Peter King hearings = Overt Communism


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
To scape goat Muslims will not, and cannot erase the fact that the Zionist Jews are responsible for 9-11 as a method of replacing America freedom with communism.

If they really wanted do deal with the Muslim issue, the so-called Muslim mastermind of 9-11 would be on trial in open court. He’s being hidden because everyone knows the Israeli’s are guilty of the 9-11 attacks and the Muslims are the scape-goats.

Why doesn’t rep King have hearing on how his follow Zionist Larry Silverstein made billions off 9-11 and the carnage of innocent Americans?

Why doesn’t rep King have hearing on how the same Larry Silverstein now owns the Sear Tower in Chicago with the son of a terrorist in-place to become mayor?

When is someone who is a true American and not a secret society slave talks about how the Israeli’s planned, financed, and greatly benefited from 9-11 at a true American hearing and not an Israeli hearing? At that point we’ll see some long overdue progress.

It’s appalling for some Zionist congressman from New York that represents communism to even mention Joe McCarthy. These people think everyone is stupid, and are colossal thieves, liars, and murderers. Don’t let history repeat itself notice what they try to conceal about themselves with their Zionist/communist media.

The communism that plagued Russia with the Soviets now plagues the world. The Berlin has been removed and communism has been released. Travels restrictions, spying on everyone, gun control, so-called political correctness, so-called homeland security, base-relocation, the absence of truth journalism, no posse comitatus, and the backward so-called patriot act; all this is communism! And these things only scratches he surface of how the Israeli’s are working from all angles to “try” and take-over the American Government.

The treason is now overt!

Again history cannot be allowed to repeat itself just remember what Zionist Jews such as these have done in the past:

Moses Hess
Leon Trotzky (Bronstein)
Joseph Stalin
Stalin's actual surname, Dzhugashvili. There are several websites which says Dzhugashvili means "Son of a Jew" or something like "Jewison" in Georgian language.
Vladimir Lenin
Lev Kamenev
Gregory Zinoviev (apfelbaum)
Alexander Pavrus
Jacob Sverdlov
Yankel Yuronsky
Solomon Lozvsky
Maxim Litvinov
Jacob Berman
Bela Kun (Cohen)
Jacob Schiff
Max Warburg
Olga Kameneva (Bronstein)
Matyas Rakosi (Rosenfeld)
And many more Zionist sub-human satanic murders.

One does not have to be a Muslim to realize if the Jews/Israeli’s are allowed to scape-goat Muslims for the enormous crimes they are responsible for the plague of communism will continue to spread. Communism will not work in America despite the so-called Jews despicable schemes.

These pitiful Zionist hearings by Rep King are nothing more than communism!

You must cooperate….does this not sound very familiar?

America cannot be allowed to be destroyed by 3% of the population and their secret society slaves. The so-called new world order is really the Communist world order.

Satan has very little time left. Their is something devil always leaves un-said about his plans...yes he promises the world, but prophecy reveals the fate of the wicked.

The so-called new world order is talking about the bowels of hell.

Satan’s people and all the resistance they will encounter may partially destroy the world, but the wicked will receive all the pain and trouble they truly deserve….forever.

You wicked bastards/Edomites will not get away with it this time.

It was Satan’s plan all along…but they think they are so clever.
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Your posting is so incoherent that there is really no point in trying to address your logical fallacies.



Your posting is so incoherent that there is really no point in trying to address your logical fallacies.



Just pitiful...for someone you still thinks the words of Lenin were an accurate description of communism despite hundreds of million innocent people murdered has no business commenting on logic or incoherance.
One just has to look across the globe (Thailand, China, Russia, Britain, India, Africa, Europe, Lebanon, United States, et cetera) to see that it is Islam that is attacking the infidels because of religious idealogy caused by passages in the Quran. There are those who would claim that Islam is oppressed, as there are those in those nations that claim to be such, but if one truely looks at this, they would see that the Muslims in those nations are not prevented from going to their mosques and praying five times a day, not told they cannot have halal meats, not told they cannot live their lives as they would like, but only restricted from forcing infidels to adhere to their own religious tenets. This is what they consider oppression.
For every Muslim that believes that the entire Quran is the true and last word of God, that Muslim cannot befriend non-Muslims, cannot consider women as equals, but rather look at women as inferiors, does not allow its Muslim women to marry infidels and that Islam must conquer the world, kill all who refuse to convert and imprison or kill all who leave the religion.
There are Muslims who are the equivalent of "Jack Mormons/Christians," individuals who claim to be of a particular religion, but do not actively practise it. Those individuals believe in the separation of church and state and don't believe they should interfere with others beliefs. There is no issue with them.
However, there are those among us who want only to see the US Constitution destroyed and replaced with Biblical or Quranic laws. History, via the Inquisition and present day Islamic nations has shown that governments that follow religious tenets are both oppressive, cruel and murderous. Such religious idealogy has no place in secular western society.
With Islam considering itself as having the "last" word of a God and thus the final solution for the world, it is inherently the most dangerous religion in practise. While our Constitution cites that no law shall be made against the establishment of, or practise of any religion, that passage created by the drafters of the Constitution, did not consider that a religion may arise that would threaten the very foundation of their document and in turn, possibly lead to its own destruction.
Freedom which allows evil to actively grow within the borders of its nation, without restraints, is in itself, a weakness that can be utilized against its very own tenets. The hearings were just addressing the radicalization of Muslims, not the religion itself. Personally, in my humble opinion, it is the religion itself that is a threat.
Those women walking about in the U.S. wearing Islamic clothing, they actually believe that the Quran is true, that they are inferior to men and must be subjugated by them. Why do they believe such nonsense? They believe such because they want a man in their life and the man should take care of them, thus they eagerly give up their freedom to be under the thumb of men who like to be in control of them. The men in such families believe the same and want to see all women subjugated and no doubt, Sharia replacing the Constitution.
Bottom line in my opinion is that the hearings didn't go far enough. An amendment should be proposed and enacted, changing the section of the Constitution that addresses religion and instead restrict religion; banning religious materials that advocate its followers harm people who either do not follow their idealogy, or who wish to leave it, that also requires those who would wish to teach religion, be screened and monitored to ensure that teachings do not include incitation to hatred.
We need to stop treating religion as though it were some sacred cow that cannot be critically examined and if necessary, controlled.
One just has to look across the globe (Thailand, China, Russia, Britain, India, Africa, Europe, Lebanon, United States, et cetera) to see that it is Islam that is attacking the infidels because of religious idealogy caused by passages in the Quran. There are those who would claim that Islam is oppressed, as there are those in those nations that claim to be such, but if one truely looks at this, they would see that the Muslims in those nations are not prevented from going to their mosques and praying five times a day, not told they cannot have halal meats, not told they cannot live their lives as they would like, but only restricted from forcing infidels to adhere to their own religious tenets. This is what they consider oppression.
For every Muslim that believes that the entire Quran is the true and last word of God, that Muslim cannot befriend non-Muslims, cannot consider women as equals, but rather look at women as inferiors, does not allow its Muslim women to marry infidels and that Islam must conquer the world, kill all who refuse to convert and imprison or kill all who leave the religion.
There are Muslims who are the equivalent of "Jack Mormons/Christians," individuals who claim to be of a particular religion, but do not actively practise it. Those individuals believe in the separation of church and state and don't believe they should interfere with others beliefs. There is no issue with them.
However, there are those among us who want only to see the US Constitution destroyed and replaced with Biblical or Quranic laws. History, via the Inquisition and present day Islamic nations has shown that governments that follow religious tenets are both oppressive, cruel and murderous. Such religious idealogy has no place in secular western society.
With Islam considering itself as having the "last" word of a God and thus the final solution for the world, it is inherently the most dangerous religion in practise. While our Constitution cites that no law shall be made against the establishment of, or practise of any religion, that passage created by the drafters of the Constitution, did not consider that a religion may arise that would threaten the very foundation of their document and in turn, possibly lead to its own destruction.
Freedom which allows evil to actively grow within the borders of its nation, without restraints, is in itself, a weakness that can be utilized against its very own tenets. The hearings were just addressing the radicalization of Muslims, not the religion itself. Personally, in my humble opinion, it is the religion itself that is a threat.
Those women walking about in the U.S. wearing Islamic clothing, they actually believe that the Quran is true, that they are inferior to men and must be subjugated by them. Why do they believe such nonsense? They believe such because they want a man in their life and the man should take care of them, thus they eagerly give up their freedom to be under the thumb of men who like to be in control of them. The men in such families believe the same and want to see all women subjugated and no doubt, Sharia replacing the Constitution.
Bottom line in my opinion is that the hearings didn't go far enough. An amendment should be proposed and enacted, changing the section of the Constitution that addresses religion and instead restrict religion; banning religious materials that advocate its followers harm people who either do not follow their idealogy, or who wish to leave it, that also requires those who would wish to teach religion, be screened and monitored to ensure that teachings do not include incitation to hatred.
We need to stop treating religion as though it were some sacred cow that cannot be critically examined and if necessary, controlled.
ok firstly the raditz light speed thing is a translation mistake , this is NOT said in the manga or the japense version ,they never reach light speed in dbz , they get close at the very end at full power maybe , theoreticly , like 60-80 thousand mach maybe , but light speed is 90 thousand + . Hulk is physically much stronger then any dbz character ever gets , normal green hulk has lifted 150 billion tons. World War Hulk can theoreticly destroy a planet through physical blows , hes already been shown to be strong enough to survive in the planet core and pull/push tectonic plates around. Plus he can survive in space for a very very very long time , like days or weeks. Plus hulk regenerates at a MASSIVE degree. Hulk cant fly but he can jump into the outer atmosphere and cross continental , and has been shown to move as fast as top tier marvel characters such as the norse god Thor. Maybe goku could hit him with a big enough ki blast to kill him or knock him down to bruce banner state (however WWH has shrugged off a nova blast from human torch , this blast can be as hot as 1 million degrees , the surface of the sun is only 50,000 ) , but he would need to go all out right from the start , the longer the fight went the less chance goku would have , take too long and hulk would overpower him. As hulks strength has no measurable limits. Hulks stamina and durability is nearly limitless , as is his strength , goku would be very hard pressed to win this. The only way is complete overkill right from the start before hulk can catch his stride , i think goku could feasibly beat anything below world war hulk power , maybe , as it would be very hard for hulk to fight someone who can move so fast and fly and teleport and who can attack from range. So because of his movement advantages il say GOKU ftw , but only just and only if he does it quick.
You might have a point, if muslims were humans.

It's not the Muslims behind the federal reserve banking system that has stolen so much money from the government and the people that America is now on the verge of ecomonic collaspe.

It's the Israeli's/Jew's that control the media which has concealed how they steal whole governments and murders millions of their citizens.

The Israeli's not the Muslims that created communism.

In this young American nation every step of it's decline came as a result of deception by the Zionist Jews, the Jewish international bankers and those paid by them from the days of George Washington until this very second.

It's incredible that they have gotten away with treason in America for so long. Henry Kissinger has given away American industry to communist China destroying the middle class and few people seem to be getting the message about these conniving people.

It's Darwinism that has brought about the wicked notion of human beings need conflict and encourages all forms of uncivilized behavior.

It's the Israeli's that teach the evolution trash to our children, and advertise all methods of self-destruction that they label education. The whole education system is now geared toward breeding communist, and identifying the resistors. They are taught to be snitches even against their own parents.

Trash T.V advertising and encouraging all manner of depravity is done by Jews. The destruction of American families is done by Jews. They play everyone against one another.

They use everyone else's money, blame everyone else for their crimes, and murder everyone else including their own if by stupidity/brainwash they gain power.

They poison the air, water, and food and bribe everyone into silence.

The Jewish company monsanto kills and sickens thousands of people daily with their slow kill products.
Ask who is capable of financing all the toxins sprayed into the air by the chemtrail bombing runs.
Notice who was at the forefront of water fluoridation that causes a great number of ailments while dumbing down the minds of our children.

No; it's not the Muslims it's the Israeli's/Jews

They call themselves Jews.

The Holy Scriptures call them Edomites.....they are indeed wicked.

3% of the population; and all the false flag operations, all the terrible they have cause to this nation and the world....based on their works these Zionist are the children of no one but Satan.
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Interesting Octo, that you actually believe your drivel. Darwinism doesn't encourage human confrontation, but religion clearly does. It's very tenets promote an "us against them" mentality, which you clearly adhere to. Religion (most religions), especially those idiotic desert Abrahamic religions, advocate intolerance and hatred to all non-believers. The bible, torah and quran advocate hatred, not unity and togetherness for all humanity, regardless of lifestyle, unless of course you follow their antiquated belief system. To blame the Jews alone for the world's troubles, is absurd. To point blame for much of mankinds misery at most religions would be more accurate.
No doubt you are some no-nazi or skinhead, fixated only on the Jews, when you should be looking with a critical eye at all the Abrahamic religions.
You are entirely wrong about Darwinism, and the basics about this fraud remains unsaid “for the record” to believe in this bogus theory is to also to believe that no God exists.

You cannot believe in Darwinism and also believe in God. The evolution theory is what those that follow darkness/evil use to get the unwary to reject God, many of them not ever even knowing it.

This is precisely why the Godless communist indoctrinate people especially children with these destructive lies (Darwinism), for if Satan can get people to believe there is no God, they are also conditioned to believe no accountability exist for all that they do.

When no standard of ethics exist the unfortunate are prone to accept mass murder, genocide, torture, intolerance, bigotry, rape, homo sexuality, abortion, devil worship, drug abuse, the love of money, and any means of deception and thievery no matter how heinous and colossal various schemes/crimes may be.

Seeds of hatred and conflict are already planted in the minds of those accepting Darwinism, and they become putty in the hands of the satanic controllers who shape people into the servants of Satan. Secret societies are a prime example of entering into a covenant with Lucifer, but this part is usually only revealed to those at the top.

Make no mistake Good and evil exist in the world, and the fathers of good and evil also exist. Let’s just reveal for the record that the reason Satan has not been put away “so far” is to test the ethics of human beings. Make no mistake Satan’s purpose is to take as many souls as possible to the bowels of the earth with him and his fallen angels.

The original plan for God’s creation was that the human family live forever just as almighty God lives forever. God is about life and goodness. The one with the tremendous power to bring the earth into exist and put into place all the many operations that makes this planet inhabitable is quite capable of the continuation of his original plan.

To make a long story short the original plan was not abandon only set back. Human beings will indeed become immortal just as originally planned. One enters into the world with nothing, and leaves with nothing except a record of whether their actions/works were that of Good or evil. A judgment by the Heavenly father which has the power to determine whether each individual lives forever in a blessed and peaceful state, or lives forever understanding the deepest meanings of unending torture.

Holy scripture reveals prophecy to mankind and it’s amazing why so few people seem to comprehend how serious our choices are in terms of good and evil. If you don’t want to believe God exist is an individual decision but it’s extremely evil to try and censure the facts and deceive people into following the fate Satan. He has no choice human beings do.

The wicked non-sense called Darwinism saying all this vast creation one can witness somehow came into existence and just happened on its own is the devil’s jealously. The question becomes why hasn’t creation happened on any other planet? The envy of Satan who wanted to be like God while in heaven now hates all the good that’s been created and works to destroy it, for Satan loves pain and death. God is about life and truth.

Notice how the creation he has provided to us works toward the common good. The ego system is very organized and each creature is uniquely created for the habitat for which it lives. From the smallest microscopic creature to the largest they have functions they achieve to fulfill their role in maintaining and sustaining life. All have been provided with ways of defending their lives and contributing to the overall well being of all.

Satan in his great jealously and envy had no part in all this, and hates how well it all works when undisturbed so he moves to take away freedom, independence, truth, natural simplicity, wisdom, and health and gets some twisted and perverse joy from controlling others.

His evil version of power has nothing to do with creating anything. For people to suffer, to become poverty stricken, to be ignorant of good, to be in conflict with others is what Satan loves.

No; one can’t see with the naked eye the two main combatants in the war of Good and evil. But we can see and understand their works. Someone had to know the precise distance the sun needed to be from the earth to sustain life.

Someone had to possess the wisdom and power to have this huge planet rotating around the earth. Who else but a God could do such a thing, and tilt this planet at certain times of the year to change the seasons?

The functions of the wind, rain, and clouds, and the various cycles to sustain life is no small operation. All the foliage that provides food and oxygen didn’t just happened on its own, and it’s a child of God that is capable of recognizing and respecting this.

Darwin was a satanic liar, and understand religion and politics are the same. Holy Scripture unpolluted with man’s political ambitions is far different from religion.
The forces of darkness are very ancient and attempts to use religion to vilify the word of God. The spiritual world exists and is in control of the world we know. To know and understand something about power one only has two sources to choose from either Holy Scripture or the occult.

Communism and all it wants to achieve has always been the ambition of Lucifer.
My attention span is too short to read the whole posts...can you sum up in 12 words or less please?
My attention span is too short to read the whole posts...can you sum up in 12 words or less please?

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want the feds checking in on my radical brothers in America.

17 words.

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want investigations into American muslim radicals.

12 words.

Sweet, I did it on the second try!!
My attention span is too short to read the whole posts...can you sum up in 12 words or less please?

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want the feds checking in on my radical brothers in America.

17 words.

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want investigations into American muslim radicals.

12 words.

Sweet, I did it on the second try!!

I couldn't get all the way through your first sentence before I noticed that one side of my shoelace was a little longer than the other and I had to even it up.
Your second sentence was much easier to follow, thanks.
My attention span is too short to read the whole posts...can you sum up in 12 words or less please?

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want the feds checking in on my radical brothers in America.

17 words.

Ima jew hating troofer that doesn't want investigations into American muslim radicals.

12 words.

Sweet, I did it on the second try!!

I couldn't get all the way through your first sentence before I noticed that one side of my shoelace was a little longer than the other and I had to even it up.
Your second sentence was much easier to follow, thanks.

These comments is exactly what the wealthy children Satan and their peons want dumb-down and reduce the thinking Americans too.

You guys must be the advertisers.

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