PC Run Amok At Vanderbilt University


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
There have been many court cases which say college student organizations cannot discriminate. They are supposed to allow anyone to join, or they cannot be allowed to use college facilities.

At Vanderbilt University they have carried this non-discrimination policy even further. Not only are student organizations required to accept all comers, those organizations must also allow anyone to hold leadership positions.

For instance, a Catholic student organization must allow gays to hold positions of leadership.

Needless to say, this has religious organizations' bowels in an uproar.

However, I think this policy is brilliant.

Here is my idea. There are more whites in America than blacks. White people should flood the African-American student organizations and take over their positions of leadership. And then they should all endorse someone like, ohhhhh, Newt Gingrich for President.

"350 African-American college organizations support Newt for President!"

"264 LGBT college organizations support Rick Santorum for President! They also support a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to one man and one woman."

This would be awesome.
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What the fuck does this have to do with Vanderbilt? Which by the way is a PRIVATE college and thus the SCOTUS ruling doesn't apply.
There have been many court cases which say college student organizations cannot discriminate. They are supposed to allow anyone to join, or they cannot be allowed to use college facilities.

At Vanderbilt University they have carried this non-discrimination policy even further. Not only are student organizations required to accept all comers, those organizations must also allow anyone to hold leadership positions.

For instance, a Catholic student organization must allow gays to hold positions of leadership.

Needless to say, this has religious organizations' bowels in an uproar.

However, I think this policy is brilliant.

Here is my idea. There are more whites in America than blacks. White people should flood the African-American student organizations and take over their positions of leadership. And then they should all endorse someone like, ohhhhh, Newt Gingrich for President.

"350 African-American college organizations support Newt for President!"

"264 LGBT college organizations support Rick Santorum for President! They also support a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to one man and one woman."

This would be awesome.

You are allowed to be gay and Catholic

Public Universities, those funded on the taxpayer dime, shouldn't be allowed to operate under discriminatory policies. Associations which make such discriminatory policies part of there normal operations, shouldn't receive taxpayer funding. A group wants to form? No problem, don't expect funding and figure out your own meeting facilities.

Now, with that said, just because a school requires voluntary organizations who wish to receive funding to (a) provide open membership, and (b) that any member can rise to a leadership position - DOES NOT require that anyone specific person become a leader, only that can become leaders if elected. These types of organizations elect their leaders. If the "Order of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" doesn't want a leader who is a "_____________" (insert religion here), then they won't elect them.


As Unknown_Soldier said, Vanderbilt University is a private school. IFAIK they are not under any court ruling requiring their change in policy.

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Public Universities, those funded on the taxpayer dime, shouldn't be allowed to operate under discriminatory policies. Associations which make such discriminatory policies part of there normal operations, shouldn't receive funding. A group wants to form? No problem, don't expect funding and figure out your own meeting facilities.

Now, with that said, just because a school requires voluntary organizations who wish to receive funding to (a) provide open membership, and (b) that any member can rise to a leadership position - DOES NOT require that anyone can become leaders. These types of organizations elect their leaders. If the "Order of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" doesn't want a leader who is a "_____________" (insert religion here), then they won't elect them.


As Unknown_Soldier said, Vanderbilt University is a private school. IFAIK they are not under any court ruling requiring their change in policy.


If a white majority votes in white leaders of an African-American student organization, you can see where this could lead.

All kinds of fun and interesting outcomes.

There is a black guy who is a member of the Asian-American society at Vanderbilt. He doesn't have a drop of Asian blood in him.

So this is not too far-fetched a scenario.
You are allowed to be gay and Catholic

You cannot live a gay life and be a Catholic.

If you are a guy who smokes poles, you can't eat the Eucharist on Sunday.

If he is gay, he leads a gay life. Catholics oppose homosexual sex, not homosexuality

But Catholics also oppose unmarried sex and adultery. This is against the ten commandments. So the Catholic group at Vanderbilt should also oppose anyone who is unmarried and not a virgin whether they are heterosexual or homosexual
You are allowed to be gay and Catholic

You cannot live a gay life and be a Catholic.

If you are a guy who smokes poles, you can't eat the Eucharist on Sunday.

If he is gay, he leads a gay life. Catholics oppose homosexual sex, not homosexuality

But Catholics also oppose unmarried sex and adultery. This is against the ten commandments. So the Catholic group at Vanderbilt should also oppose anyone who is unmarried and not a virgin whether they are heterosexual or homosexual

They probably do.

Public Universities, those funded on the taxpayer dime, shouldn't be allowed to operate under discriminatory policies. Associations which make such discriminatory policies part of there normal operations, shouldn't receive funding. A group wants to form? No problem, don't expect funding and figure out your own meeting facilities.

Now, with that said, just because a school requires voluntary organizations who wish to receive funding to (a) provide open membership, and (b) that any member can rise to a leadership position - DOES NOT require that anyone can become leaders. These types of organizations elect their leaders. If the "Order of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" doesn't want a leader who is a "_____________" (insert religion here), then they won't elect them.


As Unknown_Soldier said, Vanderbilt University is a private school. IFAIK they are not under any court ruling requiring their change in policy.


If a white majority votes in white leaders of an African-American student organization, you can see where this could lead.

All kinds of fun and interesting outcomes.

There is a black guy who is a member of the Asian-American society at Vanderbilt. He doesn't have a drop of Asian blood in him.

So this is not too far-fetched a scenario.

If an "African-American" student organization has a "white" majority they aren't an "African-American" student organization.

If an "Asian-American" society at Vanderbilt votes in a "black guy" who gives a shit. If the "Asian-Americans" in the organization didn't want him they wouldn't have voted for him.

You are allowed to be gay and Catholic

You cannot live a gay life and be a Catholic.

If you are a guy who smokes poles, you can't eat the Eucharist on Sunday.

RW, didn't say anything about "smok'n poles" (in the post you quoted), he said someone can be gay and be Catholic, which is true.

Being homosexual (either gay or lesbian) is a sexual orientation - which means a desire to have sex with someone of the same sex. "Smok'n a pole" is a behavior, not a sexual orientation. You can be homosexual and not have sex.

Just like a Priest is heterosexual because of orientation, even without the behavior.

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You are allowed to be gay and Catholic

You cannot live a gay life and be a Catholic.

If you are a guy who smokes poles, you can't eat the Eucharist on Sunday.

If he is gay, he leads a gay life. Catholics oppose homosexual sex, not homosexuality

But Catholics also oppose unmarried sex and adultery. This is against the ten commandments. So the Catholic group at Vanderbilt should also oppose anyone who is unmarried and not a virgin whether they are heterosexual or homosexual

Technically, you should say 'the Catholic Church', not 'Catholics'.
If a white majority votes in white leaders of an African-American student organization, you can see where this could lead.

All kinds of fun and interesting outcomes.

There is a black guy who is a member of the Asian-American society at Vanderbilt. He doesn't have a drop of Asian blood in him.

So this is not too far-fetched a scenario.

If an "African-American" student organization has a "white" majority they aren't an "African-American" student organization.

That is exactly the point I am making. The "non-discrimination" policy makes the whole point of having a segregated student organization moot. If you have to let whites into your African-American student organization, then it isn't an African-American student organization anymore. The blacks have had their group obliterated.

If you let militant gays into the Catholic student organization, you could have the Catholic organization obliterated.

And you could end up with a banner that says "African-American Students" at the top of the weekly newsletter, and the content of that missive says Newt Gingrich is the greatest thing since sliced bread and that slavery maybe wasn't such a bad idea after all.

It's an African-American organization if the majority of the members say it is.

I am just using the hilarity that could ensue to illustrate the stupidity of Vanderbilt's policy.
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If a white majority votes in white leaders of an African-American student organization, you can see where this could lead.

All kinds of fun and interesting outcomes.

There is a black guy who is a member of the Asian-American society at Vanderbilt. He doesn't have a drop of Asian blood in him.

So this is not too far-fetched a scenario.

If an "African-American" student organization has a "white" majority they aren't an "African-American" student organization.

That is exactly the point I am making. The "non-discrimination" policy makes the whole point of having a segregated student organization moot. If you have to let whites into your African-American student organization, then it isn't an African-American student organization anymore. The blacks have had their group obliterated.

They aren't "obliterated" they are still free to form their own organization, just not using the taxpayer dime (in the case of taxpayer funded schools) or depending on the policies of a Vanderbilt (a private organization).

If you let militant gays into the Catholic student organization, you could have the Catholic organization obliterated.

They aren't "obliterated" they are still free to form their own organization, just not using the taxpayer dime (in the case of taxpayer funded schools) or depending on the policies of a Vanderbilt (a private organization).

And you could end up with a banner that says "African-American Students" at the top of the weekly newsletter, and the content of that missive says Newt Gingrich is the greatest thing since sliced bread and that slavery maybe wasn't such a bad idea after all.

A group can do that now. A bunch of white students can look at the roster of clubs and say "Hey, there's no NAACP chapter here. Let's start one.". They can then petition the school for club status.

It's an African-American organization if the majority of the members say it is.

Yep. Even if the majority are not African-Americans. A group of Jews can start a club and call it "Catholics for Christ" if they want.

I am just using the hilarity that could ensue to illustrate the stupidity of Vanderbilt's policy.

As a private University they are free to set their own policy.

If they were were a public school, then a non-discrimination policy to accept taxpayer funding seems fine with me.


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