Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

Why would I need to comment on Trump? You do enough of that with him living Rent Free in your head 247

Weak deflection attempt btw
You brought up Epstein dipshit. My comment was that everything brought up about the Pelosi assassination attempt has been bullshit that is wrong. It was a Maga hit man. Undisputed.
We have actual reporting on that with named sources.

Unlike your baseless claims.

Suspect in Pelosi Attack Had Other Targets, Authorities Say

“If you got him talking about politics, it was all over,” Mr. Ciccarelli recalled in an interview this week. “Because he really believed in the whole MAGA, ‘Pizzagate,’ stolen election — you know, all of it, all the way down the line.”
Again you really believe a guy with Bernie and BLM signs is a MAGA warrior? LOL you're an idiot
You brought up Epstein dipshit. My comment was that everything brought up about the Pelosi assassination attempt has been bullshit that is wrong. It was a Maga hit man. Undisputed.
I brought up Epstein and Covid to show we've been lied to about Official Stories YOU brought up Trump. Get it now dumbfuck?
Again you really believe a guy with Bernie and BLM signs is a MAGA warrior? LOL you're an idiot
DePape was living in this garage.

From the story:
Mr. Ciccarelli, 76, described Mr. DePape as a quiet person and diligent worker — an easygoing guy, at least until the topic of politics came up. He said he spent several hours a day with Mr. DePape, four or five days a week. “I think I know him better than anyone does.”

This is actual journalism.
DePape was living in this garage.
View attachment 719868

From the story:
Mr. Ciccarelli, 76, described Mr. DePape as a quiet person and diligent worker — an easygoing guy, at least until the topic of politics came up. He said he spent several hours a day with Mr. DePape, four or five days a week. “I think I know him better than anyone does.”

This is actual journalism.
And a Green party member you moron
From people that knew Depage:

About six years ago, according to his most recent employer, Mr. DePape was down on his luck, living under a tree in a park and hanging around outside a lumber store in Berkeley, Calif., looking for work.

“You know how people sit outside and wait for someone to come and offer them work?” recalled Frank Ciccarelli, a carpenter who builds houses and makes furniture. “He was sitting there. So I picked him up. So he started working for me. And he really worked out well.”

For the next several years, Mr. Ciccarelli became close to Mr. DePape, even as he worked less and seemed to spend more time online, immersed in right-wing conspiracy theories — right up until a week ago, when he paid Mr. DePape his most recent wages.

His lawyer promised to mount a “vigorous defense” and signaled that one possible strategy could be to highlight his client’s “vulnerability” to the misinformation and conspiracy theories that have become so prominent in American political life.
He was. Years ago.

Even your own article indicates he became a radicalized right wing nut job in recent years.
Its quoting another article you absolute melon. Then it ends with this question which you still can't answer

"I don’t know about you, but personally I don’t know anyone who is a “right wing person” who is also a nudist, from Berkeley, California and is a member of the Green Party."
Its quoting another article you absolute melon. Then it ends with this question which you still can't answer

"I don’t know about you, but personally I don’t know anyone who is a “right wing person” who is also a nudist, from Berkeley, California and is a member of the Green Party."
The article says “Listed years ago in voting records as a Green Party supporter”.

People change, especially when they get radicalized online by fringe right wing conspiracy theories.

The article goes on to say:
More recently, Gene DePape and Mark DePape said, David maintained a Facebook account containing multiple conspiracy-laden posts.

The account, which was taken down by Facebook’s owner Meta on Friday, included links to videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell which falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Republican incumbent Donald Trump in favor of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

That sounds pretty right wing to me.
The article says “Listed years ago in voting records as a Green Party supporter”.

People change, especially when they get radicalized online by fringe right wing conspiracy theories.

The article goes on to say:
More recently, Gene DePape and Mark DePape said, David maintained a Facebook account containing multiple conspiracy-laden posts.

The account, which was taken down by Facebook’s owner Meta on Friday, included links to videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell which falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Republican incumbent Donald Trump in favor of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

That sounds pretty right wing to me.
That's the article they are quoting dumbass


"I don’t know about you, but personally I don’t know anyone who is a “right wing person” who is also a nudist, from Berkeley, California and is a member of the Green Party."

Radicalized my ass this dude is an illegal, nudist, hemp jewelry maker nothing about that scream right wing

And those websites are already proven fake in various threads on here once again you're not paying attention
And those websites are already proven fake in various threads on here once again you're not paying attention
No. They websites weren’t proven fake.

Again, the people who actually know him say he became a right wing nut job in the last couple of years. His history of supporting the Green Party is irrelevant.
Once again you prove you haven't been paying attention or even read through this thread

Do so and come back

I’ve been paying attention. People just don’t understand how the internet archive works and that it doesn’t archive every website.

CLAIM: Two far-right websites attributed to DePape were created the day of the attack and deleted the next day, proving a left-wing attempt to “smear” him.

THE FACTS: The websites existed before the attack, and had entries dating back years, according to AP reporting.

This claim reflects a misunderstanding of the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, an online tool that allows people to visit past versions of websites that users and internet bots have archived. The tool does not show when a website was created.

After Pelosi was attacked, journalists researching the man identified as his assailant wrote about web blogsthat had been posted under the name David DePape in recent months. The blogs contained political rants and references to the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Social media users and conservative websites over the weekend questioned whether these blogs were real, claiming that the Wayback Machine only showed activity on the sites from the past two days.

However, an AP reporter viewed entries on the sites that predated the attack, and the domain registration on one of the sites shows it was registered last month by a David DePape.

The Wayback Machine also does not include a full history of every website.

“Some sites may not be included because the automated crawlers were unaware of their existence at the time of the crawl,” reads an online information page about the tool. “It’s also possible that some sites were not archived because they were password protected, blocked by robots.txt, or otherwise inaccessible to our automated systems. Site owners might have also requested that their sites be excluded from the Wayback Machine.”
Agree. Trump is in too many photos with convicted pedophiles. You should ask him about it.
Some of those are obviously fakes. But then let's say he was in one or two of them with epstein or whoever. he was also in photos with Hilliary. I bet we've all been in photos with people we really don't care for or like or respect. Hilliary and bill have been in more photos with criminals, pedophiles, murderers than President Trump has ever been. Where's that list of pedos that flew on the Lolita express.... Maxwell is in prison but she's only one. How about the pedos that actually committed the obscenities...could it be they're the protected class ....democrats?

President Trump had to be destroyed because he could not be HILLIARY HERSELF SAID. Bet she regretted that remark. LOLOL

Keep on screaming to the heavens. Won't do you any good. Everyone in the world knows the left are nothing but lying election thieving, perverted tyrants.
From people that knew Depage:

About six years ago, according to his most recent employer, Mr. DePape was down on his luck, living under a tree in a park and hanging around outside a lumber store in Berkeley, Calif., looking for work.

“You know how people sit outside and wait for someone to come and offer them work?” recalled Frank Ciccarelli, a carpenter who builds houses and makes furniture. “He was sitting there. So I picked him up. So he started working for me. And he really worked out well.”

For the next several years, Mr. Ciccarelli became close to Mr. DePape, even as he worked less and seemed to spend more time online, immersed in right-wing conspiracy theories — right up until a week ago, when he paid Mr. DePape his most recent wages.

His lawyer promised to mount a “vigorous defense” and signaled that one possible strategy could be to highlight his client’s “vulnerability” to the misinformation and conspiracy theories that have become so prominent in American political life.
Thanks for letting us know that RW conspiracy theories turned him into a LW nut job.
I would love to be privy to any negotiations Biden was involved in. I can only imagine the incomprehension and incompetency.

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