Permanent Residency v. hiring American workers?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
How's this for a plan:

One of our two major party Presidential candidates wants to do this.

Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering

I think it would be nice for our government to compel corporations and companies to hire Americans first.

What say you?

How's this for a plan:

One of our two major party Presidential candidates wants to do this.

Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering

I think it would be nice for our government to compel corporations and companies to hire Americans first.

What say you?


I think the current system of U.S. universities and grant writing organizations shelling out the bucks to pay for the graduate educations of foreign students in physics, chemistry, computer science, etc. and then shipping them home as soon as possible after they get their degrees to become assets to their home countries makes the most sense. We certainly do not want the brightest scientists and engineers working here no matter where they came from, no one wants anymore German rocket scientists or Asian technology innovators.
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New hiring picture not as rosy at it seems, unless yer workin' for the gov't....
90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force--Up Almost 10M Under Obama
September 6, 2013 -- The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation's labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks. In July, according to BLS, 89,957,000 Americans did not participate in the labor force. In August, that climbed to 90,473,000--a one month increase of 516,000.

In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, there were 80,507,000 Americans not in the labor force. Thus, the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 9,966,000 during Obama's presidency. Part of the increase in the number Americans not participating in the labor force can be explained by Baby Boomers reaching retirement age and deciding to stop working--and not be replaced by an equal number of younger people reaching age 16 and thus becoming part of the BLS labor force population.

However, it is also true that the overall percentage of the non-institutionalized population over the age of 16 that is working or seeking to work in the United States--which BLS calls the employment-population ratio--has declined significantly in recent years. From July to August, it dropped from 58.7 percent to 58.6 percent. In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, it was 60.6 percent. It reached an historical peak in April 2000, when it was 64.7 percent.


See also:

-115,000: Number of Americans With Jobs Dropped in August
September 6, 2013 -- Although the national unemployment rate dropped from 7.4 percent to 7.3 percent in August, the number of Americans who actually held jobs during August dropped 115,000 from July.
The simultaneous decline in both the unemployment rate and the number of people with jobs was possible because the "labor force participation rate" dropped to 63.2 percent in August. That is the lowest it has been since August 1978.

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of adults 16 years or older who either had a job or actively sought one in the last four weeks. The unemployment rate is the number of adults in the labor force (n.b. they had a job or were actively seeking one) who could not find a job.

The labor force participation rate had been 63.4 percent in July before dropping to 63.2 percent in August. In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, it was 65.7 percent. In July, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there were 144,285,000 Americans with jobs. In August, the BLS estimated there were 144,170,000--a decline of 115,000.

-115,000: Number of Americans With Jobs Dropped in August | CNS News


Number of Gov’t Workers Up 324,000 in One Month – Private Sector Down 278,000
September 6, 2013 -– The number of workers employed by the government went up 324,000 between July and August while the number of workers in the private sector declined 278,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In the employment numbers released today, the BLS shows there were 20,041,000 government workers in July 2013. In August, that number had climbed to 20,365,000 – an increase of 324,000 people on the government payroll.

That’s government employment level, seasonally adjusted, for male and female workers ages 16 and over.

At the same time, July to August 2013, the workforce in the private sector fell from 113,164,000 to 112,886,000 – a decline of 278,000. Those are seasonally adjusted, private industry workers, ages 16 and over.

Obama wants to bomb Syria, that peaceful guy that wanted to “stop wars” Bush started. I am left with the impression America has lost it's freaking collective mind. The same guy wants to give invading illegal aliens amnesty that take jobs from American lower class and absorb money aimed at resolving American poverty. As someone pointed out, we bail out wall street crumbs after they perpetrated a major catastrophe and screw millions. What is wrong with us? What happened to common sense?
Uncle Ferd hopin' he gonna get his job back wringin' farts outta shirt-tails atta dry cleanery...
US Employers Indicate More Hiring Later This Year
September 12, 2013 ~ A survey of American employers shows more are inclined to increase hiring from October to December of this year.
Job growth in the U.S. is a key consideration as policy makers at the country's central bank consider next week whether to start trimming stimulative measures they have deployed to boost the economy from the depths of the 2009 recession. A staffing company, ManpowerGroup, said it questioned 18,000 employers and found that the companies were 13 percent more likely to add workers than to lay off staff. A vice president at the firm, Chris Layden, said it was the most optimistic outlook on hiring in six years. "Employers indicated elevated confidence in the U.S., with the strongest fourth-quarter hiring intentions since the fourth quarter of 2007," said Layden.

Job growth in the U.S. economy, the world's largest, has been uneven, with the government reporting that hiring has slowed in recent months. The unemployment rate has dipped to 7.3 percent, a still elevated figure, but the lowest in nearly five years. Nonetheless, it partly has dropped because some unemployed workers have stopped looking for new jobs and are no longer counted in the government's monthly jobless reports.


Workers assemble Motorola phones at the Flextronics plant that will be building the new Motorola smart phone "MotoX" in Fort Worth, Texas

Layden said the Manpower survey, though, bodes well for U.S. job seekers. "The strong year-end hiring forecast is good news for U.S. job seekers. Employers are looking at the remaining budget in the last quarter and expected demand, and they make decisions about staff levels," he said. "And according to this survey, they’re inclined to hire at a slightly stronger pace than we’ve seen previously this year."

The central bank, the Federal Reserve, has been buying $85 billion worth of securities a month to boost the economy. But as the U.S. economy steadily improves, albeit at a slower pace than many officials would like, Fed officials say they may begin to trim the asset purchases and end them altogether by mid-2014. The policy makers are meeting in Washington next Tuesday and Wednesday.

US Employers Indicate More Hiring Later This Year
I say we've already liberated CAPITAL from the burden of responsibility to the nation...

so why not the same for all workers in the world?

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