Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

It is almost 20 years since that terrible day — March 16, 2003 — when they learned their daughter had been killed in southern Gaza, crushed by a 60-tonne D9 bulldozer built by Caterpillar Inc and operated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Rachel had been part of a group of Palestinian and international activists seeking to halt the destruction of Palestinian property. That day, they they had been acting as human shields to stop the flattening of a home in the Rafah refugee camp occupied by the families of two brothers, Khaled and Samir Nasrallah.

The fact that countless thousands of Palestinians have died in the two decades since then — the majority, Palestinians argue, killed illegally by Israeli forces — sickens Rachel’s parents. They are aware of criticisms that the publicity afforded their daughter’s death was vastly more than when a Palestinian is killed. The two facts help motivate them to continue their work at the foundation they created in their daughter’s name.

Within days, they realised their daughter’s death had set them on a different course. There was no going back. There was no time travel trick to bring back their “magical and caring” child, who had dreamed of being a poet or dancer.

She had been killed, but they had to find a way to keep living, for the sake of their other children — Rachel also had a brother, Chris — for themselves, and for the cause for which Rachel had given her life.

<p>Corrie pictured hours before her death in front of a bulldozer. She and fellow activists were trying to prevent demolition of Palestinian homes</p>
Corrie pictured hours before her death in front of a bulldozer. She and fellow activists were trying to prevent demolition of Palestinian homes

(Video screen grab)
They were part of a club of which nobody seeks membership: parents or relatives of a loved one lost too early, whether through police violence, a school shooting, or else a rare disease the world knows little about. Even back then, they were wary of the oft-touted talk of “achieving closure”. Accountability, perhaps, felt more appropriate — but they are far still from securing that.

In some Islamist states,
her parents would be forced
to apologize for such dishonor
and beg for a pardon on live TV

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UNRWA Fraud - how Gaza Oligarchs are making
free UN food into a multi-billion business


UNRWA warns of deficit calling for steady funding...

Arab solidarity:

Egypt replaces ambulances donated
by Kuwait to Gaza, with its old ambulances

Video of Massive Terror Complex Under Al Shifa Hospital Makes Media Look Ridiculous

The problem with the journalism industry boiled down to one clip. There are no consequences for getting things incredibly wrong and no feelings of remorse/regret as long as your mistakes are aimed at the side others in the newsroom don’t like.

— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 25, 2023

Gigi Hadid DELETES 'anti-Semitic' post claiming Israel is 'only country that keeps children as prisoners of war' - while Israeli kids are still kept captive by Hamas - and calls terrorist who tried to murder Jews a POW

Absolutely despicable.

Gigi Hadid just posted the below to her millions of followers falsely accusing Israel of abducting, torturing, raping children.

Her example was Ahmed Almansara.

Here is video of Ahmed and his cousin running through a Jewish settlement looking for…

— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 24, 2023

There wasn’t a dry eye in the hospital’ as hostages reunite with family

According to hospital staff at Wolfson Medical Centre, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room as some families were reunited with loved ones who were taken hostage by the terror group Hamas.

CNN reporter Oren Liebermann said the five elderly women who were released in the first group of hostages held by Hamas were given a private area of the Wolfson Medical Center.

“As they came in, they have been receiving medical checks and that includes their physical condition but also their mental conditions for nearly 50 days of captivity at the hands of Hamas,” Mr Liebermann told Sky News Australia.

“They have been given a special area of the hospital which is secluded so they can maintain their privacy and that’s for the freed hostages and their families,” he said.

It comes as two dozen hostages who were held for almost seven weeks at the hands of Hamas were released from captivity under a temporary truce on Friday afternoon (local time).
Nov 25, 2023
End Wokeness @EndWokeness":
“The hostages look so happy”

1. Hamas has 7 of their family members in captivity

2. You can literally hear a Hamas terrorist telling them to “keep waving” (0:03)

3. Hamas released this video
7:14 PM · Nov 25, 2023
UNRWA Fraud - how Gaza Oligarchs are making
free UN food into a multi-billion business

UNRWA warns of deficit calling for steady funding...


Antonio Gueterres net worth

From 2005 to 2015, Qatar made a significant contribution to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), especially during the period when Antonio Guterres served as the High Commissioner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and today serves as the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

1. Qatar's contributions to UNHCR programs during this period totaled over $382 million. These funds were allocated to support refugees, displaced persons and host communities in various sectors, including education, shelter, health, livelihood and cash assistance

2. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Qatar Charity established their cooperation to support UNHCR's protection and relief activities for refugees and displaced persons worldwide.

3. Qatar was among the top 10 contributors of multi-year contributions to UNHCR

These points illustrate Qatar's activity in supporting the United Nations Commission in providing assistance to the organization, especially during the tenure of Antonio Guterres as High Commissioner.


Antonio Guterres' net worth is not definitively known, with estimates ranging from $1.5 million to $5 million as of 2023. His salary as UN Secretary-General is approximately $227,253, his assets and personal finances have not been publicly disclosed.

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