Perry soft on illegal aliens.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

When he first took office as governor in 2001, Perry went to Mexico and bragged about his law that granted "the children of undocumented workers" special in-state tuition at Texas colleges, the first state in the nation to do so.

And American children cannot even get in-state tuitions. My grand-daughter has to leave Reno and go to Las Vegas to attend college (law school) instead of going to Sacramento which is cheaper if she got in-state tuition]. If she was an illegal aliens she could go to Sacramento and get in-state tuition. There are a lot of advantages in being an illegal aliens in America. (she should not have married my grand-son and remained illegal)

"The message is simple," Perry concluded, "educacion es el futuro, y si se puede." Education is the future, and (echoing Cesar Chavez's slogan) yes we can.]

Just a few weeks ago, Perry defended his decision to give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. He said "to punish these young Texans for their parents' actions is not what America has always been about." ... ry-summary

It is not “punishments” it is “consequences” for their parent’s actions and the parents are solely responsible and not America. If they want their children go to school free, they should take them to Mexico or left them there in the first place. When a parent commit’s a crime the children usually suffer some “consequences.” We do no give our own children “get our of jail free” cards. Why should be give them to children of illegal aliens who have committed immigration crimes. The parents know there would be “consequences” for their children because for their actions, but they counted on the “soft bellies” of our government.

I agree with Mitt Romney on immigration issues and he has my vote. My priority is immigration because it will go a long way in solving many of our unemployment and economical problems. Obama has done more but more is not enough. Nothing less then no illegal immigration and no illegal aliens is acceptable.

2012 Republican Presidential Candidates on Immigration
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And American children cannot even get in-state tuitions. My grand-daughter has to leave Reno and go to Las Vegas to attend college (law school) instead of going to Sacramento which is cheaper if she got in-state tuition]. If she was an illegal aliens she could go to Sacramento and get in-state tuition. There are a lot of advantages in being an illegal aliens in America. (she should not have married my grand-son and remained illegal)

You still have to live in the state to get the in-state tuition. So your argument is still crap.

It is not “punishments” it is “consequences” for their parent’s actions and the parents are solely responsible and not America. If they want their children go to school free, they should take them to Mexico or left them there in the first place. When a parent commit’s a crime the children usually suffer some “consequences.” We do no give our own children “get our of jail free” cards. Why should be give them to children of illegal aliens who have committed immigration crimes. The parents know there would be “consequences” for their children because for their actions, but they counted on the “soft bellies” of our government. "

We do not hold crimes done by juveniles against them as adults. This is why the whole analogy of equating immigration violations with criminal violations falls apart. They are not the same thing. Your position depends on being completely ignorant as to how our immigration system works.

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