Patrick Murphy, Democrat Challenger To Allen West, Launches 'What West Said' Website


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- Patrick Murphy, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), launched a new website on Friday that may be the equivalent of the gift that keeps on giving: a website dedicated to collecting outrageous comments made by the Tea Party freshman.

The Murphy for Congress campaign announced the new site,, as a gathering place for "all of the outlandish, extreme, and offensive remarks" made by West during his past two years in Congress. The site features a giant picture of West's face tied to a quote balloon that rotates through a series of past statements made by West. Some carry the label "false" or "pants on fire" as determined by the fact-checking website, Politifact. The site also allows people to sign up for alerts from Murphy's campaign and donate money.

Among the comments featured are West's past claims that as many as 81 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party, that he has a security clearance higher than President Barack Obama, that Social Security Disability is a form of modern-day slavery and that people can kiss the U.S. goodbye if they support Medicare.

A West spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Patrick Murphy, Democratic Challenger To Allen West, Launches 'What West Said' Website

NOTE: The slideshow is interesting.
It appears the Huffington Post has become nothing more than an arm of the propaganda machine for a Democrat politician. Of course, when has it ever been anything else?

By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- Patrick Murphy, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), launched a new website on Friday that may be the equivalent of the gift that keeps on giving: a website dedicated to collecting outrageous comments made by the Tea Party freshman.

The Murphy for Congress campaign announced the new site,, as a gathering place for "all of the outlandish, extreme, and offensive remarks" made by West during his past two years in Congress. The site features a giant picture of West's face tied to a quote balloon that rotates through a series of past statements made by West. Some carry the label "false" or "pants on fire" as determined by the fact-checking website, Politifact. The site also allows people to sign up for alerts from Murphy's campaign and donate money.

Among the comments featured are West's past claims that as many as 81 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party, that he has a security clearance higher than President Barack Obama, that Social Security Disability is a form of modern-day slavery and that people can kiss the U.S. goodbye if they support Medicare.

A West spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Patrick Murphy, Democratic Challenger To Allen West, Launches 'What West Said' Website

NOTE: The slideshow is interesting.
Put a freaking cape on West and you have a true American hero.

There was one instance I can remember in which I was dead set against "What West said".
That was the time he commented on the character of DWS.
Having heard and seen much more of Schultz since then, it's now clear West was being as polite as humanly possible in his assessment.

The ONLY thing that will keep West from someday being a great American president is the fact that the political left would much rather see him dead than forfeit their precious race card.
If you are white, vote for Patrick Murphy, is it because you cannot stand having a black man as your congressional representative or is it because you do not agree with the views and direction of Allen West?

I've always wondered why more politicians don't do this, just start a site that accurately reflects what their opponent babbles and say, "hey, look at that!" -- then spend the rest of their time actually saying what the hell they would do if elected. My best guess is that, as politicians, they know they'll end up saying stupid and/or hypocritical shit (it's what politicians do, they can't help themselves) and have that card played against them too.

The site's funny, but the quotes are short, and that leaves open a question about context.


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