Pelosi: I Called Out AOC Because She Basically Accused Our Centrist Members Of Being Segregationists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi: I Called Out AOC Because She Basically Accused Our Centrist Members Of Being Segregationists

Pelosi: I called out AOC and her "Squad" because her office basically accused our centrist members of being segregationists
07/11/2019 ~ By AllahPundit
Pelosi’s patience is running thin, she noted at her press conference this morning: “They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them.” “But I’m not going to be discussing it any further,” Pelosi said. “I said what I’m going to say.” This isn’t the first time a member of the “Squad” (or a member of their staffs) has accused the Democratic caucus of prejudice. AOC did it last night, of course, before disingenuously denying that she did. But Ilhan Omar beat her to the punch months ago, claiming that Republicans *and some Democrats* couldn’t stand having to treat a black Muslim immigrant woman as their equal. Go figure that Nancy’s getting tired of having her majority-makers in the center — and herself — impugned.
Devil’s advocate exit question: It *is* bad form for Pelosi to mock how little electoral support the “Squad” has, isn’t it? If you want to knock them for smearing their colleagues as racists, have at it. But to imply that they can be ignored when collectively they represent millions and Ocasio-Cortez is a media phenomenon unprecedented for a freshman member of the House is weirdly dismissive not just of the “Squad” but of their constituents. Boehner loathed the tea partiers in his caucus but I don’t remember him ever claiming that their support was negligible. Like it or not, Nancy, the woke brigades are a meaningful part of your base. Even if they’re not (yet) a majority.

The Dems are incapable is catching the irony in their little identity politics play. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have created their own circular firing squad. The typical PMS/DSA formula and strategy. Insult in crass terms folks you deem insufficiently woke. Get called out for your insults. Then claim the rebuke was racist within your own party.
I'd love to see CNN have AOC debate Kamala Harris on whether Pelosi or Biden is the more vicious geriatric neoliberal* Don't kid yourself, by then they'll be insulting each other (albeit minus the "geriatric" part). These purges don't end until there's no one left.
Indeed, only in America is it possible for uneducated, ignorant clowns like AOC and her squad of four to be elected a “representatives”. They're a national disgrace.
Pelosi: I Called Out AOC Because She Basically Accused Our Centrist Members Of Being Segregationists

Pelosi: I called out AOC and her "Squad" because her office basically accused our centrist members of being segregationists
07/11/2019 ~ By AllahPundit
Pelosi’s patience is running thin, she noted at her press conference this morning: “They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them.” “But I’m not going to be discussing it any further,” Pelosi said. “I said what I’m going to say.” This isn’t the first time a member of the “Squad” (or a member of their staffs) has accused the Democratic caucus of prejudice. AOC did it last night, of course, before disingenuously denying that she did. But Ilhan Omar beat her to the punch months ago, claiming that Republicans *and some Democrats* couldn’t stand having to treat a black Muslim immigrant woman as their equal. Go figure that Nancy’s getting tired of having her majority-makers in the center — and herself — impugned.
Devil’s advocate exit question: It *is* bad form for Pelosi to mock how little electoral support the “Squad” has, isn’t it? If you want to knock them for smearing their colleagues as racists, have at it. But to imply that they can be ignored when collectively they represent millions and Ocasio-Cortez is a media phenomenon unprecedented for a freshman member of the House is weirdly dismissive not just of the “Squad” but of their constituents. Boehner loathed the tea partiers in his caucus but I don’t remember him ever claiming that their support was negligible. Like it or not, Nancy, the woke brigades are a meaningful part of your base. Even if they’re not (yet) a majority.

The Dems are incapable is catching the irony in their little identity politics play. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have created their own circular firing squad. The typical PMS/DSA formula and strategy. Insult in crass terms folks you deem insufficiently woke. Get called out for your insults. Then claim the rebuke was racist within your own party.
I'd love to see CNN have AOC debate Kamala Harris on whether Pelosi or Biden is the more vicious geriatric neoliberal* Don't kid yourself, by then they'll be insulting each other (albeit minus the "geriatric" part). These purges don't end until there's no one left.
Indeed, only in America is it possible for uneducated, ignorant clowns like AOC and her squad of four to be elected a “representatives”. They're a national disgrace.
LMAO Pelosi is getting a dose of her own demagoguery
Pelosi is covering for Old Creepy Joe Biden, a three time loser who no one is enthusiastic about.
Now we get to sit back and watch the democrats turn on each other in internecine warfare.
Trump can't possibly be vilified any more than he already has and his approval rating is strong.

This is good stuff. You reap what you sew you liars.
I tell you, I don't have anything but contempt for Nanny Pelosi, but god I would love to see her barbeque this little fucking bitch !
She reminds me of a five year old that wants everything right this very moment, and when they don't get their way they throw a fucking tantrum.
She was elected to a small congressional district, and she acts like she's in charge of everything. Fucking little twat.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it 100% Real & Respectful!


Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Boyce Watkins, Dr. Shonna Etienne, SEGREGATION.jpg

Nancy Pelosi, Denounce Tariq Nasheed, Shonna Etienne.png
Even in a democracy everybody has a horn and will toot it just to be seen

The questioning will be are they heard or just be the latest reality show

Looks interesting in the beginning and then it become "heard it, seen it, don't care"

It is election time and the Russians are gear up for it
AOC may be good at diatribes and tweeting, but she lacks political acumen and is a dilettante.
Pelosi: I Called Out AOC Because She Basically Accused Our Centrist Members Of Being Segregationists

Pelosi: I called out AOC and her "Squad" because her office basically accused our centrist members of being segregationists
07/11/2019 ~ By AllahPundit
Pelosi’s patience is running thin, she noted at her press conference this morning: “They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them.” “But I’m not going to be discussing it any further,” Pelosi said. “I said what I’m going to say.” This isn’t the first time a member of the “Squad” (or a member of their staffs) has accused the Democratic caucus of prejudice. AOC did it last night, of course, before disingenuously denying that she did. But Ilhan Omar beat her to the punch months ago, claiming that Republicans *and some Democrats* couldn’t stand having to treat a black Muslim immigrant woman as their equal. Go figure that Nancy’s getting tired of having her majority-makers in the center — and herself — impugned.
Devil’s advocate exit question: It *is* bad form for Pelosi to mock how little electoral support the “Squad” has, isn’t it? If you want to knock them for smearing their colleagues as racists, have at it. But to imply that they can be ignored when collectively they represent millions and Ocasio-Cortez is a media phenomenon unprecedented for a freshman member of the House is weirdly dismissive not just of the “Squad” but of their constituents. Boehner loathed the tea partiers in his caucus but I don’t remember him ever claiming that their support was negligible. Like it or not, Nancy, the woke brigades are a meaningful part of your base. Even if they’re not (yet) a majority.

The Dems are incapable is catching the irony in their little identity politics play. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have created their own circular firing squad. The typical PMS/DSA formula and strategy. Insult in crass terms folks you deem insufficiently woke. Get called out for your insults. Then claim the rebuke was racist within your own party.
I'd love to see CNN have AOC debate Kamala Harris on whether Pelosi or Biden is the more vicious geriatric neoliberal* Don't kid yourself, by then they'll be insulting each other (albeit minus the "geriatric" part). These purges don't end until there's no one left.
Indeed, only in America is it possible for uneducated, ignorant clowns like AOC and her squad of four to be elected a “representatives”. They're a national disgrace.
/——/ After 60 years of Libs calling Republicans racists at the drop of a hat, the tables are turned. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
“What a weak argument, because you (AOC) can’t get your way and because you’re getting pushback you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable. That’s unbelievable to me.” Rep Lacy Clay (D) Missouri
Pelosi: I Called Out AOC Because She Basically Accused Our Centrist Members Of Being Segregationists

Pelosi: I called out AOC and her "Squad" because her office basically accused our centrist members of being segregationists
07/11/2019 ~ By AllahPundit
Pelosi’s patience is running thin, she noted at her press conference this morning: “They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them.” “But I’m not going to be discussing it any further,” Pelosi said. “I said what I’m going to say.” This isn’t the first time a member of the “Squad” (or a member of their staffs) has accused the Democratic caucus of prejudice. AOC did it last night, of course, before disingenuously denying that she did. But Ilhan Omar beat her to the punch months ago, claiming that Republicans *and some Democrats* couldn’t stand having to treat a black Muslim immigrant woman as their equal. Go figure that Nancy’s getting tired of having her majority-makers in the center — and herself — impugned.
Devil’s advocate exit question: It *is* bad form for Pelosi to mock how little electoral support the “Squad” has, isn’t it? If you want to knock them for smearing their colleagues as racists, have at it. But to imply that they can be ignored when collectively they represent millions and Ocasio-Cortez is a media phenomenon unprecedented for a freshman member of the House is weirdly dismissive not just of the “Squad” but of their constituents. Boehner loathed the tea partiers in his caucus but I don’t remember him ever claiming that their support was negligible. Like it or not, Nancy, the woke brigades are a meaningful part of your base. Even if they’re not (yet) a majority.

The Dems are incapable is catching the irony in their little identity politics play. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have created their own circular firing squad. The typical PMS/DSA formula and strategy. Insult in crass terms folks you deem insufficiently woke. Get called out for your insults. Then claim the rebuke was racist within your own party.
I'd love to see CNN have AOC debate Kamala Harris on whether Pelosi or Biden is the more vicious geriatric neoliberal* Don't kid yourself, by then they'll be insulting each other (albeit minus the "geriatric" part). These purges don't end until there's no one left.
Indeed, only in America is it possible for uneducated, ignorant clowns like AOC and her squad of four to be elected a “representatives”. They're a national disgrace.

I think unfortunately AOC represents the wave of the future. Democrats like Pelosi have been helping to create the climate in the country for years throughout media and academia that would incubate and grow these AOC creatures, cute and cuddly as they might seem on the outside, ..... Pelosi and other older Dems are reaping what they have sown...then once the AOC types get fed after midnight, it's game over, democrat old timers cant control the Frankenstein they have created.

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