Paying Your Fair Share


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
CBO: Top 40% of U.S. Households Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes, Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%…


Or as the left calls it, wealth redistribution.

Via CNS News:

The top 40 percent of households by before-tax income actually paid 106.2 percent of the nation’s net income taxes in 2010, according to a new study by the Congressional Budget Office.

At the same time, households in the bottom 40 percent took in an average of $18,950 in what the CBO called “government transfers” in 2010.

Taxpayers in the top 40 percent of households were able to pay more than 100 percent of net federal income taxes in 2010 because Americans in the bottom 40 percent actually paid negative income taxes, according to the CBO study entitled, “The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010.”

“When refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, exceed the other federal tax liabilities of the households in an income group, those households are said to have a negative average tax rate,” said the CBO study.

Something you need to understand about the left in this Country..... There's never enough. You never pay enough. Paying five times your fair share? Not enough.

Giving them (leftists) a completely free ride? Not enough.

You may ask, "When will they ever be happy?" And the answer is -- "Never"

The left will NEVER be happy until you give 100%....... And then some.

It's what they want. They want total control. Not just a little bit, not just their 'fair share'

They want total control. No matter what you do, no matter how much you give......

It will never be enough.
The left will not be satisfied until they take 100% of your income and then they decide how much they will give back to you.
"They can afford it" is always the answer. Leftists will not be satsified until everyone is living in a cardboard box subsisting on gov't cheese and getting free birth control.
Progressive taxation is a failure. Institute flat tax now.
here is an enlightening story about "THE RICH" giving his fair share, i would bet a million buck$ (if i had it) it was a liberal who scammed him.

Florida Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson lost $18 million in a scheme by a Virginia man, the congressman’s office confirmed Monday.
As I said in a different thread...
A village of 100 people: 75 eat steak everyday, 25 cannot afford it so they eat bologna.
To liberals, fairness would be everyone eating bologna, and the 25 get it for free.
CBO: Top 40% of U.S. Households Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes, Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%…


Or as the left calls it, wealth redistribution.

Via CNS News:

The top 40 percent of households by before-tax income actually paid 106.2 percent of the nation’s net income taxes in 2010, according to a new study by the Congressional Budget Office.

At the same time, households in the bottom 40 percent took in an average of $18,950 in what the CBO called “government transfers” in 2010.

Taxpayers in the top 40 percent of households were able to pay more than 100 percent of net federal income taxes in 2010 because Americans in the bottom 40 percent actually paid negative income taxes, according to the CBO study entitled, “The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010.”

“When refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, exceed the other federal tax liabilities of the households in an income group, those households are said to have a negative average tax rate,” said the CBO study.

Something you need to understand about the left in this Country..... There's never enough. You never pay enough. Paying five times your fair share? Not enough.

Giving them (leftists) a completely free ride? Not enough.

You may ask, "When will they ever be happy?" And the answer is -- "Never"

The left will NEVER be happy until you give 100%....... And then some.

It's what they want. They want total control. Not just a little bit, not just their 'fair share'

They want total control. No matter what you do, no matter how much you give......

It will never be enough.

Good to see that you are so concerned about the ultra wealthy Democrat plutocrats.

They appreciate (I would imagine) that a middle class right wing nutter is looking out for their wealth.

Or did you not know that some of the most wealthy of the ultra wealthy are Democrats.
Bet that pisses you off. You out here fighting the good fight for the Democrats.

LMAO. Idiot.
As I said in a different thread...
A village of 100 people: 75 eat steak everyday, 25 cannot afford it so they eat bologna.
To liberals, fairness would be everyone eating bologna, and the 25 get it for free.

In the Conservative Village-

1 person eats steak, 19 eat hamburger, 60 eat baloney (but it's the special Jesus Baloney) and 20 eat nothing.

I'm always amazed how many people are feeling soooo bad for the rich, the poor darlings don't have a thing.

Gawd, when they trot out this "fair share" stuff - which is incredibly often - it takes me back to third grade, and since that was one helluva long time ago, that's quite an accomplishment. Evidently the simplistic stuff like this works for the base, since they keep doing it. I would think that most adults would find such a notion a little insulting, but I guess not. If it works, it works, it's a disappointing reflection of the condition of our culture.

It's not about "fair share", it's about equilibrium. Finding points along the economic strata, tipping points, where taxing & spending (a) create too much drag on the economy AND (b) inject individual and inter-generational dependency into our very culture. I can see a reasonable debate happening along those lines from both sides, but as long as we're trying to engage in Romper Room Economics, I don't see such a conversation taking place any time soon.

As I said in a different thread...
A village of 100 people: 75 eat steak everyday, 25 cannot afford it so they eat bologna.
To liberals, fairness would be everyone eating bologna, and the 25 get it for free.

In the Conservative Village-

1 person eats steak, 19 eat hamburger, 60 eat baloney (but it's the special Jesus Baloney) and 20 eat nothing.

I'm always amazed how many people are feeling soooo bad for the rich, the poor darlings don't have a thing.

Sigh....another internets know-nothing.
Conservatism has absolutely nothing to do with the corporate takeover/wealth concentration you see today. Nothing.
All down the line, the reason this is happening is not, in one iota, political.
Both sides of the aisle are completely and equally corrupt by special interest and corporate interest. In fact, and I would love to hear you argue differently, President Obama is the biggest friend Wall Street and the central banks have EVER had. Period.
As I said in a different thread...
A village of 100 people: 75 eat steak everyday, 25 cannot afford it so they eat bologna.
To liberals, fairness would be everyone eating bologna, and the 25 get it for free.

In the Conservative Village-

1 person eats steak, 19 eat hamburger, 60 eat baloney (but it's the special Jesus Baloney) and 20 eat nothing.

I'm always amazed how many people are feeling soooo bad for the rich, the poor darlings don't have a thing.

Sigh....another internets know-nothing.
Conservatism has absolutely nothing to do with the corporate takeover/wealth concentration you see today. Nothing.
All down the line, the reason this is happening is not, in one iota, political.
Both sides of the aisle are completely and equally corrupt by special interest and corporate interest. In fact, and I would love to hear you argue differently, President Obama is the biggest friend Wall Street and the central banks have EVER had. Period.

No shit sherlock. Why pretty soon, you may come to realize that we live in a plutocracy.
Won't that be enlightening.

Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

Example; Obamacare, written by the insurance companies. You think those insurance company executives give a fuk about you or I obtaining insurance. Hell no. But they do care about that government mandate which will make their companies a hell of a lot of money and as a result, make those executive a HELL of a lot of money.

Just the way they planned it.

Under Bush the energy companies and the arms industry got to make a killing.
Under Obama, it is Wall street and the insurance companies turn.

No where in the plutocrats plans is it OUR turn to prosper.

Sigh....another internets know-nothing.
Conservatism has absolutely nothing to do with the corporate takeover/wealth concentration you see today. Nothing.
All down the line, the reason this is happening is not, in one iota, political.
Both sides of the aisle are completely and equally corrupt by special interest and corporate interest. In fact, and I would love to hear you argue differently, President Obama is the biggest friend Wall Street and the central banks have EVER had. Period.

I don't spend a billion dollars trying to get my best friend ever fired, which is what the banks and Wall Street did in 2012.

I think that the deregulation, the free trade treaties breaking the middle class, and the huge tax cuts to the rich under Reagan and Bush-43 have had a lot to do with why the top 20% control 87% of the wealth.
...Obama is the biggest friend Wall Street and the central banks have EVER had. Period...
...the top 20% control 87% of the wealth.
Ah yes, let's hate the rich --even though most employment is provided by corporations with hundreds of employees and all taxes are paid by the rich. Look at what class warfare's gotten us: since 2009 the number of jobless jumped by ten million and house hold incomes dropped by $thousands.

We having fun yet?
...Obama is the biggest friend Wall Street and the central banks have EVER had. Period...
...the top 20% control 87% of the wealth.
Ah yes, let's hate the rich --even though most employment is provided by corporations with hundreds of employees and all taxes are paid by the rich. Look at what class warfare's gotten us: since 2009 the number of jobless jumped by ten million and house hold incomes dropped by $thousands.

We having fun yet?

No, most jobs are not provided by the rich.

Most jobs are provided by other working folks having consumer demand for goods and services.

And the Class Warfare began a lot earlier than 2009. 2009 is just when the rest of us started fighting back.
The RICH, having beaten the republic into submission, will soon be turning on themselves.

That is the nature of the people in charge.

They cannot help themselves.

What form their internecine wars will take I cannot say, but sooner or later push will turn to shove.
...most employment is provided by corporations with hundreds of employees...
No, most jobs are not provided by the rich...
We hear that a lot from the extreme left, even though says:

You will get nowhere with these idealist.
Look at his post...filled with erroneous conclusions based on ideas rather than facts.
Whether you are factually correct or not - will not in anyway change people like this mind.
Saying to this guy that the poor are worse off now, that minorities are across the board in every category worse off now - saying that the top 7% wage earners have had a whopping 28% increase in earnings in two years while the rest of us have declined 5%...STILL...will mean nothing to him.
It is still the Bush tax cuts. :lol:
CBO: Top 40% of U.S. Households Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes, Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%…


Or as the left calls it, wealth redistribution.

Via CNS News:

The top 40 percent of households by before-tax income actually paid 106.2 percent of the nation’s net income taxes in 2010, according to a new study by the Congressional Budget Office.

At the same time, households in the bottom 40 percent took in an average of $18,950 in what the CBO called “government transfers” in 2010.

Taxpayers in the top 40 percent of households were able to pay more than 100 percent of net federal income taxes in 2010 because Americans in the bottom 40 percent actually paid negative income taxes, according to the CBO study entitled, “The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010.”

“When refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, exceed the other federal tax liabilities of the households in an income group, those households are said to have a negative average tax rate,” said the CBO study.

Something you need to understand about the left in this Country..... There's never enough. You never pay enough. Paying five times your fair share? Not enough.

Giving them (leftists) a completely free ride? Not enough.

You may ask, "When will they ever be happy?" And the answer is -- "Never"

The left will NEVER be happy until you give 100%....... And then some.

It's what they want. They want total control. Not just a little bit, not just their 'fair share'

They want total control. No matter what you do, no matter how much you give......

It will never be enough.

give an inch they want a mile
here is an enlightening story about "THE RICH" giving his fair share, i would bet a million buck$ (if i had it) it was a liberal who scammed him.

Florida Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson lost $18 million in a scheme by a Virginia man, the congressman’s office confirmed Monday.



i like it when they waste their own money like they do the tax payers money

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