Pandora Papers


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
The truth has come out.
Lip service by politicians has been proven to be the biggest hypocritical bunch of fecal material ever.

There's a REASON why the many hard working people cannot get ahead while government coffers are filled with borrowed money. The rich are keeping the common man down while they avoid every tax responsibility.

Joe Biden, Obama, and many others are front row center of guilt in this. The war in Afghanistan WAS a part of it all... between Afghanistan and the UK a person could wash enough illicit money that it now becomes clean...and spendable and invested and moved around to make more tax free money.

This is about how the "elite" are operating by a different set of rules than the rest of us have to play by or else go to jail.

Now Biden has claimed that he wants to create transparency with international investment...but he obviously has no intention of doing so. He is just as involved with participating in this sphere as anyone else...his son's computers let that cat out of the bag.
Let's not exempt the republicans either...they tend to hide their ill gotten gains a bit better than the Democrats who are more blatant about it. But Orin Hatch, Mitch McConnell, and (I'm forgetting his name) and other congressional leaders are so deep into this crap it's beyond the pail.

"None of the Above" is needed to clean the swamp. Even if they are saying all the right not send them back!

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