Pelosi’s Biggest Lie


Sep 23, 2010
Pelosi calling insurance companies villains is her biggest lie of all. They are villains to be sure, but not in the way Typhoid Nancy meant it:

Nancy Pelosi said of the insurance companies, "They are the villains in this." Obama pitched the bill as an improvement on a system that "works well for the insurance industry, but it doesn't always work well for you."


"Since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, the relationship between the Obama administration and insurers has evolved into a powerful, mutually beneficial partnership," writes Robert Pear at the New York Times, "that has been a boon to the nation’s largest private health plans and led to a profitable surge in their Medicaid enrollment."

Insurers 'will strenuously resist Republican efforts to dismantle' Obamacare
By Timothy P. Carney | November 17, 2014 | 4:28 pm

Insurers will strenuously resist Republican efforts to dismantle Obamacare

Going all the way back to HillaryCare universal healthcare was always about enriching the insurance industry and, by extension, enriching Wall Street’s absentee owners. Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s secret task force did everything they could possibly do to hide the insurance industry’s hand in writing HillaryCare. The media, always dependent upon advertising controlled by companies traded on Wall Street, went along with the coverup every step of the way.

Wall Street

HillaryCare I & HillaryCare II were designed to enrich the insurance industry. Bailing out the healthcare insurance industry with income tax dollars allows the government to bailout Wall Street’s absentee owners in perpetuity. Jeffrey Anderson’s piece from January of this year provides details:

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare
8:01 AM, Jan 13, 2014 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare The Weekly Standard

Too big to fail

The beauty of the ACA is that taxpayers will bailout Wall Street sharpshooters in perpetuity every time insurance companies tether on collapse.

In brief, healthcare insurance industry stocks traded on Wall Street will be called too big to fail; hence, insurance industry bailouts will be used to prop up the stock market forever while patient care deteriorates to Third World levels.

Was Gruber on Clinton’s secret task force?

The public now knows that Jonathan Gruber was the architect for Romneycare (2006) and the ACA (2010), but I am wondering if the liars first noticed him serving on Hillary Clinton’s task force? Gruber graduated from Harvard in 1992, the year the Clintons took office. He later went to MIT. If I was a betting man I would wager that Gruber’s career was greatly advanced by his involvement in Clinton’s secret task force.

Finally, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren are being touted as the frontrunners for 2016. All of the lies and spin in the world cannot wipe away Clinton’s long association with universal healthcare. The trick for conservatives is to flush the truth out of Cherokee. Is she in favor of enriching the insurance industry and Wall Street? So far, she has managed to cash-in on slamming Wall Street, while she carefully avoids talking about the trillions Wall Street will get through the ACA.
Nancy Pelosi is right.

Weird how Big Insurance has become heroes to the radical RWs.

To Luddly Neddite: Find an auto mechanic who can screw your head on the right way.

Conservatives are fighting to repeal the ACA. It is Democrats who are fighting to further enrich the insurance industry and Wall Street.
Nancy Pelosi is right.

Weird how Big Insurance has become heroes to the radical RWs.

Weird how those thinking someone owes them something in life have become the poster children for left winger. You're included since the refund you got for your healthcare is a result of someone else paying higher taxes.

Weird how you are proud of being a leech.
Nancy Pelosi is right.

Weird how Big Insurance has become heroes to the radical RWs.

From what orifice did you pull that? That's not at all what the linked article says or implies. The ACA was a huge gift/payoff to the big health insurance companies. Here, we'll make a law saying people have to buy your service. And we'll chip in billions of tax dollars that go in your coffers. And go ahead and raise your rates, because people have no choice.
Was Gruber on Clinton’s secret task force?

The public now knows that Jonathan Gruber was the architect for Romneycare (2006) and the ACA (2010), but I am wondering if the liars first noticed him serving on Hillary Clinton’s task force? Gruber graduated from Harvard in 1992, the year the Clintons took office. He later went to MIT. If I was a betting man I would wager that Gruber’s career was greatly advanced by his involvement in Clinton’s secret task force.

I doubt if anybody is going to ask Gruber about a possible involvement in Hillary Clinton’s secret task force. Still, the question might open the door to learning who “served” on the task force? how much they were paid? and what qualifications they had to even be on a panel preparing healthcare legislation?

Circus set for Gruber at Capitol
By Sarah Ferris - 12/08/14 08:21 PM EST

Circus set for Gruber at Capitol TheHill

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