Peter King Hearing vs Radical Imams

Are the King hearings justified and supported? Are there radical Imams?

  • NO. There are no radical Imams in the US. The US should be like the EU.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • YES. There are radical Imams in the US and King needs to lay the Law down.

    Votes: 14 82.4%
  • I dunno, whats an Imam??

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Apparently there was a concern that 80% - 85% of Imams are radical jihadists bent on Sharia Law and taking over the US like they did the EU.

Fact Checker - Peter King's claim about radical Muslim imams: Is it true?

I don't know about you, but even if the percent is only 5% to 8% (you notice they didn't actually mention a percent in the "fact finder") that is way too high to allow them to stay in the US.

So lets take a poll....
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Hard to believe that no one cares about radical Islam/imams??


Believe it or not, and....I think you're beginning to believe the REALITY of it......probably 80% of Americans are peripherally knowledgeable about the EXTENT of the danger the American Muslims pose to our way of life.

So, for all intents and purposes, the majority of Americans are CLUELESS about the danger of Islam in our Country.....and the danger of American Muslims as the ENEMY WITHIN !!!

At the present time it appears to be negligible with occasional Blind Sheiks and Twin Tower bombings, or the 9/11 masjid, the whackjob Maj Hasan, etc.....but, consider this: NOTE THE REACTION OF THE LIBTURDS OF AMERICA......THE HATERS OF AMERICA !!!!

These are the ALLIES of the Jihadists !!!!!

How the fuck do you think that the CONSTITUTIONS of some of the Scandinavian countries are changing because of an "infinitesimal" number of the fucking Muslims in their midst ????

Answer: the extremely well organized fucking Muslims in their Mosques, and their own "CAIRs".....i.e. Muslim Bros fronts inextricably connected to Terrorist Organizations like Hamas....but more importantly to VICIOUS FANATICAL IMAMS like the WAHHABIS of Saudi Arabia sponsoring their Mosque Outlets with BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF SAUDI DOLLARS !!!....... and the help of the naive fucking Scandinavian Libruls ....... PLUS Muslim intimidation where the Scandinavian can't even enter the ghetto enclaves in their larger cities.

Somewhere in these USMB threads it was repeatedly mentioned that close to 90% of the Mosques in America are subsidized by Saudi Arabia's Wahhabis using Saudi Royalty's moola.

Don't bother me with links......if you are a fucking LibTURD, you don't give a fuck even it was true.


And, CAIR ???????

One would think that if CAIR was legitimate, CAIR would be at the forefront welcoming such a Committee as Congressman Peter King's... but ...OH.....FUCKING....NO !!!!

WHY ????

ANSWER: Because in Nation Wide Publicly Televised TV their representatives would have to admit that they were NONCONVICTED CONSPIRATORS w/r/t a TERRORISM CASE. They would have to admit that TWO OF THE FOUNDERS OF CAIR WERE MUSLIM BROTHERS CONNECTED TO HAMAS !!!

I hope that if Congressman Peter King's Committee does the job they are supposed to do, that will come out for nationwide knowledge.




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Hard to believe that no one cares about radical Islam/imams??
What would you do ?

Suppose you stumbled upon the Constitution of an organization that was terrorizing the world. Would you ignore such a document, or would you read it? Suppose you discovered that this Constitution’s most prominent themes were pain and punishment, thievery and violence, intolerance and war. If the regime’s charter ordered its devotees to kill, plunder, and terrorize, would you sound an alarm?
*** What if this Constitution was supported by a manifesto that contained the only authorized biography of the regime’s founder, and the first devotees of this doctrine, its co-founders, said that their leader was a sexual predator, a pirate, and a terrorist? If you found such evidence, what would you do with it? What if this leader motivated his mercenaries to murder and mayhem by allowing them to keep what they had stolen in the name of the cause—their victim’s homes, businesses, money—even their women and children?
*** All right, no more hypotheticals. I’m going to share some passages from this Constitution—from the covenant of the world’s largest and most violent organization. I have changed the names to disguise the source without altering the message.

“Your leader has sent you from your homes to fight for the cause. Your leader wished to confirm the truth by his words: wipe those who disagree with us out to the last.

We shall terrorize everyone who is unlike us! So smite them on their necks and every joint, and incapacitate them, for they are opposed to our doctrine and our leader.

Whosoever opposes our doctrine and our leader should know that we are severe in retribution. And know that one-fifth of what you acquire as booty in war is for our great leader (the rest is for you). The use of such spoils is lawful and good.”

*** This popular and misunderstood Constitution says:

“Fight them till all opposition ends and only our doctrine rules. If you meet anyone who disagrees with us in battle, inflict on them such a defeat as would be a lesson for those who come after them, that they may be warned.

Slaughter those who disagree with us wherever you find them. Lie in wait for them. They are specimens of foolishness. *

Punish them so that our superior dogma and leader can put them to shame.

If you apprehend treachery from a people with whom we have a treaty, retaliate by breaking it off.
Those who do not think like us should know that they cannot bypass our doctrine. Surely they cannot get away.
Fight them until they pay a heavy tax in submission to us; how perverse are they. Our leader and his doctrine will damn them. For anyone who offends our leader or opposes our doctrine will receive a painful punishment. We will burn them alive. So prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster, that you may strike terror in the enemies of our cause!”

*** This Constitution is genuine, and millions follow its message. Exposing it —understanding it—might actually save you from the wrath it inspires. The covenant goes on to say:

“Our great leader urged all who agree with us to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination, you will vanquish two hundred; and if there are a hundred, then you will vanquish a thousand of our enemy, for they are a people devoid of understanding. Our great leader drove your enemy back in fury. He motivated our side in battle. He made their citizens flee from their homes and he terrorized them so that you killed some and made many captive. Our great leader made you inherit their lands, homes, and wealth, and gave you a country you had not traversed before.”

*** This sounds like a terrorist manifesto—a covenant for war and genocide. Does anything this immoral, this out-of-touch with human decency, actually exist?
If it did, and if it were this blatant, you’d expect to see its followers amassing their weaponry. You’d expect them to rise up and terrorize the world.

Not only would they feel it was their duty to kill, you’d expect their fallen assassins to be immortalized—hailed as martyrs and paraded down crowded streets, banners waving, tears flowing, guns blazing, with angry diatribes spewing from hate-filled faces

. You’d expect them to wage war under the guise of doctrinal supremacy, wouldn’t you? And if there were such people, our journalists and politicians would have ferreted them out, exposed them, and protected us. Right?
Nobody is buying the PC rhetoric carpeting the airwaves of the major media outlets...........all total BS.

An handful of fcukking k00ks are worried about the "radical right" in real terms, just about totally irrelevant.

Moral equivelence thinking is gay.............
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Peter King is a terrorist supporter. No wiggle room.

Peter T. King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1980s, King faced criticism for actively supporting the terrorist IRA, and frequently traveled to Northern Ireland to meet with senior members of the militant group, many of whom he counted as friends.[7][15] In 1982, speaking at a pro-IRA rally in Nassau County, New York, King said: “We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry.”[7][16] "In 1985, he convened a press conference before the start of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade (for which he was Grand Marshal), and offered a defiant defense of the IRA: 'As we march up the avenue and share all the joy,' he declared, 'let us never forget the men and women who are suffering and, most of all, the men and women who are fighting.'"[17] Regarding the 30 years of violence during which the IRA killed over 1700 people, including over 600 civilians, King said, ""If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the IRA for it". King compared IRA leader Gerry Adams to George Washington and asserted that the "British government is a murder machine". [18]

Quoting Mr. Fitnah...." *** This sounds like a terrorist manifesto—a covenant for war and genocide. Does anything this immoral, this out-of-touch with human decency, actually exist?
If it did, and if it were this blatant, you’d expect to see its followers amassing their weaponry. You’d expect them to rise up and terrorize the world.

Not only would they feel it was their duty to kill, you’d expect their fallen assassins to be immortalized—hailed as martyrs and paraded down crowded streets, banners waving, tears flowing, guns blazing, with angry diatribes spewing from hate-filled faces

. You’d expect them to wage war under the guise of doctrinal supremacy, wouldn’t you?
And if there were such people, our journalists and politicians would have ferreted them out, exposed them, and protected us. Right?

The EU is finding out who they let into their countries and are now admitting it was a major mistake. I applaud Peter King's efforts and hope he lets them know Sharia and violence will not be tolerated.
Peter King is a terrorist supporter. No wiggle room.

Peter T. King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1980s, King faced criticism for actively supporting the terrorist IRA, and frequently traveled to Northern Ireland to meet with senior members of the militant group, many of whom he counted as friends.[7][15] In 1982, speaking at a pro-IRA rally in Nassau County, New York, King said: “We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry.”[7][16] "In 1985, he convened a press conference before the start of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade (for which he was Grand Marshal), and offered a defiant defense of the IRA: 'As we march up the avenue and share all the joy,' he declared, 'let us never forget the men and women who are suffering and, most of all, the men and women who are fighting.'"[17] Regarding the 30 years of violence during which the IRA killed over 1700 people, including over 600 civilians, King said, ""If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the IRA for it". King compared IRA leader Gerry Adams to George Washington and asserted that the "British government is a murder machine". [18]

Laugh my balls off............was wondering how long it would take before the fcukking limpwristed PC assholes would show up on this thread.................

Hey kzyr..........the Ellison stunt from Thursday about the guy he knew down at the towers on 9/11????

Total bogusness.............Rep. Keith Ellison

Peter King FTMFW..........and virtually the whole country is behind him.:lol::lol: Except vapor-lock assholes like Sallow who, if the terror bad guy were marching in masses up 5th Avenue, he'd be out there with a welcoming comittee and a big fruit stand. Probably some Blimpie Subs too............
Peter King is a terrorist supporter. No wiggle room.

Peter T. King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1980s, King faced criticism for actively supporting the terrorist IRA, and frequently traveled to Northern Ireland to meet with senior members of the militant group, many of whom he counted as friends.[7][15] In 1982, speaking at a pro-IRA rally in Nassau County, New York, King said: “We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry.”[7][16] "In 1985, he convened a press conference before the start of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade (for which he was Grand Marshal), and offered a defiant defense of the IRA: 'As we march up the avenue and share all the joy,' he declared, 'let us never forget the men and women who are suffering and, most of all, the men and women who are fighting.'"[17] Regarding the 30 years of violence during which the IRA killed over 1700 people, including over 600 civilians, King said, ""If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the IRA for it". King compared IRA leader Gerry Adams to George Washington and asserted that the "British government is a murder machine". [18]

Laugh my balls off............was wondering how long it would take before the fcukking limpwristed PC assholes would show up on this thread.................

Hey kzyr..........the Ellison stunt from Thursday about the guy he knew down at the towers on 9/11????

Total bogusness.............Rep. Keith Ellison

Peter King FTMFW..........and virtually the whole country is behind him.:lol::lol: Except vapor-lock assholes like Sallow who, if the terror bad guy were marching in masses up 5th Avenue, he'd be out there with a welcoming comittee and a big fruit stand. Probably some Blimpie Subs too............

Hey..I don't like sir..not one bit. Fucking cowards..all of them. Much like yourself and Peter King.
And you know czyr..........dollar to a dozen stale donuts, limpwristers like Sallow, Dean, Rightwinger, Ravi et. al...............all sitting home watching that performance by Ellison and shedding a tear.

Always heard about the feminization of the American male over the last 40 years. Thought it was largely a myth, but you come into this forum and see some of this limpwristed stuff and you know these PC coordinators have been effective!!!

And you know czyr..........dollar to a dozen stale donuts, limpwristers like Sallow, Dean, Rightwinger, Ravi et. al...............all sitting home watching that performance by Ellison and shedding a tear.

Always heard about the feminization of the American male over the last 40 years. Thought it was largely a myth, but you come into this forum and see some of this limpwristed stuff and you know these PC coordinators have been effective!!!


No females here son. Just someone who hates terrorists. I don't care if they are blowin up brits, israelis, americans or martians.

Cowards like yourself and Peter King make distinctions. And hide like rats when it comes to a fight.

Quoting Mr. Fitnah...." *** This sounds like a terrorist manifesto—a covenant for war and genocide. Does anything this immoral, this out-of-touch with human decency, actually exist?
If it did, and if it were this blatant, you’d expect to see its followers amassing their weaponry. You’d expect them to rise up and terrorize the world.

Not only would they feel it was their duty to kill, you’d expect their fallen assassins to be immortalized—hailed as martyrs and paraded down crowded streets, banners waving, tears flowing, guns blazing, with angry diatribes spewing from hate-filled faces

. You’d expect them to wage war under the guise of doctrinal supremacy, wouldn’t you?
And if there were such people, our journalists and politicians would have ferreted them out, exposed them, and protected us. Right?

The EU is finding out who they let into their countries and are now admitting it was a major mistake. I applaud Peter King's efforts and hope he lets them know Sharia and violence will not be tolerated.

Its a day late and a euro short for them .
peter king is right to do his job, i called his office to let them know i appreciate his courage and effort.
he wants to learn about terrorist recruiting inside our borders.
nothing would make bin laden happier than having an american citizen reek havoc right here. some democrats are saying we shouldn't even think about it, or discuss... much like the healthbill.
look at all the dumb hearings the democrats have promulgated.
we need to sperate the beautiful religion from the violent cult.
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Peter King is a terrorist supporter. No wiggle room.

Peter T. King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1980s, King faced criticism for actively supporting the terrorist IRA, and frequently traveled to Northern Ireland to meet with senior members of the militant group, many of whom he counted as friends.[7][15] In 1982, speaking at a pro-IRA rally in Nassau County, New York, King said: “We must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying forth the struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry.”[7][16] "In 1985, he convened a press conference before the start of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade (for which he was Grand Marshal), and offered a defiant defense of the IRA: 'As we march up the avenue and share all the joy,' he declared, 'let us never forget the men and women who are suffering and, most of all, the men and women who are fighting.'"[17] Regarding the 30 years of violence during which the IRA killed over 1700 people, including over 600 civilians, King said, ""If civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation, it is certainly regrettable, but I will not morally blame the IRA for it". King compared IRA leader Gerry Adams to George Washington and asserted that the "British government is a murder machine". [18]

Laugh my balls off............was wondering how long it would take before the fcukking limpwristed PC assholes would show up on this thread.................

Hey kzyr..........the Ellison stunt from Thursday about the guy he knew down at the towers on 9/11????

Total bogusness.............Rep. Keith Ellison

Peter King FTMFW..........and virtually the whole country is behind him.:lol::lol: Except vapor-lock assholes like Sallow who, if the terror bad guy were marching in masses up 5th Avenue, he'd be out there with a welcoming comittee and a big fruit stand. Probably some Blimpie Subs too............

Peter King should prosecute Ellison for perjury.
Fear is a powerful tool, a great tool to distract the public, or to occupy time that should be spent more productively. Certainly turns the spotlight away from this useless congress.

One wonders who asked him to conduct this witch hunt? His constituents? Odd as I thought the concern in America was jobs and spending, not empty talk.

Is he also investigating the militias in this country, the KKK, the white supremacists? Or is he just playing the crowd? Preaching to the choir?

We citizens pay billions for intelligence agencies to do this very thing, is anyone so naive they think his grandstanding is relevant or helpful. It may actually stir up more dislike as it focuses only on one segment of the population not the other crazies.

King's dishonesty is clear from his own statement below, he is in the same league as Cheney, Bush Jr., Joe McCarthy, Beck, or others who see monsters under their bed. Empty headed and useless except when it comes to throwing piles of poop to distract the easily fooled.

From article: "King now dismisses the comment as inconsequential, saying in an interview that he has no idea if the estimate is correct.

"I don't think it matters that much" because, according to Islamic leaders King said he has spoken with, imams do not have as much influence among the faithful as do priests or rabbis and because a relatively small percentage of American Muslims attend mosques.

"This is not that important to me," he said, adding: "I do think there is an inordinate amount of radical influence in mosques.""
And you know czyr..........dollar to a dozen stale donuts, limpwristers like Sallow, Dean, Rightwinger, Ravi et. al...............all sitting home watching that performance by Ellison and shedding a tear.

Always heard about the feminization of the American male over the last 40 years. Thought it was largely a myth, but you come into this forum and see some of this limpwristed stuff and you know these PC coordinators have been effective!!!


No females here son. Just someone who hates terrorists. I don't care if they are blowin up brits, israelis, americans or martians.

Cowards like yourself and Peter King make distinctions. And hide like rats when it comes to a fight.

Just read the shit that Callow Sallow pukes's a fucking insult to one's intelligence !!!

What the fucking LibTURd is saying is gibberish, like: he hates terrorism but those who are doing something about curbing terrorism are cowards and terrorists themselves !!!

The fucking arsehole is literally talking thru both sides of his anal aperture !!!
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Peter King is a terrorist supporter. No wiggle room.

Peter T. King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Laugh my balls off............was wondering how long it would take before the fcukking limpwristed PC assholes would show up on this thread.................

Hey kzyr..........the Ellison stunt from Thursday about the guy he knew down at the towers on 9/11????

Total bogusness.............Rep. Keith Ellison

Peter King FTMFW..........and virtually the whole country is behind him.:lol::lol: Except vapor-lock assholes like Sallow who, if the terror bad guy were marching in masses up 5th Avenue, he'd be out there with a welcoming comittee and a big fruit stand. Probably some Blimpie Subs too............

Peter King should prosecute Ellison for perjury.

I really don't understand why that fucking MuslimArseLicking Muslim arsehole Keith Ellison thinks he is making some emotionally profound point to support his cause of preventing any knowledge to be given to the American Public about the EXISTING FACT of the radicalization of the Muslim Youth by the Fanatical Enemies of America, primarily the Wahhabi arseholes using BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of Saudi Royalty's dollars, to sponsor masjids all over America and the World.

The story the arsehole Keith Ellison is spewing, and he takes quite a time emphasizing that the hero of his story is a thoroughly AMERICANIZED Muslim kid who gets slaughtered on 9/11 helping his fellow Americans ..... and then MALIGNED by the rightwing monsters.


So, in the light of the FACT that NO ONE MALIGNED the Americanized American Muslim kid, what does that fucking LIAR Keith Ellison ACTUALLY saying:

The fucking Muslim Jihadists MURDER a thoroughly Americanized Muslim kid on 9/11 and should be somehow ABSOLVED for their contemptible act ????

Throughout the USMB threads there are statements THAT NEED TO BE AUTHENTICATED. For example: approx 85% of the Mosques in America are subsidized by the Wahhabi's and used as recruitment centers for Jihadists as well as the centers for the overthrow of our Constitution with Sharia which is opposed to it.
US's economy has crashed. With further downturn, USA will witness social unrest just like it happens elsewhere in world if economy is going down.
Bombing Muslims serves as an outlet to canalize a part of the hate that's going on in US society.

Now, bombing Muslims abroad is a too costly business for Obama's budget.
Before the government will get bombed, they'll let the Muslims get bombed.

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