Paul Ryan is "most open borders person in congress"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
There is only one explanation for a repub supporting illegals, Ryan is collecting huge bribes from the illegal alien lobby. Every illegal given citizenship will go on welfare and vote democrat the rest of his life.

Paul Ryan Most 'Open Borders Person in Congress'

6 Dec 2013

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Executive Director Mark Krikorian said on Thursday that House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is by far the most open borders-minded member of the U.S. Congress—even more so than Democrats like Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), who is aggressively and publicly calling for President Barack Obama to halt deportations of illegal aliens.
"Paul Ryan is probably the most ideologically committed open-borders person in Congress. I would say even more than the Democrats,” Krikorian said in an interview with American Family Radio’s Sandy Rios, One News Now reports.
One News Now’s Chad Groening added that Krikorian explained that “Ryan's support is not based on money but is a ‘quasi-religious principle’ that limiting the number of people allowed into the United States is wrong.

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