Palestinian gov't replies to UN inquiries over Goldstone report

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The government committee for following up Goldstone report replied officially to the inquires raised by judge Mary Davis, the head of the UN committee of independent experts, in the letters she sent to Palestinian officials in the Gaza Strip.

Deputy head of the government committee and political advisor to the Palestinian premier Yousuf Rizqa stated that the government accepted and welcomed all international committees and human rights organizations in order to prevent Israel from escaping punishment.

Rizqa pointed out to the vast difference between Israel's military force and the occupied and victimized Palestinian people and expressed hope that the UN institutions could be more serious and equitable in its positions.

He noted that the government in Gaza replied in writing to all questions raised by judge Davis and sent the answers in a report before the deadline, March 14, affirming that the government was more than transparent and credible in its report.

"We, in Gaza, have nothing to hide or keep it away from human rights organizations because we are the victims who demand their rights and ask the international community to do justice to them," the official underscored.

Palestinian gov't replies to UN inquiries over Goldstone report

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