PERPETUAL WAR WATCH: New Report -- War Crimes In Raqqa, Syria...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Bomb another foreign city out, kill hundreds, and then allow ISIS Terrorists to flee.

Oh boy, what a Foreign Policy. Yikes!

After a lengthy investigation, Amnesty International has just released a study finding that the US-led attack on Raqqa in Syria was so devastating to civilians and to the infrastructure that it may in fact constitute a war crime. Some have compared it to Dresden. And the irony is that after destroying the city to rid it of ISIS, the US turned a blind eye as hundreds of ISIS fighters escaped with their families...and their weapons! More in today's Liberty Report:

You shut your mouth or I’ll shove an American flag down your throat!

Let’s concentrate more on that dead soildiers baby who took pictures wh his fellow marines . I wonder if she will be fighting in Afghanistan in

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