Park impeachment could further cloud ties


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Chung Sye-kyun, the ROK National Assembly speaker, said the bill on Park's impeachment was passed by a vote of 236 in favor and 56 opposed, with 9 invalid votes and abstentions.

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a regular news conference on Friday that Beijing upholds the principle of not interfering in other countries' domestic affairs and hopes that the ROK can restore stability as soon as possible.

Lu spoke highly of Park's efforts in pushing forward China-ROK relations after taking office in 2013. However, he stressed that it was during her time in office that the ROK decided to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system, which China firmly opposes since it could harm Beijing's security interests.

Liu Jiangyong, a professor of international relations at Tsinghua University, told China Daily that the chaotic political situation in the ROK could have adverse consequences for China-ROK ties as well as for the Korean Peninsula.

The China-ROK relationship is undergoing fluctuations caused by the deployment of THAAD, Liu said, adding that the situation might be worsened.

Liu said that Japan had taken advantage of the political situation in the ROK to swoop in to sign a military agreement that could harm China's security interests and cause more uncertainties on the peninsula.

Park impeachment could further cloud ties - World -

Japan just swooped right in taking advantage of the whole dang mess. :eusa_naughty:

No swooping.

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