People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
It appears that Republicans have walked away from a historic opportunity to reduce the deficit because of their obsessive insistance that not one penny come from higher revenues. Recent polls, however, suggest that the American people are not so obstinate and are more than willing to accept some increase in taxes to reduce the deficit. There is a high degree of consistency in every poll I could find on this topic. ...

To see the polls, click the link.

People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit by a 2-to-1 Margin | Capital Gains and Games

And from Quinnipiac

Voters will blame Republicans over Obama 48 - 34 percent if the debt limit is not raised;

National (US) Poll * July 14, 2011 * President Is Best Of The Worst - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut
Don't know where you got your facts about people supporting higher taxes. No "people" around where I live are in favor of higher taxes. They are in favor of less government spending though...
Most people support tax increases because in their real world if one has to choose between not feeding the children and not putting gas in the car, a third choice of increasing your income becomes the real solution.
Don't know where you got your facts about people supporting higher taxes. No "people" around where I live are in favor of higher taxes. They are in favor of less government spending though...

I got the facts from a website which posted many polls conducted over the past half year. It links all the polls. You can click on the links in all of them.
We as a free country are doomed.

To many people on the government tit now and will vote against those of us WHO PAY TAXES..

very sad
It is never wise to paint yourself into a corner with absolutes.
The Republicans did this with the "no new taxes".
The Democrats have done this with "no touching entitlements".

And because of this...the problem is about to be kicked down the road again.
BOTH PARTIES are failing us - again.
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

holy smoke, fanatical and religious about tax issues.. sheeesh just how do you KNOW this about people.
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For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Why is it so often misrepresented?

The position of the Democrats is for targeted tax code fixes, tax increase on some of the income of hedge fund managers and ending oil industry subsidies and tax breaks coupled with cuts in spending.

The Republican position is, well basically, no.
This country is falling apart because too many people want the government to give them something and they want someone else to pay for that.
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Yup. That is true. And consistent. Polls have consistently shown that people want taxes on the rich to go up, but not on themselves. Recently, they've also wanted corporate taxes to go up too.

The corporate tax is, I think, pretty easy. Lower marginal rates and close the loopholes you can drive a semi through.
Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Yup. That is true. And consistent. Polls have consistently shown that people want taxes on the rich to go up, but not on themselves. Recently, they've also wanted corporate taxes to go up too.

The corporate tax is, I think, pretty easy. Lower marginal rates and close the loopholes you can drive a semi through.

Taxing the rich at 100% would still leave us in a HUGE heap of debt...

It's a tired meme....

I have no problem with simplifying the tax code and closing the loopholes...
For the sake of argument, I'm going to presume that your stats are correct despite doubting them. Even if that many people supported raising taxes to fix the deficit, raising taxes wouldn't fix the deficit. It would merely slow the economy and we would see even less revenue than we have before

Cutting spending will also slow the economy. But that's all beside the point.

This shows that the Republicans are on the wrong side of this issue with the American people because their Tea Party base is fanatical and religious about the tax issue. So the GOP is in a box.

But if you read through those polls, they generally say that people want more spending cuts than tax increases to address the deficit. They just don't think that it should come entirely from spending cuts.

I'll wager that those in favor of tax increases are in favor of tax increases on people other than themselves....

Not me. I have no problem giving back. I was born in the US, and thanks to incredible luck and hard work I have never wanted for anything. I'm perfectly happy giving up discretionary spending and I think everyone else should be too in these tough times.

Give up your Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts.

It really isn't that hard.
Someone needs to tell 67% of the public then that they can send the IRS as much as they'd like. Leave the other third of us alone.
Fucking idiots.

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