Paris’ Champs Elysees


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Not exactly a place for a vacation at the moment. Spring in Paris – all of France actually – is not going to be beautiful this year.


On their 18th Saturday of protests against President Emmanuel Macron and his policies, France’s Gilets Jaunes (‘yellow vest’) movement targeted the tree-lined avenue that runs from the Arc de Triomphe, smashing banks, ransacking restaurants, burning newspaper kiosks and looting luxury stores.

From GAP to leather goods maker Longchamp, from Levis to high-end bakery Laduree, a hard core of violent protesters threw cobble stones through pane-glass windows, scrawled graffiti on walls, set fire to half a dozen newspaper stands and torched famed restaurant Le Fouquet’s in an orgy of destruction.

Much more @ On Paris’ Champs Elysees, shattered glass and smoking ruins | One America News Network

French President Macron considers banning protests on Champs Elysees @ French President Macron considers banning protests on Champs Elysees: official | One America News Network
Macron does not respond to the demands of the yellow vests for their purchasing power so that's why French people are plundering and stealing from luxury shops ... he does not want to hear the hunger of his people at the risk of losing the tourists in Paris the losses of tourists are huge as well as the losses of the businesses. I had already said once that if he had been elected that France would be on fire, that's what happens. France is lost, and you Americans who come in number in France will not want to come, I'm not mistaken?

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