PCHR testifies before UN committee to investigate occupation's crimes

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA,(PIC)-- The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) testified before the UN committee to investigate Israeli crimes against Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

PCHR's representatives, Samir Zaqout and Mervat El-Nahal, reviewed the human rights situation and violations against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, pointing out to the victims’ anger towards UN inability and silence in light of the Israeli violations of human rights and international law.

The center's representatives addressed the occupation's violations against the Palestinian civilians and their properties and lands, highlighting the excessive use of force by IOF since the Palestinian Intifada (uprising). They shed light on investigations conducted by PCHR in each crime and explained that some crimes showed that IOF deliberately targeted civilians.

PCHR testifies before UN committee to investigate occupation's crimes
GAZA,(PIC)-- The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) testified before the UN committee to investigate Israeli crimes against Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

PCHR's representatives, Samir Zaqout and Mervat El-Nahal, reviewed the human rights situation and violations against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, pointing out to the victims’ anger towards UN inability and silence in light of the Israeli violations of human rights and international law.

The center's representatives addressed the occupation's violations against the Palestinian civilians and their properties and lands, highlighting the excessive use of force by IOF since the Palestinian Intifada (uprising). They shed light on investigations conducted by PCHR in each crime and explained that some crimes showed that IOF deliberately targeted civilians.

PCHR testifies before UN committee to investigate occupation's crimes
Couldn't the PCHR request UN teams to live with and observe both Palestinians and settlers? Seems like a simple solution to me and others. I realize that's like a cop parked in a residential neighborhood to observe and catch speeders, but what other remedy would work? Accusations just don't hold water.
GAZA,(PIC)-- The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) testified before the UN committee to investigate Israeli crimes against Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

PCHR's representatives, Samir Zaqout and Mervat El-Nahal, reviewed the human rights situation and violations against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, pointing out to the victims’ anger towards UN inability and silence in light of the Israeli violations of human rights and international law.

The center's representatives addressed the occupation's violations against the Palestinian civilians and their properties and lands, highlighting the excessive use of force by IOF since the Palestinian Intifada (uprising). They shed light on investigations conducted by PCHR in each crime and explained that some crimes showed that IOF deliberately targeted civilians.

PCHR testifies before UN committee to investigate occupation's crimes
Couldn't the PCHR request UN teams to live with and observe both Palestinians and settlers? Seems like a simple solution to me and others. I realize that's like a cop parked in a residential neighborhood to observe and catch speeders, but what other remedy would work? Accusations just don't hold water.
What's your thoughts on a solution, Tinmore?
GAZA,(PIC)-- The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) testified before the UN committee to investigate Israeli crimes against Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

PCHR's representatives, Samir Zaqout and Mervat El-Nahal, reviewed the human rights situation and violations against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, pointing out to the victims’ anger towards UN inability and silence in light of the Israeli violations of human rights and international law.

The center's representatives addressed the occupation's violations against the Palestinian civilians and their properties and lands, highlighting the excessive use of force by IOF since the Palestinian Intifada (uprising). They shed light on investigations conducted by PCHR in each crime and explained that some crimes showed that IOF deliberately targeted civilians.

PCHR testifies before UN committee to investigate occupation's crimes

Why the hell would Israel ever cooperate with the UN whose "peacekeepers" stood by and fimed the kidnapping of IDF soldiers? I have two important words for the UN: FUCK YOU!

UN in quandary as Israel presses for tape of kidnap
Ewen MacAskill in Jerusalem
The Guardian, Sunday 8 July 2001 20.18 EDT

The UN is caught in the middle of a tug-of-war between Israel on one side and Lebanon and the Islamic guerrilla movement, Hizbullah, on the other over a videotape relating to the kidnap of three Israeli soldiers last year.
Israel has demanded an unedited copy of the video from the UN, in the hope that it might find out what happened to its soldiers, and who within Hizbullah was responsible. The fate of the three is uncertain, though they may still be held captive.

The tape was filmed by an Indian contingent of the UN mission in Lebanon, Unifil, 18 hours after the kidnapping of the Israeli patrol. It shows a vehicle with mock UN markings, apparently used by Hizbullah to lure the soldiers. Bloodstains, UN uniforms, forged number plates and several Lebanese individuals can also be seen on the video.

The UN fears that the lives of its neutral personnel in Lebanon, who monitor the border with Israel, could be endangered if Israel uses the tape to identify Hizbullah members responsible for the kidnapping. Lebanon and Hizbullah warned the UN this weekend not to hand it over.

As a compromise, the UN has offered to provide Israel with an edited version of the tape in which the faces of the Lebanese, who may or may not be Hizbullah guerrillas, would be obscured. But Israel wants the whole, uncensored tape.

Israel | World news | The Guardian
Are the Palestinians gettin' perturbed again?...
The Birth Of The Next Intifada?
Sep 13, 2012 - Amid growing concerns that the situation could turn into a violent conflict with Israel, Palestinians turned against their leaders this week with protests in the West Bank targeting the Palestinian Authority for mismanagement of the struggling economy.
Hundreds of demonstrators, directing much of their ire at Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and his fiscal austerity program, burned effigies of the celebrated economist in Hebron and damaged government buildings in Ramallah. On Monday, reported the New York Times, taxi and truck drivers all over the West Bank participated in a mass strike against a recent rise in fuel prices, now above $2 a liter. The increases came as Israel, which has the third highest price in the world for gasoline, raised its own prices; the two economies are linked by the Oslo-era Paris Accords.

Even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scheduled an early transfer of $63.3 million in taxes levied on Palestinians to help ease the financial burden, observers and officials in Israel worry that the protesters’ rage will morph into a third intifada against the occupation. According to the Times of Israel, demonstrators in Ramallah Tuesday chanted, "The people demand an end to Oslo," and carried signs reading, "No to the agreements of shame." A mass uprising may be "probable," said George Washington University political science professor Nathan Brown, but the timeline is uncertain. "The feeling has sort of set in that there’s going to be some kind of uprising in response, but whether it happens now or five years from now is anybody’s guess," he said Wednesday. Israel has a long-term outlook, but naturally keeps a close eye on current developments. "There have been warnings within the Israeli establishment, especially from the intelligence apparatus, about the volatility in the territories," said Natan Sachs, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute.

A third intifada, Sachs added, may also look "very different" from the previous two, multi-year uprisings in the late-1980s and early-2000s that often turned into violent clashes with Israelis and between Palestinian factions. The first intifada was known for stone-throwing and the second remembered for suicide bombings. The 2.5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank face an unemployment rate of more than 20 percent, as well as a government saddled with $1.5 million in debt and a cash shortfall of $500 million, due to Israeli restrictions on economic activity and support from international donors decreases. In 2011, donors promised $1.1 billion, but the Palestinian government only received $750 million of it.

Fayyad, supported by President Mahmoud Abbas, introduced limited austerity measures on Tuesday in an effort to contain the demonstrations, vowing to lower fuel prices and slash top officials' salaries. It may not be enough to stave off an escalation—perhaps into violence—as Netanyahu continues to focus much of his attention on Iran and other regional issues. Microscopic attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only increases with internet-enabled citizen journalism and actions like the Palestinians’ UN bid, but Israel’s leadership largely ignores Palestinian issues.. Last year’s Arab Spring largely non-violent demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt periodically encouraged similar peaceful reactions in the West Bank, but with no success. West Bank protests this week seem similar to the first intifada’s "quiet revolution," but the rapid decay of the Palestinian economy could be the catalyst that turns this relative calm into a storm.

The Birth Of The Next Intifada? - The Daily Beast
The Abbas/Fayyad government needs to demand more and get more from Israel or it will fall.

It will be very bad for Israel if that government falls.
The Abbas/Fayyad government needs to demand more and get more from Israel or it will fall.

It will be very bad for Israel if that government falls.
'Splain yourself, Lucy.

The PA in the West Bank has a 50,000 man "security force" that is armed and trained by the US. They do not provide security for the Palestinians. They protect Israel. If the PA falls the elected (Hamas) government could take over and those forces would be under their command.

Something similar happened in Gaza in 2007. When the US armed and trained forces were run out of Gaza millions in weapons fell into the hands of Hamas.
Israel refuses to cooperate with UN probe into Jewish settlements
Well, I guess that settles the matter.

U.M.- 36 votes pro
Z.O.G.- 1 vote con
Other - 10 abstentions

The Cons have it.

what the "cons' have is an inflamed arab world because we insist upon propping up the injustices of a failed jewish state.
Has it ever entered your mind, Seal that perhaps the Arab Muslims are being inflamed? Here is what one Arab professor has to say:

Egyptian professor: We are stoking the flames of conflict
Thursday, August 30, 2012 | Ryan Jones

A prominent Egyptian professor of political science admitted on Egyptian TV last week that institutes of higher learning in the region are purposefully stoking the flames of conflict between young Arab Muslims and Israel.

In an interview with Al-Alam TV that aired on August 17, Professor Gamal Zahran, head of the Department of Political Science at Port Said University, openly acknowledged that promoting hatred of the Jewish state is a primary goal in classes taught by himself and other lecturers.

Providing a glimpse into how Israel is dealt with in Middle East university classrooms, Zahran insisted that "the elimination of the Zionist entity is beyond debate...the only question has to do with the circumstances."

Zahran believes the right set of circumstances may soon exist to take action on his teachings.

"I believe that the [Arab Spring] provided the people with hope that one day Jerusalem and Palestine [sic] will return to them," Zahran stated. "We are constantly keeping that hope alive among the younger generation so that they will realize that the Palestinian cause is an essential one."

And while the Arab masses are not yet ready to storm the "Zionist entity," Zahran was confident that "the hope and memory will later turn into action. By next year, Allah willing, Israel will be annihilated."

The ongoing incitement of future generations of Arabs to continue the conflict with Israel has been Jerusalem's biggest complaint in its various peace processes. Despite being officially at peace since 1979, younger generations of Egyptians still hate Israel, and judging by Zahran's remarks the reason why is clear.

Even worse is the Palestinian Authority, which teaches children from the youngest ages through its schools and state-run media to view Israel and the Jews as blood-thirsty usurpers, thus making a genuine, lasting peace nearly impossible to achieve.

[Translation of Egyptian media was provided by The Middle East Research Institute]

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