Pence erupts: "there's no more effective way to send deafening message to China to check their military ambitions" then to arm Ukraine to fight Russia


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I guarantee you Xi is watching what's happening in Ukraine very carefully. We give the Ukrainians, much more quickly than Biden's doing now, we give them what they need to win this fight, I think it'll lay a strong foundation for restraining the military aggression and ambitions of China in the Asia Pacific, like nothing else.

Case ya didnt know we are running out of critical Arty ammo among other things. We would be hard pressed in any kind of territorial struggle. Better hope the Navy any thwart any ambitions
Case ya didnt know we are running out of critical Arty ammo among other things. We would be hard pressed in any kind of territorial struggle. Better hope the Navy any thwart any ambitions
Pence betrays America's talking point reason for the war.

The danger and fear of the coming Russia/China alliance being the obvious real reason is clear to him and he's too 'christian' to pretend it's not.
LOL he’s an Ukraine shill, what a surprise. Fucking turncoat RINO.

No way we should support the dictatorship or Ukraine.
Ukraine can't win this war and any candidate that favors sending more money and military equipment to that country won't get my vote.
Trump is an anti-war candidate and wants peace instead of conflict.
Did Pence say it or was it taken out of context? At face value it makes no sense. Throwing money at Ukraine only convinces China that America has no stomach for a military confrontation.
I guarantee you Xi is watching what's happening in Ukraine very carefully. We give the Ukrainians, much more quickly than Biden's doing now, we give them what they need to win this fight, I think it'll lay a strong foundation for restraining the military aggression and ambitions of China in the Asia Pacific, like nothing else.

Pence is correct

If china thinks they can invade Taiwan without a war with America, Japan and other allied countries chins will invade

But if they fear the US they wont
Did Pence say it or was it taken out of context? At face value it makes no sense. Throwing money at Ukraine only convinces China that America has no stomach for a military confrontation.
Ukraine is bleeding russia white

Its better to avoid direct military confrontation with russia if possible and so far direct intervention has not been necessary
Case ya didnt know China covets vast expanses of Russian territory
China definitely covets peaceful trade relations with Russia, and at the exclusion of America and others.

But it's long decided that the only way America will get the resources of Russia that are necessary to America is through the force of arms.

The China/Russia/Brics alliance, if it's successfully completed will be an alliance that would become the 4th. Reich!

What is the remedy for the Ukraine proxy war that is failing for America?
It has to be suitable for Russia too.

The Ukraine becoming a 'neutral' used to be alright with Russia but it's not likely to be now.
And it has to be alright with China too.
Did Pence say it or was it taken out of context? At face value it makes no sense. Throwing money at Ukraine only convinces China that America has no stomach for a military confrontation.
Of course America has no stomach for a military conflict. and neither does Russia or China.

Taiwan is Vietnam all over again for the same reason. It's America's perception that no territory be allowed to fall to communism. That's it, full stop!

The only difference being now is that America is not the only superpower.

We can turn that around and put China in America's place. China won't tolerate losing any territory to US aggression. And China surely won't tolerate a Vietnam kind of slaughter under US bombs!

China/Russia may indeed lay claim to Cuba, Venezuela, and others by allowing them into the Brics.

Then will America gain the stomach for nuclear war?
Figures you want to appease Xi. So many Trump cultists do.
Appease Xi? WTF does Ukraine war do for the CCP? Other than us draining our nation’s military capability and dragging our economy down?

The CCP is laughing its ass off at us going bankrupt propping up the Ukraine junta. We are now more vulnerable and weak in defending Taiwan. Biden will likely allow the CCP to take Taiwan now.
Appease Xi? WTF does Ukraine war do for the CCP? Other than us draining our nation’s military capability and dragging our economy down?
If America gets the Ukraine then it will be empowered to stop China's 'belt and road' initiative, and thereby stop China's progress in large part at least.
The CCP is laughing its ass off at us going bankrupt propping up the Ukraine junta. We are now more vulnerable and weak in defending Taiwan. Biden will likely allow the CCP to take Taiwan now.

It's looking like America is not going to force China's hand on taking Taiwan by military means. China never has intended that of course and has always been patiently waiting for Taiwan to choose China.
I guarantee you Xi is watching what's happening in Ukraine very carefully. We give the Ukrainians, much more quickly than Biden's doing now, we give them what they need to win this fight, I think it'll lay a strong foundation for restraining the military aggression and ambitions of China in the Asia Pacific, like nothing else.

What the hell else do you expect from a warmongering RINO?
China definitely covets peaceful trade relations with Russia, and at the exclusion of America and others.

But it's long decided that the only way America will get the resources of Russia that are necessary to America is through the force of arms.

The China/Russia/Brics alliance, if it's successfully completed will be an alliance that would become the 4th. Reich!

What is the remedy for the Ukraine proxy war that is failing for America?
It has to be suitable for Russia too.

The Ukraine becoming a 'neutral' used to be alright with Russia but it's not likely to be now.
And it has to be alright with China too.
You dont seem to understand....omce more s l o w l y ....China wants to conquer vast amounts of Russian territory because they see it as theirs
Of course America has no stomach for a military conflict. and neither does Russia or China.

Taiwan is Vietnam all over again for the same reason. It's America's perception that no territory be allowed to fall to communism. That's it, full stop!

The only difference being now is that America is not the only superpower.

We can turn that around and put China in America's place. China won't tolerate losing any territory to US aggression. And China surely won't tolerate a Vietnam kind of slaughter under US bombs!

China/Russia may indeed lay claim to Cuba, Venezuela, and others by allowing them into the Brics.

Then will America gain the stomach for nuclear war?
If china overruns Taiwan say goodby to free trade as we know it

In time China will dominate all of the free world

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