Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The 2 governors (Indiana & Arkansas) involved in the Christians vs Gays debate, regarding new RFRA laws are both Gay ass-kissing cowards. Both came out in favor of bills to protect Chriatians from discriomaination that would/could compel them to act against their Christian religion. Then, after a wave of criticism from gays and therir supporters, both of these wimps caved in, bowed down to the gays' demands, anf threw America's Christians under the bus.

We've been hearing all sorts of disingenuous comments from people on this matter. One thing that has been said is it doesn't have anything to do with discrimination. That's is just simply false. It really comes down to a matter of who do you discriminate against , and who do you cater to. Pence and Hutchinson have decided to cater to the gays and their riff-raff loudmouths, which includes hypocritical politicians, movie actors, corporations, etc. In so doing, they have chosen to discriminate against Christians, and anyone who chooses to not do business with gays.

This is going in the wrong direction. Gays SHOULD be discriminated against in certain situations, and very meticulously. Their sexual perversion should never be accepted by society, and they should be severely restricted from ever holding jobs that involve casting their opinions about (ex. coaches, clergy, etc). They should be held far away from any teaching jobs, coaching, counseling, or anything in close proximity with children.

It is puzzling why 2 governors would act in opposition to the people who went to the polls and voted for them, and elected them, and instead cave into the the mob rule babble of mentally, aberrated perverts. In any event, once burned, twice shy. Arkansas and Indiana voters should vote these 2 cowardly clowns out of office ASAP, as well as state legislators who voted to amend the original bills.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
No laws like that are necessary.
And no law is necessary to force an establishment to condone behavior that conflicts with their religious beliefs, regardless of what homo Nazis believe. The constitution already provides that protection.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
NONSENSE!! You're just another gay supporter turning a blind eye to the discrimination against Christians and all others who (validly) don't want to participate in gay activities, and shouldn't be forced to. Your position is FALSE and INVALID. You're a facist, and a hater of Chrisitians. YOU are where the hate resides.
The hateful far right wing progressive reactionaries are not the public.

The public knows the bills are anti-American and unconstitutional.
The hateful far right wing progressive reactionaries are not the public.

The public knows the bills are anti-American and unconstitutional.
They are NOW, that the 2 wimps have allowed them to be altered, in favor of the hateful far left, anti-Christians. NAd public knows it and Pence and Hutchinson will be out on their asses in the next election, voted out by the public, who are not gay ass-kissers.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
The 2 governors (Indiana & Arkansas) involved in the Christians vs Gays debate, regarding new RFRA laws are both Gay ass-kissing cowards. Both came out in favor of bills to protect Chriatians from discriomaination that would/could compel them to act against their Christian religion. Then, after a wave of criticism from gays and therir supporters, both of these wimps caved in, bowed down to the gays' demands, anf threw America's Christians under the bus.

You see, this is where you "Christians" miss the point.

Republicans don't give a fuck about you or your naked dude on a stick.

At the end of the day, they use these issues to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests while the rich get free trade and union busting and right to work.

So what happened here is that two companies that benefited enormasly from stupid Christians like yourself voting for Republicans for years decided they no longer needed you.

They told Pence and Hutchison that they'd better damned well put a stop to this foolishness, and they said, "What is thy bidding, my master?"

In short, after decades of voting away your rights as a working person over your sexual, religious and racial fears to big corporations, big corporations told you to stick it.

Walmart is Bigger Than Jesus!
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
NONSENSE!! You're just another gay supporter turning a blind eye to the discrimination against Christians and all others who (validly) don't want to participate in gay activities, and shouldn't be forced to. Your position is FALSE and INVALID. You're a facist, and a hater of Chrisitians. YOU are where the hate resides.
Poor angry rightwing goyim :crybaby: Maybe your easter bunny will bring you a pink basket with some nice candy to cheer you up.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
NONSENSE!! You're just another gay supporter turning a blind eye to the discrimination against Christians and all others who (validly) don't want to participate in gay activities, and shouldn't be forced to. Your position is FALSE and INVALID. You're a facist, and a hater of Chrisitians. YOU are where the hate resides.
First you have to prove that the laws you are supporting are Christian and that this is in fact a Christian issue. There are plenty of established Christian denominations and people who believe the folks claiming this is a Christian issue are using the Christian label fraudulently. Hence, you do not speak for Christians, but rather one small segment and faction.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

Repubs cannot win NATIONAL Elections without the latino and minority vote, not enough christian crackers to elect a national dog catcher so good luck with that
The 2 governors (Indiana & Arkansas) involved in the Christians vs Gays debate, regarding new RFRA laws are both Gay ass-kissing cowards. Both came out in favor of bills to protect Chriatians from discriomaination that would/could compel them to act against their Christian religion. Then, after a wave of criticism from gays and therir supporters, both of these wimps caved in, bowed down to the gays' demands, anf threw America's Christians under the bus.

You see, this is where you "Christians" miss the point.

Republicans don't give a fuck about you or your naked dude on a stick.

At the end of the day, they use these issues to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests while the rich get free trade and union busting and right to work.

So what happened here is that two companies that benefited enormasly from stupid Christians like yourself voting for Republicans for years decided they no longer needed you.

They told Pence and Hutchison that they'd better damned well put a stop to this foolishness, and they said, "What is thy bidding, my master?"

In short, after decades of voting away your rights as a working person over your sexual, religious and racial fears to big corporations, big corporations told you to stick it.

Walmart is Bigger Than Jesus!
Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

And your Jesus hating isn't your only stupidity. You also don't have the Republican vs Democrat economic thing down right either. I know how you think. I was a Democrat for 25 years, and a Green Party voter for 10 more years after that. You're all programmed robots. Sure, the Republicans favor big business, but to think that Democrats favor working class Americans is preposterous. Nothing is more harmful to American workers than IMMIGRATION (both legal & illegal), both favored and pushed vigorously by the Obama admin.

Likewise, they push affirmative action, also devastatingly harmful to the overwhelming majority of American workers. Their weak policies toward national security are a danger (in many ways) to American workers, and this current fiasco is throwing 80% of Americans (Christians) under the bus, to pander to a relatively tiny group of deranged, sex perverts.

As for the big corporations, who ever know what they'll do ? But their work visa demands have been acquiesed to by the Obamans, at the expense of American workers. And probably nothing is worse for American workers, and all Americans, than the litany of Muslim Brotherhood members hired by Obama and currently working in the White House, FBI, Pentagon, etc, (ex. Huma Abedin being Deputy Chief of Staff with Hillary Clinton)

From the way you talk, I'd say you have a lot to learn about American politics.
The 2 governors (Indiana & Arkansas) involved in the Christians vs Gays debate, regarding new RFRA laws are both Gay ass-kissing cowards. Both came out in favor of bills to protect Chriatians from discriomaination that would/could compel them to act against their Christian religion. Then, after a wave of criticism from gays and therir supporters, both of these wimps caved in, bowed down to the gays' demands, anf threw America's Christians under the bus.

We've been hearing all sorts of disingenuous comments from people on this matter. One thing that has been said is it doesn't have anything to do with discrimination. That's is just simply false. It really comes down to a matter of who do you discriminate against , and who do you cater to. Pence and Hutchinson have decided to cater to the gays and their riff-raff loudmouths, which includes hypocritical politicians, movie actors, corporations, etc. In so doing, they have chosen to discriminate against Christians, and anyone who chooses to not do business with gays.

This is going in the wrong direction. Gays SHOULD be discriminated against in certain situations, and very meticulously. Their sexual perversion should never be accepted by society, and they should be severely restricted from ever holding jobs that involve casting their opinions about (ex. coaches, clergy, etc). They should be held far away from any teaching jobs, coaching, counseling, or anything in close proximity with children.

It is puzzling why 2 governors would act in opposition to the people who went to the polls and voted for them, and elected them, and instead cave into the the mob rule babble of mentally, aberrated perverts. In any event, once burned, twice shy. Arkansas and Indiana voters should vote these 2 cowardly clowns out of office ASAP, as well as state legislators who voted to amend the original bills.

Neither caved because of anything the LGBT community did. They caved because of things the business community did not wanting to become the new Mississippi.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

Repubs cannot win NATIONAL Elections without the latino and minority vote, not enough christian crackers to elect a national dog catcher so good luck with that
HA HA HA. They won all across America by landslides, just a few months ago (with or without the Latino vote). And all minorities are becoming much more concerned with national security, which Democrats are terribly weak on. Lastly, 2 of the Republicans, with a decent shot at the nomination are Latinos themselves (Cruz and Rubio).
The 2 governors (Indiana & Arkansas) involved in the Christians vs Gays debate, regarding new RFRA laws are both Gay ass-kissing cowards. Both came out in favor of bills to protect Chriatians from discriomaination that would/could compel them to act against their Christian religion. Then, after a wave of criticism from gays and therir supporters, both of these wimps caved in, bowed down to the gays' demands, anf threw America's Christians under the bus.

We've been hearing all sorts of disingenuous comments from people on this matter. One thing that has been said is it doesn't have anything to do with discrimination. That's is just simply false. It really comes down to a matter of who do you discriminate against , and who do you cater to. Pence and Hutchinson have decided to cater to the gays and their riff-raff loudmouths, which includes hypocritical politicians, movie actors, corporations, etc. In so doing, they have chosen to discriminate against Christians, and anyone who chooses to not do business with gays.

This is going in the wrong direction. Gays SHOULD be discriminated against in certain situations, and very meticulously. Their sexual perversion should never be accepted by society, and they should be severely restricted from ever holding jobs that involve casting their opinions about (ex. coaches, clergy, etc). They should be held far away from any teaching jobs, coaching, counseling, or anything in close proximity with children.

It is puzzling why 2 governors would act in opposition to the people who went to the polls and voted for them, and elected them, and instead cave into the the mob rule babble of mentally, aberrated perverts. In any event, once burned, twice shy. Arkansas and Indiana voters should vote these 2 cowardly clowns out of office ASAP, as well as state legislators who voted to amend the original bills.

Neither caved because of anything the LGBT community did. They caved because of things the business community did not wanting to become the new Mississippi.
Doesn't matter what they caved for. The voters who voted for them are what matters, and they are the same ones who just sent a half million $$$ to the O'Connors or the pizza place business, from tens of thousands of individual donations. Next time these clowns go up for re-election, they're toast.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
NONSENSE!! You're just another gay supporter turning a blind eye to the discrimination against Christians and all others who (validly) don't want to participate in gay activities, and shouldn't be forced to. Your position is FALSE and INVALID. You're a facist, and a hater of Chrisitians. YOU are where the hate resides.
Poor angry rightwing goyim :crybaby: Maybe your easter bunny will bring you a pink basket with some nice candy to cheer you up.
When this is over, gays will be moving to Canada, in droves. I can't wait for November 2016.
"Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards"

Ignorant nonsense.

In fact, it took political courage to stand up to the unwarranted fear and hate that manifest in their own Party.

Moreover, public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – such laws are in no way 'anti-religion' or 'anti-Christian.' One cannot seek to ignore or violate a just and proper law by claiming a 'religious exemption,' business owners must obey just and proper laws like everyone else.
NONSENSE!! You're just another gay supporter turning a blind eye to the discrimination against Christians and all others who (validly) don't want to participate in gay activities, and shouldn't be forced to. Your position is FALSE and INVALID. You're a facist, and a hater of Chrisitians. YOU are where the hate resides.
First you have to prove that the laws you are supporting are Christian and that this is in fact a Christian issue. There are plenty of established Christian denominations and people who believe the folks claiming this is a Christian issue are using the Christian label fraudulently. Hence, you do not speak for Christians, but rather one small segment and faction.
I don't know where you get the idea that you have the authority to say that I don't speak for Christians. I most certainly DO speak for them 100%. I also don't know what the hell you're referring to by "one small segment and faction" Not hardly. I'm talking about ALL Christians, and all of Christianity, currently under attack all around the world, by lunatics of various types.

And where/how you come up with the idea that anyone is using a Christian label fraudulently, is also dubious, if not bizarre. Try coming in with a shred of evidence to back up any of your moonbat notions, but then such evidence doesn't exist, does it ? Of course not, because you're just talking out of your ass, quite obviously.
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