Palestinians Falling In Love With Kerry


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Kerry sez Israel is responsible for recruitment for Isis.

Palestinians expressed warm support for Secretary of State Kerry’s claims that the failure of the Israeli-PA peace process fueled recruitment to Islamic State.


Islamic State flag in Iraq. (Photo:

US Secretary of State John Kerry blamed Israel for the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terror group’s expansion and claimed that the lack of an Israeli-Palestinian Authority peace process fuels recruitment to the infamous terror group.

“As I went around and met with people in the course of our discussions about the ISIL coalition, the truth is we – there wasn’t a leader I met with in the region who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation that they felt – and I see a lot of heads nodding – they had to respond to. And people need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and absence of dignity,” Kerry said at reception in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on Friday.

Kerry was referring to meetings he had held during his visit to Cairo, during which $5.4 billion were raised for Hamas in Gaza.

Palestinians Welcome Kerry s Linkage of Arab-Israeli Conflict with ISIS United with Israel
Kerry sez Israel is responsible for recruitment for Isis.

Palestinians expressed warm support for Secretary of State Kerry’s claims that the failure of the Israeli-PA peace process fueled recruitment to Islamic State.


Islamic State flag in Iraq. (Photo:

US Secretary of State John Kerry blamed Israel for the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terror group’s expansion and claimed that the lack of an Israeli-Palestinian Authority peace process fuels recruitment to the infamous terror group.

“As I went around and met with people in the course of our discussions about the ISIL coalition, the truth is we – there wasn’t a leader I met with in the region who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation that they felt – and I see a lot of heads nodding – they had to respond to. And people need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and absence of dignity,” Kerry said at reception in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on Friday.

Kerry was referring to meetings he had held during his visit to Cairo, during which $5.4 billion were raised for Hamas in Gaza.

Palestinians Welcome Kerry s Linkage of Arab-Israeli Conflict with ISIS United with Israel

The beginning of ISIS, in my opinion, began with the unseating of Saddam Hussein by American forces for the purpose of protecting Israel. Some say oil, too, played a part in our insane and costly war with Iraq, but since petroleum is fungible and we buy ours from other sources, this argument appears very weak to me. ~ Susan
Kookoo! HONK!

Great rebuttal, Teddy . . . did you think it up all by yourself? ~ Susan
PS Since it's deeper and more thought out than most of your posts, I'd say all members of Team Israel must have helped you compose it.
Hey Pish. I'm throwing a big party next Saturday evening for all my Canaanite neighbors. Strictly kosher of course. Pretty neat, huh?
Hey Pish. I'm throwing a big party next Saturday evening for all my Canaanite neighbors. Strictly kosher of course. Pretty neat, huh?

I'll say . . . right neighborly of you. May the blessings of Baal be upon you and your party. ~ Susan
PS Kosher you say? To appease your cruel, psychotic, bloodthirsty God, I'm guessing your party will partake in the usual Yahwehian sacrificial slaughter of a lamb for its main dinner course. If so, why not invite a few members of PETA over, too, as a form of great entertainment for all those attending?
Hey Pish. I'm throwing a big party next Saturday evening for all my Canaanite neighbors. Strictly kosher of course. Pretty neat, huh?

I'll say . . . right neighborly of you. May the blessings of Baal be upon you and your party. ~ Susan
PS Kosher you say? To appease your cruel, psychotic, bloodthirsty God, I'm guessing your party will partake in the usual Yahwehian sacrificial slaughter of a lamb for its main dinner course. If so, why not invite a few members of PETA over, too, as a form of great entertainment for all those attending?
Why not bring along some of the Palestinian Arabs whom you are using as pawns in your fight against the Jews since it is obvious that you care nothing about the other Arabs who have been murdered in the thousands and thousands and are still being killed in the rest of the Middle East.. They eat lamb too. In fact, you can get them to slaughter the lamb for MJB in the Halal fashion.

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