People will vote to go back to work... lockdown party versus the back to work party.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The Democrats have been caught up in their own power hungry opium. The pandemic has given them the excuse that they have so desperately wanted to reveal the inner Joe Stalin. As with all satiating and self-serving habits the person who is caught up in the habit seldom knows when to see a healthy limit. That limit has long since passed and the insane power brokers continue to siphon vampiric life off of their constituency by positivly rolling in the dopamine high of absolute power and authority. Only the Uber left ..... Probably less than 20% of the democratic electorate it's going to be on board with this total orgy of abuse from high places. I predict that this will be a catastrophic loss for the Democrats in November. It is no longer the Democrats versus the Republicans. It is the lockdown party versus the back to work party..... This will be a slaughter. There are a lot of very hard-working Democrats out there who are going to jump ship.... mark my words.

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Dems figured this lockdown BS would make them look responsible. Wear your mask, hide in your basement, social distance and after we find you're infected we will contact trace everyone you may have encountered which is the biggest invasion of privacy since Obama and his FBI spied on Trump. But Democrats forgot about Americans free will and their desire to provide for their families. They forgot about the constitution and they forgot exactly how Communist China started this whole pandemic. They forgot about all this shit because they were too busy trying to blame Trump. So in the end, Dems fucked up big time. Now they have to redeem themselves. So what will they do? On CNN they're already pushing the narrative that the Black guys death in Minneapolis was caused by Trump's vigilantism. Now there's some far fetched bullshit for you. I guess that's the best they could come up with to distract people from their utterly failed response (lockdown) to the COVID 19 crisis. Never has one party been wrong so many times in such a short period of time. I can't imagine why anyone would vote for any Democrat outside of a family connection.

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