could be done, they'd have conservatives shot on sight.

Too bad for the liberals, they don't believe in guns.

Of course these are the same fucks who threaten those who do have guns while spewing their happy-happy-joy-joy thoughts of a socialist revolution.

Doesn't make any fucking sense.

Liberals dont believe in guns? Did Obama ask Seal team 6 to go in and use hard language on bin laden?
Doubt any of those men are liberals, but your point is well put.
If these fucktards thought it could be done, they'd have conservatives shot on sight.

Too bad for the liberals, they don't believe in guns.

Of course these are the same fucks who threaten those who do have guns while spewing their happy-happy-joy-joy thoughts of a socialist revolution.

Doesn't make any fucking sense.

"Liberals don't believe in guns"


Get a load of this tool.

ooh wow, Mr. Nick. 2 of the board's leading liberals have just made fun of you.


  • $Fail128409353472315000.jpg
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yeah ok, let me know when this actually happens. I might give a shit.

yep, because I'm positive that if someone were passing around a petition to outlaw gays, and people were signing it you would be on here posting no big deal until it actually happens.


Another dumb ass who is only concerned about the their own rights.

I think the people who would sign such as a petition are morons, as are the people who signed this petition.
[*]Flag burning, doctors being told they cannot talk about some procedures with their patients, and laws that prohibit teachers from talking about anything but heterosexual sexual relationships. Should I go on?

All of which are things conservatives love.

[*]There is no evidence you have a brain wither, yet I try to assume that you do.

You realize his question is completely valid, right?

[*]Why would a conservative sign a petition banning conservatives?

They wouldn't, but are you really naive enough to believe you couldn't find the same number of conservatives willing to sign a petition banning liberal websites?

[*]I plan on passing around a petition banning liberal sites like HuffPo that talk about homosexuality in any way, shape, or form, would that also be a tedious non issue?

Since it would have no way of ever taking effect, yes, it would also be an tedious non-issue.
Can you please show me where the First Amendment only protects the right to tell the truth? Oh and by truth , what we really mean here is truth as perceived by some. Because what these idiots REALLY want to ban is conservative OPINION. Let's talk about the boogie man Glenn Beck here for a moment. The man is a kook, a conspiracy theorist, but he never lies about facts. If he shows a fact on his show and it's wrong it's a mistake, not intentional, and he ALWAYS corrects it when he's made aware. But loons want to call him a liar. How can his OPINION be a lie, and further to THIS conversation who the hell are you , or anyone else, to say he doesn't have a right to express that opinion even if it were a lie?

That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

You want to talk about Beck and Limbaugh and the like? Great, let's do it. Beck comes on and calls the President a Freedom hating Racist. You guys believe he's a freedom hating Racist. Limbaugh says he wants to destroy American.... you guys believe he wants to destroy America. Hannity says he's nothing more than a card carrying Communist Muslim From Kenya... you guys are the first to see the Birth Certificate and no matter how many times or how many people back the guy up.... He's still a Communist Muslim Kenyan.

So why shouldn't His Administration keep an eye on these OPINIONS... and refute them somewhere else? No one is calling for BANS... that is your sides ever increasing paranoia.

No, I don't think the government should run around calling people liars for expressing their opinion. No matter who's in charge, no matter who's expressing the opinion. No matter WHO is in power.

Great let's talk about Beck and the like. I watch neither of them. I've listened to Rush exactly once in my life, he wasn't for me. Used to watch Beck but got tired of the conspiracy theories. I have never called Obama a Marxist, a Kenyan, or a Communist. So stick your broad brush up your ass.

Oh, and I think a case could be made that when the administration is refusing to allow a media outlet access to them because they don't like a story that that outlet ran that they are in fact banning them.
Why doesn't he keep track of the left wing sites and refute the lies, mis-information, and propaganda that spews out of them? Would you support this if a Republican administration decided to target left wing sites and not the right wing ones? Do you see that you are acting like a partisan hack, or are you actually a hack who cannot see the truth when it is right in front of you?

I'm sorry... I missed your question. Absolutely. I would support a GOP admin doing the same of Left Wing Sites spreading LIES and MISINFORMATION. Opinion is one thing, facts are another.

I've said the same thing about lobbying groups, Political Action Committees and Campaign Finance. I want all of the bullshit stopped. I always get asked the same question from you lunkheads.... What about the UNIONS?!??! Yeah... I want their money stopped being funneled into the "legislation buying" game too. Even though Corporations(collectively) absolutely DESTROY the Unions(Collectively) at the game. I want it all stopped. Just like this issue.

I am not the lunkhead here, you are.

Tell me something, what do we do if the government is the one spreading lies and misinformation? If we give the government the power to argue their version of truth, and they are lying, then it will attack people who are actually spreading truth and information and simply refute it with lies and mis information. It is not the government's job to maintain truth, and I do not understand why most of the people that understand this are labelled as right wingers. This is not a partisan issue, and never has been, but some people insist on making it one.

If you ban lobbying groups and PACs you deny people the right to band together and let their government know how they feel. Take a look at the top 10 lobbying groups from this list.

Top 10 lobbying groups. Explore the offcial sites of the top lobbying groups.

I have no idea what criteria they used, nor do I care, I am just using the list to illustrate the point that lobbying groups and PACs are not just about corporations trying to buy elections, they are also about people coming together to make a difference in the world. Since there is no way to allow the groups I support and oppose the groups I do not without being a hack I simply support the right of everyone, even people I vehemently disagree with, to come together and lobby politicians, make issue ads, and even get stupid laws passed if they can. This preserves my right to do the same thing.

Public financing of elections, it is a bad idea precisely because it removes the public from elections. Have you ever noticed how many incumbent politicians support public election financing? The reason for that is that it takes a lot more money to get your message out if you are challenging a person who has the resources of the government at his beck and call. This effectively doubles the available money

The system you want would have more in common with a tyranny than anything that would arise out of our current system. Eliminating the public input into our government means that it will be less responsive, less likely to care about issues that have immediate impact, and less likely to change things that are bad for everyone.

If you really want an open government you should speak up and argue for, not against, everything you hate.

Damn that rep cap. This is extremely well put. Thank you.
So Mr. Brain...

You think that the current Administration should just take it on the chin and ignore it? You know, Back when Bush was in Office, there was a House(In California, IIRC) that had effigies of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and maybe one or two others that I cannot recall anymore. They were hung by nooses at a house decorated for Halloween.

I was the first "liberal" on the board that I frequented to denounce the act. I am all about free speech. But I am also all about hearing both sides of an argument. Hearing both sides may not sway me from my opinion, but at least I can make an informed opinion because of it.
Can you please show me where the First Amendment only protects the right to tell the truth? Oh and by truth , what we really mean here is truth as perceived by some. Because what these idiots REALLY want to ban is conservative OPINION. Let's talk about the boogie man Glenn Beck here for a moment. The man is a kook, a conspiracy theorist, but he never lies about facts. If he shows a fact on his show and it's wrong it's a mistake, not intentional, and he ALWAYS corrects it when he's made aware. But loons want to call him a liar. How can his OPINION be a lie, and further to THIS conversation who the hell are you , or anyone else, to say he doesn't have a right to express that opinion even if it were a lie?

That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

You want to talk about Beck and Limbaugh and the like? Great, let's do it. Beck comes on and calls the President a Freedom hating Racist. You guys believe he's a freedom hating Racist. Limbaugh says he wants to destroy American.... you guys believe he wants to destroy America. Hannity says he's nothing more than a card carrying Communist Muslim From Kenya... you guys are the first to see the Birth Certificate and no matter how many times or how many people back the guy up.... He's still a Communist Muslim Kenyan.

So why shouldn't His Administration keep an eye on these OPINIONS... and refute them somewhere else? No one is calling for BANS... that is your sides ever increasing paranoia.
Actually, the exact point of the op is that there are liberals that want to ban conservative opinions. Then there are bills that have been introduced that does that as well. I brought up the ‘fairness doctrine earlier as an example of a bill that has been introduced multiple times.
I am not the lunkhead here, you are.

Tell me something, what do we do if the government is the one spreading lies and misinformation? If we give the government the power to argue their version of truth, and they are lying, then it will attack people who are actually spreading truth and information and simply refute it with lies and mis information. It is not the government's job to maintain truth, and I do not understand why most of the people that understand this are labelled as right wingers. This is not a partisan issue, and never has been, but some people insist on making it one.

If you ban lobbying groups and PACs you deny people the right to band together and let their government know how they feel. Take a look at the top 10 lobbying groups from this list.

Top 10 lobbying groups. Explore the offcial sites of the top lobbying groups.

I have no idea what criteria they used, nor do I care, I am just using the list to illustrate the point that lobbying groups and PACs are not just about corporations trying to buy elections, they are also about people coming together to make a difference in the world. Since there is no way to allow the groups I support and oppose the groups I do not without being a hack I simply support the right of everyone, even people I vehemently disagree with, to come together and lobby politicians, make issue ads, and even get stupid laws passed if they can. This preserves my right to do the same thing.

Public financing of elections, it is a bad idea precisely because it removes the public from elections. Have you ever noticed how many incumbent politicians support public election financing? The reason for that is that it takes a lot more money to get your message out if you are challenging a person who has the resources of the government at his beck and call. This effectively doubles the available money

The system you want would have more in common with a tyranny than anything that would arise out of our current system. Eliminating the public input into our government means that it will be less responsive, less likely to care about issues that have immediate impact, and less likely to change things that are bad for everyone.

If you really want an open government you should speak up and argue for, not against, everything you hate.

Damn that rep cap. This is extremely well put. Thank you.

Bullshit. Once again... no one is calling for bans.. LEAST OF ALL ME!!!(lunkhead). You are making a big stink about this fake petition and that some ignorant lefties are willing to sign it.

The last sentence is ridiculous. Are you arguing FOR Universal Health Care? Are you arguing FOR Social Programs in general? No... you are arguing against it, because you hate it.

I hate Corporatism. You think I should "speak up and argue for" the continuation of the wholesale rape of our country, that expects us then to pay retail? Right. Over my dead body.
That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

True – and that’s it in essence: the right doesn’t want the Administration to have an opportunity to rebut the opposition – as if they’re 'denying' the WH its ‘free speech.’

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

Also true – it’s been sad, lame, and very old for quite some time now.
That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

You want to talk about Beck and Limbaugh and the like? Great, let's do it. Beck comes on and calls the President a Freedom hating Racist. You guys believe he's a freedom hating Racist. Limbaugh says he wants to destroy American.... you guys believe he wants to destroy America. Hannity says he's nothing more than a card carrying Communist Muslim From Kenya... you guys are the first to see the Birth Certificate and no matter how many times or how many people back the guy up.... He's still a Communist Muslim Kenyan.

So why shouldn't His Administration keep an eye on these OPINIONS... and refute them somewhere else? No one is calling for BANS... that is your sides ever increasing paranoia.
Actually, the exact point of the op is that there are liberals that want to ban conservative opinions. Then there are bills that have been introduced that does that as well. I brought up the ‘fairness doctrine earlier as an example of a bill that has been introduced multiple times.

Sure there are... just like there are Conservatives who are White Supremacists and the like... so what? You want to talk about the "Fairness Doctrine"? What's wrong with that... displaying both sides of an argument. Before FOXNews went Full Retard they used to do that with Hannity and Colmes. One of the Cable Channels Used to have James Carville AND his Republican wife on, arguing the political events of the day... .Can't remember which one.

To this day MSNBC has Joe Scarborough on in the Morning and he doesn't mince words about his Conservative leanings. Dylan Ratigan slams both sides equally and shares MY view that neither Conservatism nor Liberalism is destroying this country nearly like the way Corporatism surely is.
That's the whole point... no one is trying to BAN anything. But, if someone is throwing bullshit around, don't you think that the opposition should have an opportunity to REFUTE it? That's what this is all about... but as usual, you guys go off the deep end about it.

EVERYTHING this administration does is nothing more that a Communist plot for you folks.

You want to talk about Beck and Limbaugh and the like? Great, let's do it. Beck comes on and calls the President a Freedom hating Racist. You guys believe he's a freedom hating Racist. Limbaugh says he wants to destroy American.... you guys believe he wants to destroy America. Hannity says he's nothing more than a card carrying Communist Muslim From Kenya... you guys are the first to see the Birth Certificate and no matter how many times or how many people back the guy up.... He's still a Communist Muslim Kenyan.

So why shouldn't His Administration keep an eye on these OPINIONS... and refute them somewhere else? No one is calling for BANS... that is your sides ever increasing paranoia.
Actually, the exact point of the op is that there are liberals that want to ban conservative opinions. Then there are bills that have been introduced that does that as well. I brought up the ‘fairness doctrine earlier as an example of a bill that has been introduced multiple times.

Sure there are... just like there are Conservatives who are White Supremacists and the like... so what? You want to talk about the "Fairness Doctrine"? What's wrong with that... displaying both sides of an argument. Before FOXNews went Full Retard they used to do that with Hannity and Colmes. One of the Cable Channels Used to have James Carville AND his Republican wife on, arguing the political events of the day... .Can't remember which one.

To this day MSNBC has Joe Scarborough on in the Morning and he doesn't mince words about his Conservative leanings. Dylan Ratigan slams both sides equally and shares MY view that neither Conservatism nor Liberalism is destroying this country nearly like the way Corporatism surely is.

Now we can talk the rest of the prime time crew at AOATT (MSNBC) Chris Matthews is a leftie, Ed Schultz is a leftie jerk and Lawrence O'Donnell is a socialist as well as a jerkoff.
(AOATT=All Obama All The Time.)
I have never seen Ratigan slam a liberal but I have to admit I seldom watch his show. Daytime anchors Chris Jansing, Andrea Mitchell and Martin Bashir are lefties as well.

Fox News has a number of lefties on their programs, but only Shepherd Smith is an anchor.

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