Personal Safety Makes For Strange......Bedfellows.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....and not a moment too soon!

1. "Alarmed by Islam, Europe's Gays Are Moving to the Right

.... the gay establishment – gay magazines, gay rights organizations, and self-designated gay leaders – have been dictating politics to the gay multitudes. Those politics have been consistently left-wing and Democratic. Not all gays have played follow-the-leader, but most have, so that in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections Hillary Clinton won a far larger percentage of the gay vote than Donald Trump.

2. ...Hillary had opposed same-sex marriage until 2013, had taken millions of dollars from governments that execute homosexuals, and was married to the man who signed the Defense of Marriage Act, the gay mafia had managed to depict her as gay-friendly....

3. Even more perverse than the official gay take on Trump vs. Clinton is the official gay party line on Islam. To get a good picture of this party line, all you need to do is glance through the archives of The Advocate, a gay news magazine.

“Islam is not intrinsically homophobic,” ... in a 2013 Advocate report about Muslim “activists and scholars” who, she claimed,....“more welcoming to LGBT people.”

4. Any whitewash of Islam is reprehensible. But when gays whitewash Islam in a publication read by other gays, it's downright dangerous. No ideology on Earth is more anti-gay. In ten Muslim countries, gay sex is punishable by death.

[Of course, that is the basic strategy of Liberals.....lies.]

5. ...more and more European gays are wising up, breaking ranks with the fools and liars in their midst who preach that the “gay community” and the ummah are natural allies, and casting their ballots for politicians whom they'd previously scorned.

6. “I don't like everything they say,” admitted one of the two gay men, a longtime leftist and former Green Party voter, “but this is too dangerous for gay people to live openly here, ...."
Alarmed by Islam, Europe's Gays Are Moving to the Right

Would it be offensive to say that change is 'blowin' in the wind?
7. "Then there are the out-and-out lies served up by the likes of Tanja Ineke – head of the Netherlands' leading gay-rights organization, no less – who told Feder that “immigrants don’t pose a special threat to LGBT people.” Tell that to the countless Dutch gays who, fearful of being beaten by Muslim gangs in a city that was once the safest place on Earth for them, have fled Amsterdam ..."

8. .....La Rambla is Barcelona's chief tourist street, essentially its counterpart to the Champs-Elysées in Paris, the Kufürstendamm in Berlin, Fifth Avenue in New York – and, perhaps most significantly, La Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, where, in July of last year, eighty-six people were killed in a similar jihadist atrocity.

They pondered the apparent lack of sophistication of this particular crime, the biographical background of the truck driver, the timeline of the atrocity, the apparent speed and weight of the truck itself, and so on. They talked about the wounded, about the degree to which they had been wounded, about how many had been sent to hospitals.

But they didn't talk about Islam. They didn't talk about jihad."
Let's Not Talk about Islam
islams worst nitemare.jpg
Yeah. Gays are moving to the right. To the party which HATES them and calls them perverts and pedophiles and akin to bestiality.


Yeah. Gays are moving to the right. To the party which HATES them and calls them perverts and pedophiles and akin to bestiality.

That's what you all are.

9. The media love describing the Republican Party base as “anti-gay”- as opposed to “anti-gay marriage.” Let’s see who’s anti-gay…

a. Gays are the victims of hate crimes, or as Republicans call them, “crimes.” But in the gay enclave of West Hollywood, law and order prevail…cops are everywhere…the average “Parking Restrictions” sign is longer than ‘Gone With the Wind.’

b. Gays have high incomes- a study a few years ago says 60 percent higher than the median income in America.

c. In Islamic countries, gays are punished with death.

Consequently, the three most important issues for any sane gay person ought to be crime, taxes, and the war on Islamic fascists…Manifestly, Republican policies are more pro-gay than Democrat policies and we don’t make a sport of outing political opponents who happen to be gay.
10. Ellen DeGeneres claims that President Trump is dangerous to gay people
That's what she says.


Can you imagine this person saying the same about jihadis.....who would actually kill her???
11. Democrats love using the tax code to enact lots of special-interest goodies with great appeal to suburban soccer moms but of absolutely no use to most gays, such as

a. Child tax credits

b. Tuition tax credits

c. Child-care credits

d. Education savings accounts

e. Student loans

f. The Family and Medical Leave Act

g. There is only one issue more important to Democrats than raising taxes, and that is keeping abortion legal at all stages of pregnancy. This is probably not a big issue for most gays.

12. After surrendering to Muslim terrorists and common criminals, aborting babies, and raising taxes, the Left’s favorite pastime is outing gay Republicans. Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…Liberals insist on letting ay men leas Boy Scouts on overnight camping trips, but won’t let a gay man be a Republican.

13. The media love describing the Republican Party base as “anti-gay”- as opposed to “anti-gay marriage.”…The purpose of marriage is not to sanctify the intense feeling people have for each other. The purpose is to harness men’s predatory biological impulses into a paired heterosexual relationship directed toward raising children. Mankind has never concocted a better scheme for civilizing men than marriage. And while we’re on the subject, animalkind has never developed a better mechanism for destroying civilization than liberalism.

14. We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:

a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be

b. Priests: No gays!

c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.

d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.

e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.

f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.

g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Di I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?

All of the above from the irrepressible Ann Coulter.
No wonder Liberals hate and fear her.
Is there a single democrat voting block in America other than gov't bureaucracy and academia that are appreciably better off as a result of their support of the Dems? Neither of which are on the low side of the line between the rich and the poor.
Is there a single democrat voting block in America other than gov't bureaucracy and academia that are appreciably better off as a result of their support of the Dems? Neither of which are on the low side of the line between the rich and the poor.

Perhaps mechanics who scrape Americans off the bottom of the bus,where the Democrats threw them?

Lots of work for those folks.....
"In at least eight countries in which consensual same-sex conduct is criminalized, law enforcement officials working in tandem with medical personnel subject men and transgender women who are arrested on homosexuality-related charges to forced anal examinations, with the purported objective of finding “proof” of homosexual conduct.

....the use of forced anal exams in eight countries: Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, and Zambia. We have also received reports of the use of forced anal exams by police in Syria,....."
Dignity Debased

Now, then......if and when logic should gays vote.....for the friends of Islamists, e.g., Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....

.....or anyone other than same.

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