Pakistani Military Opens Fire on Afghan Refugees at Border, Kills 6


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Pakistani Military Opens Fire on Afghan Refugees at Border, Kills 6

28 Aug 2021 ~~ By Gabrielle Reyes
***Warning — Graphic Content***

Pakistani troops opened fire on a group of Afghan civilians attempting to cross into Pakistan from Afghanistan on Friday, killing at least six people, Pajhwok Afghan News reported.
The incident reportedly occurred at the Torkham border crossing, a major trade and travel corridor linking Afghanistan and Pakistan. Torkham is the name of the Pakistani city on the eastern side of the border crossing, while the western side of the port pertains to the Afghan province of Nangarhar.
Pakistan’s federal government ordered the total closure of the Torkham crossing this week to avoid an influx of Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban terror group’s recent takeover of Afghanistan, an unnamed Pakistani border official told the U.K.’s Telegraph newspaper on August 26.
“We have closed the border on the government’s directives because Pakistan cannot afford to house more refugees. Pakistan is already home to three million Afghans,” the border official said.

Strange Muslim Outreach Program Pakistan has.
Pakistan has been key in continuing terrorism in Afghanistan and the main supplier of weapons and munitions. They've even gone as far as supplying men to fight.
With Bai Dung leaving an estimated 5,000 Americans and the rest of the Afghani's that assisted NATO in Afghanistan all we can look forward to is hostages and a blood bath wrought by the terrorists that now control Afghanistan.
We can all thank Joey Xi Bai Dung, his handlers, the Generals that agreed with him and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie cabal in D.C.
The idea that this is Trump's fault is ludicrous, false and specious. but the Left has to blame all others while they stand there dripping blood from their hands.
Republicans trying to pin the culmination of 20 years worth of failure in Afghanistan from mostly Republican administrations solely on Biden is rich, but what did you expect them to do, have some accountability? naw
But Pakistan is our ally? They can harbor "terrorists" and kill innocent civilians and it's all cool. Right?
Republicans trying to pin the culmination of 20 years worth of failure in Afghanistan from mostly Republican administrations solely on Biden is rich, but what did you expect them to do, have some accountability? naw

Obama had eight years. This kind of stuff never ends as long as so many are so willing to overlook the failures of their politicians.
It's ALWAYS been like this in the middle east with the various moohamidian sects of the islamo cult. If a particular sect of the islamo cult runs out of victims to murder they just turn on another sect of the islamo cult & start murdering them. If a particular islamo sect can't conjure up support from it's rank & file then the sect turns against one another & starts murdering their own. This may sound bizarre but it actually works out GREAT for that mentality "keeps 'em busy" & keeps the overall global islamo cult population in check. There really is truth to the ole saying: "Islam, don't leave sanity without it!"
Republicans trying to pin the culmination of 20 years worth of failure in Afghanistan from mostly Republican administrations solely on Biden is rich, but what did you expect them to do, have some accountability? naw
Biden won with 81 million votes. He's the prez and he decided to go against the advice of his CIA, his generals, and some on his cabinet IF media can be believed.
IOW, no matter how long you people try to lie and misdirect, even his own people are admitting he was responsible for this horror and he's already "self-handicapping" by saying another attack is expected, possibly today.

This F**k up is so monumental that even his sycophantic media can't cover for him. You'll lose the House next year and you may well see Trump win in 2024. And IF that happens, it will only be possible because of the weakness of the senile old perv you cheated to install.
Biden won with 81 million votes. He's the prez and he decided to go against the advice of his CIA, his generals, and some on his cabinet IF media can be believed.
IOW, no matter how long you people try to lie and misdirect, even his own people are admitting he was responsible for this horror and he's already "self-handicapping" by saying another attack is expected, possibly today.

This F**k up is so monumental that even his sycophantic media can't cover for him. You'll lose the House next year and you may well see Trump win in 2024. And IF that happens, it will only be possible because of the weakness of the senile old perv you cheated to install.

This doesn't happen without the stupid decisions of the last 20 years.
Biden won with 81 million votes. He's the prez and he decided to go against the advice of his CIA, his generals, and some on his cabinet IF media can be believed.
IOW, no matter how long you people try to lie and misdirect, even his own people are admitting he was responsible for this horror and he's already "self-handicapping" by saying another attack is expected, possibly today.

This F**k up is so monumental that even his sycophantic media can't cover for him. You'll lose the House next year and you may well see Trump win in 2024. And IF that happens, it will only be possible because of the weakness of the senile old perv you cheated to install.
tramp will never be president of the US. Biden probably won't run again. Its anybody's guess, but tramp wouldn't run again. His cult isn't big enough. Suppression the vote is the only way republicans can win and they know it.
So he's now responsible for how other countries protect their borders?
Fuck off. You're desperate now.
Not responsible for how they protect their borders no, but being responsible for the choices he made in which sent those civilian's fleeing to that border yes.
Murdering unarmed citizens says alot about the person and the nation.

Pakistan described as an "ally" has generally puzzled me. This is particularly true when we consider that they are despised by India, and, we know their history of harbouring terrorists, even to the point of protecting Bid Laden when he cursed the earth.

They are allies with Iran, Russia and China. How do those nations relate to U.S interests?
thats why republicans are suppressing the vote.
Another Democrat bullcrap talking point that is a lie, but no worry, the black's will get those IDs and learn how to operate a computer in the coming years, then they'll be able to participate no matter what the stringent condition's might be.

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