PA law makers move to end illegal no-excuse mail in voting which poisoned 2020 election

So PA republicans want to repeal the laws they just fucking passed because they lost??

Got it...
They didn't pass any law....The "law" was made up out of whole cloth by the PA Supreme Court.

No excuse mail-in voting
The law creates a new option to vote by mail without providing an excuse, which is currently required for voters using absentee ballots. Pennsylvania joins 31 other states and Washington, D.C. with mail-in voting that removes barriers to elections.
OK...But the PA Supreme Court re-wrote that law, by allowing ballots to be accepted after election day...I stand corrected.

But here's the real nut of the issue: the republican legislature can admit that they fucked up and are willing to reset....Which is something that numb fucks like you and those you support could never ever do.

It's not an issue. They have to pass another election law, if they can.
That's exactly the issue: they can admit that they fucked up....Something leftbats like you can never do.
Oh by the way OP, go get an edumacation. There is no such thing as a 'Democrat [sic] Party" Dumbass. This is one of several linguistic faux pases of which you are guilty of . . .


And here is the Democrat revolutionary House leader . . . do as I say and not as I do:


Well, seems you are once again absolutely delusional!


You bet Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff have won. Every parasitic rat found their way to the voting booth to vote to get their piece of “free government cheese”, just as they did in Venezuela and Cuba, and now suffer the poisonous consequences of their actions

It's not too surprising that a person who is constantly photographed every time she is in public might have one unguarded moment and be photographed without her mask. It's not like she had a rally with thousands of people in an enclosed venue, and tell them that wearing a mask somehow infringed on their rights. That would be disgusting.

One "unguarded moment"?


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

I won't go into detail explaining why your premise is just goofy because facts don't seem to mean anything to you.
So PA republicans want to repeal the laws they just fucking passed because they lost??

Got it...
They didn't pass any law....The "law" was made up out of whole cloth by the PA Supreme Court.

No excuse mail-in voting
The law creates a new option to vote by mail without providing an excuse, which is currently required for voters using absentee ballots. Pennsylvania joins 31 other states and Washington, D.C. with mail-in voting that removes barriers to elections.
OK...But the PA Supreme Court re-wrote that law, by allowing ballots to be accepted after election day...I stand corrected.

But here's the real nut of the issue: the republican legislature can admit that they fucked up and are willing to reset....Which is something that numb fucks like you and those you support could never ever do.

It's not an issue. They have to pass another election law, if they can.
That's exactly the issue: they can admit that they fucked up....Something leftbats like you can never do.

So when the DNC regrouped for the 2018 and 2020 campaigns without the Clintons, how did that work out?
It's your ilk that alleged voter fraud, particularly with regard to mail-in ballots, but never produced any evidence of it. How many fraudulent votes, mail-in or otherwise, were found?

There were over a million illegal no-excuse mail in ballots cast in PA's election.


First the President is cut off from twitter, then Sen. Hawley’s book is cancelled, then the WalkAway Facebook page is taken down, Parler is removed, and even Mike Lindell, our pillow guy is banned from Twitter. . . Is it not self-evident a dangerous and un-American pattern is developing to cancel patriotic conservative speech?
It's your ilk that alleged voter fraud, particularly with regard to mail-in ballots, but never produced any evidence of it. How many fraudulent votes, mail-in or otherwise, were found?

There were over a million illegal no-excuse mail in ballots cast in PA's election.

Isn't this the same lame batshit claim you tried to sell on page 1, where I called you on it in post 17 and you ran away and hid?
There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
Then why is this legislation necessary? The header on this thread is totally misleading, as it states that no-excuse mail-in-voting is "illegal," which is impossible because elections are run by the laws of each state, and the current Pennsylvania law permits no-excuse mail-in-voting. There is no reason to change it. The only people who "lost faith" in the electoral process are those morons who never produced any evidence that there has been any problem with no-excuse mail-in-voting. Why cater to them?
It's your ilk that alleged voter fraud, particularly with regard to mail-in ballots, but never produced any evidence of it. How many fraudulent votes, mail-in or otherwise, were found?

There were over a million illegal no-excuse mail in ballots cast in PA's election.


First the President is cut off from twitter, then Sen. Hawley’s book is cancelled, then the WalkAway Facebook page is taken down, Parler is removed, and even Mike Lindell, our pillow guy is banned from Twitter. . . Is it not self-evident a dangerous and un-American pattern is developing to cancel patriotic conservative speech?

No, the Pa. legislature passed the law and it was signed by the Gov. and it was the law for the state during the election. They were nearly all eligible voters.
There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
Then why is this legislation necessary? The header on this thread is totally misleading, as it states that no-excuse mail-in-voting is "illegal," which is impossible because elections are run by the laws of each state, and the current Pennsylvania law permits no-excuse mail-in-voting. There is no reason to change it. The only people who "lost faith" in the electoral process are those morons who never produced any evidence that there has been any problem with no-excuse mail-in-voting. Why cater to them?

The ability to vote by mail was always in place prior to 2020. There was no need to change it in the first place. As stated, the purpose is to address the unnecessary changes and restore confidence and integrity.
There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
Then why is this legislation necessary? The header on this thread is totally misleading, as it states that no-excuse mail-in-voting is "illegal," which is impossible because elections are run by the laws of each state, and the current Pennsylvania law permits no-excuse mail-in-voting. There is no reason to change it. The only people who "lost faith" in the electoral process are those morons who never produced any evidence that there has been any problem with no-excuse mail-in-voting. Why cater to them?

The ability to vote by mail was always in place prior to 2020. There was no need to change it in the first place. As stated, the purpose is to address the unnecessary changes and restore confidence and integrity.

There is no reason to "restore confidence and integrity" when there never was any basis for doubt in the first place. Apparently, not everyone had the ability to vote by mail before the law was changed, but you sound like everyone could, as if no-excuse mail-in voting was always available. Again, why cater to a bunch of wacked-out bimbos who are stupid enough to want to impose a dictator? There is no evidence that the voting system was abused or compromised. And we Americans want all eligible persons to vote, don't we?

See: Pennsylvania GOP Moves to Repeal No-Excuse Mail-In Ballot Provisions

January 22, 2021

Sens. Patrick Stefano and Doug Mastriano said in a Jan. 21 memorandum, “By removing the provisions of law that allow for no-excuse mail-in ballots, we can regain some trust in our elections’ integrity.”

The senators also said that “… Gov. Tom Wolf (D) and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D), as well as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, had taken advantage of mail-in voting and “usurped legislative power to set the conditions for an election result in their political interest.”

In regard to the legitimacy of Pennsylvania’s no-excuse mail in voting, and their obvious unconstitutional nature, let us recall what two of PA’s Supreme Court Justices have stated. See Justices' CONCURRING AND DISSENTING STATEMENT which indicates The Act of October 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77. is un-constitutional.


Filed: November 28, 2020

"I agree with the majority that injunctive relief restraining certification of the votes of Pennsylvanians cast in the 2020 general election should not have been granted and is unavailable in the present circumstances. As the majority relates, there has been too much good-faith reliance, by the electorate, on the no-excuse mail-in voting regime created by Act 77 to warrant judicial consideration of the extreme and untenable remedies proposed by Appellees.1 Accordingly, I join the per curiam Order to the extent that it vacates the preliminary injunction implemented by the Commonwealth Court.2”

”That said, there is a component of Appellees’ original complaint, filed in the Commonwealth Court, which seeks declaratory relief and is unresolved by the above remedial assessment. Additionally, I find that the relevant substantive challenge raised by Appellees presents troublesome questions about the constitutional validity of the new mail-in voting scheme." 3”

“One of Appellants’ main responses is that the citizenry, and perhaps future generations, are forever bound by the Legislature’s decision to insert, into Act 77 itself, a 180-day time restriction curtailing challenges to the substantive import of the enactment. See Act of Oct. 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77, §13(3). However, I find this assessment to be substantially problematic.4 Further, as Appellees observe, ongoing amendments to an unconstitutional enactment so insulated from judicial review may have a compounding effect by exacerbating the disparity between what the Constitution requires and the law as it is being enforced. Thus, Appellees raise a colorable challenge to the viability of this sort of limitation, which can result in effectively amending the Constitution via means other those which the charter itself sanctions. See PA. CONST., art. XI (Amendments).

“To the degree that Appellees wish to pursue this challenge in the ordinary course, upon the realization that their proposed injunctive remedies will be considered no further, I would allow them to do so in the Commonwealth Court upon a remand. In this regard, relative to the declaratory component of the request for relief, I also would not invoke the doctrine of laches, since the present challenge arises in the first election cycle in which no-excuse mail-in voting has been utilized. Moreover, “laches and prejudice can never be permitted to amend the Constitution.” Sprague v. Casey, 520 Pa. 38, 47, 550 A.2d 184, 188 [1988].

“Consistent with my position throughout this election cycle, I believe that, to the extent possible, we should apply more ordinary and orderly methods of judicial consideration, since far too much nuance is lost by treating every election matter as exigent and worthy of this Court’s immediate resolution. In this respect, I would honor the Commonwealth Court’s traditional role as the court of original and original appellate jurisdiction for most election matters. Finally, I am decidedly against yet another award of extraordinary jurisdiction at the Secretary’s behest.”

Justice Mundy joins this Concurring and Dissenting Statement."


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Good luck with that.

Let me know when it passes and is signed into law.
So despite absolutely NO proof of anything illegal at all the GOP is still going to push the "cheating" angle?

These are the same people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man.

Do you really expect to get any intelligence from people who believe that?
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PA law makers move to end illegal no-excuse mail in voting which poisoned 2020 election

Only problem is that it was the GOP lawmakers in the first place who voted to allow 50 days of unfettered ballot casting (or acceptance) in PA. They are a little late on this. What will they do now, reinstate it again if Trump runs for reelection?

See: Pennsylvania GOP Moves to Repeal No-Excuse Mail-In Ballot Provisions

January 22, 2021

Sens. Patrick Stefano and Doug Mastriano said in a Jan. 21 memorandum, “By removing the provisions of law that allow for no-excuse mail-in ballots, we can regain some trust in our elections’ integrity.”

The senators also said that “… Gov. Tom Wolf (D) and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D), as well as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, had taken advantage of mail-in voting and “usurped legislative power to set the conditions for an election result in their political interest.”

In regard to the legitimacy of Pennsylvania’s no-excuse mail in voting, and their obvious unconstitutional nature, let us recall what two of PA’s Supreme Court Justices have stated. See Justices' CONCURRING AND DISSENTING STATEMENT which indicates The Act of October 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77. is un-constitutional.


Filed: November 28, 2020

"I agree with the majority that injunctive relief restraining certification of the votes of Pennsylvanians cast in the 2020 general election should not have been granted and is unavailable in the present circumstances. As the majority relates, there has been too much good-faith reliance, by the electorate, on the no-excuse mail-in voting regime created by Act 77 to warrant judicial consideration of the extreme and untenable remedies proposed by Appellees.1 Accordingly, I join the per curiam Order to the extent that it vacates the preliminary injunction implemented by the Commonwealth Court.2”

”That said, there is a component of Appellees’ original complaint, filed in the Commonwealth Court, which seeks declaratory relief and is unresolved by the above remedial assessment. Additionally, I find that the relevant substantive challenge raised by Appellees presents troublesome questions about the constitutional validity of the new mail-in voting scheme." 3”

“One of Appellants’ main responses is that the citizenry, and perhaps future generations, are forever bound by the Legislature’s decision to insert, into Act 77 itself, a 180-day time restriction curtailing challenges to the substantive import of the enactment. See Act of Oct. 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77, §13(3). However, I find this assessment to be substantially problematic.4 Further, as Appellees observe, ongoing amendments to an unconstitutional enactment so insulated from judicial review may have a compounding effect by exacerbating the disparity between what the Constitution requires and the law as it is being enforced. Thus, Appellees raise a colorable challenge to the viability of this sort of limitation, which can result in effectively amending the Constitution via means other those which the charter itself sanctions. See PA. CONST., art. XI (Amendments).

“To the degree that Appellees wish to pursue this challenge in the ordinary course, upon the realization that their proposed injunctive remedies will be considered no further, I would allow them to do so in the Commonwealth Court upon a remand. In this regard, relative to the declaratory component of the request for relief, I also would not invoke the doctrine of laches, since the present challenge arises in the first election cycle in which no-excuse mail-in voting has been utilized. Moreover, “laches and prejudice can never be permitted to amend the Constitution.” Sprague v. Casey, 520 Pa. 38, 47, 550 A.2d 184, 188 [1988].

“Consistent with my position throughout this election cycle, I believe that, to the extent possible, we should apply more ordinary and orderly methods of judicial consideration, since far too much nuance is lost by treating every election matter as exigent and worthy of this Court’s immediate resolution. In this respect, I would honor the Commonwealth Court’s traditional role as the court of original and original appellate jurisdiction for most election matters. Finally, I am decidedly against yet another award of extraordinary jurisdiction at the Secretary’s behest.”

Justice Mundy joins this Concurring and Dissenting Statement."


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Your problem is there is no fraud in mail in voting.

The only reason why you don't like mail in voting now is republicans realize a lot of their schemes to prevent people from voting don't work if people vote by mail.

My state has been 100% mail in voting since 2005. No one can go to a voting booth to vote in person here.

I don't know when we started no request mail in voting but I signed up for it in the early 90s.

We save a lot of money by not having in person voting. It's much cheaper to send ballots to all registered voters with official ballot return boxes all over the place. We also have a paper trail. Every ballot can be audited. There are no voting machines that change votes here. We made any voting system that doesn't produce a paper vote trail illegal here in the early 2000s.

Here is truth to your lies:

There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
Then why is this legislation necessary? The header on this thread is totally misleading, as it states that no-excuse mail-in-voting is "illegal," which is impossible because elections are run by the laws of each state, and the current Pennsylvania law permits no-excuse mail-in-voting. There is no reason to change it. The only people who "lost faith" in the electoral process are those morons who never produced any evidence that there has been any problem with no-excuse mail-in-voting. Why cater to them?

The ability to vote by mail was always in place prior to 2020. There was no need to change it in the first place. As stated, the purpose is to address the unnecessary changes and restore confidence and integrity.

There is no reason to "restore confidence and integrity" when there never was any basis for doubt in the first place. Apparently, not everyone had the ability to vote by mail before the law was changed, but you sound like everyone could, as if no-excuse mail-in voting was always available. Again, why cater to a bunch of wacked-out bimbos who are stupid enough to want to impose a dictator? There is no evidence that the voting system was abused or compromised. And we Americans want all eligible persons to vote, don't we?

How did people not have the ability to vote by mail prior to the 2020 changes? The only way one would not have had access to vote by mail would be for that person not to request a ballot. In that case, the only ones “apparently” not having access to vote would be those that did not request a ballot or access to vote in-person.
There never was any proof of fraud. The republicans will do anything they can to stop people from voting, while they yap on about how "patriotic" they are. Actual patriots support voting and make an effort to make sure that everyone votes. The republican party used to be respectable. Now it's just sleazy.

Who is stopping people from voting? If the legislation is successful, Pennsylvania voters will still have the ability to vote both by mail and in person.
Then why is this legislation necessary? The header on this thread is totally misleading, as it states that no-excuse mail-in-voting is "illegal," which is impossible because elections are run by the laws of each state, and the current Pennsylvania law permits no-excuse mail-in-voting. There is no reason to change it. The only people who "lost faith" in the electoral process are those morons who never produced any evidence that there has been any problem with no-excuse mail-in-voting. Why cater to them?

The ability to vote by mail was always in place prior to 2020. There was no need to change it in the first place. As stated, the purpose is to address the unnecessary changes and restore confidence and integrity.

There is no reason to "restore confidence and integrity" when there never was any basis for doubt in the first place. Apparently, not everyone had the ability to vote by mail before the law was changed, but you sound like everyone could, as if no-excuse mail-in voting was always available. Again, why cater to a bunch of wacked-out bimbos who are stupid enough to want to impose a dictator? There is no evidence that the voting system was abused or compromised. And we Americans want all eligible persons to vote, don't we?

How did people not have the ability to vote by mail prior to the 2020 changes? The only way one would not have had access to vote by mail would be for that person not to request a ballot. In that case, the only ones “apparently” not having access to vote would be those that did not request a ballot or access to vote in-person.

In many cases people could have voted by mail before. There was a big push this time to get people to do that and it went over big time. We had a record turn out. Some people are not happy about that large of a turn out.

We should make voting as easy as possible. Record turn outs every year is something we should strive for.

See: Pennsylvania GOP Moves to Repeal No-Excuse Mail-In Ballot Provisions

January 22, 2021

Sens. Patrick Stefano and Doug Mastriano said in a Jan. 21 memorandum, “By removing the provisions of law that allow for no-excuse mail-in ballots, we can regain some trust in our elections’ integrity.”

The senators also said that “… Gov. Tom Wolf (D) and Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D), as well as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, had taken advantage of mail-in voting and “usurped legislative power to set the conditions for an election result in their political interest.”

In regard to the legitimacy of Pennsylvania’s no-excuse mail in voting, and their obvious unconstitutional nature, let us recall what two of PA’s Supreme Court Justices have stated. See Justices' CONCURRING AND DISSENTING STATEMENT which indicates The Act of October 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77. is un-constitutional.


Filed: November 28, 2020

"I agree with the majority that injunctive relief restraining certification of the votes of Pennsylvanians cast in the 2020 general election should not have been granted and is unavailable in the present circumstances. As the majority relates, there has been too much good-faith reliance, by the electorate, on the no-excuse mail-in voting regime created by Act 77 to warrant judicial consideration of the extreme and untenable remedies proposed by Appellees.1 Accordingly, I join the per curiam Order to the extent that it vacates the preliminary injunction implemented by the Commonwealth Court.2”

”That said, there is a component of Appellees’ original complaint, filed in the Commonwealth Court, which seeks declaratory relief and is unresolved by the above remedial assessment. Additionally, I find that the relevant substantive challenge raised by Appellees presents troublesome questions about the constitutional validity of the new mail-in voting scheme." 3”

“One of Appellants’ main responses is that the citizenry, and perhaps future generations, are forever bound by the Legislature’s decision to insert, into Act 77 itself, a 180-day time restriction curtailing challenges to the substantive import of the enactment. See Act of Oct. 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77, §13(3). However, I find this assessment to be substantially problematic.4 Further, as Appellees observe, ongoing amendments to an unconstitutional enactment so insulated from judicial review may have a compounding effect by exacerbating the disparity between what the Constitution requires and the law as it is being enforced. Thus, Appellees raise a colorable challenge to the viability of this sort of limitation, which can result in effectively amending the Constitution via means other those which the charter itself sanctions. See PA. CONST., art. XI (Amendments).

“To the degree that Appellees wish to pursue this challenge in the ordinary course, upon the realization that their proposed injunctive remedies will be considered no further, I would allow them to do so in the Commonwealth Court upon a remand. In this regard, relative to the declaratory component of the request for relief, I also would not invoke the doctrine of laches, since the present challenge arises in the first election cycle in which no-excuse mail-in voting has been utilized. Moreover, “laches and prejudice can never be permitted to amend the Constitution.” Sprague v. Casey, 520 Pa. 38, 47, 550 A.2d 184, 188 [1988].

“Consistent with my position throughout this election cycle, I believe that, to the extent possible, we should apply more ordinary and orderly methods of judicial consideration, since far too much nuance is lost by treating every election matter as exigent and worthy of this Court’s immediate resolution. In this respect, I would honor the Commonwealth Court’s traditional role as the court of original and original appellate jurisdiction for most election matters. Finally, I am decidedly against yet another award of extraordinary jurisdiction at the Secretary’s behest.”

Justice Mundy joins this Concurring and Dissenting Statement."Wond


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.
Democrats cheat at everything . Trump won by a landslide, everyone knows this.
Amazing the gop created the law

Amazing you think deflection will absolve you of addressing the point.
It's your ilk that alleged voter fraud, particularly with regard to mail-in ballots, but never produced any evidence of it. How many fraudulent votes, mail-in or otherwise, were found?

There were over a million illegal no-excuse mail in ballots cast in PA's election.

Isn't this the same lame batshit claim you tried to sell on page 1, where I called you on it in post 17 and you ran away and hid?

The fact is, there were over a million mail in ballots cast in PA's election. As a matter of fact I think the actual number was over 2 million.

It's your ilk that alleged voter fraud, particularly with regard to mail-in ballots, but never produced any evidence of it. How many fraudulent votes, mail-in or otherwise, were found?

There were over a million illegal no-excuse mail in ballots cast in PA's election.

Isn't this the same lame batshit claim you tried to sell on page 1, where I called you on it in post 17 and you ran away and hid?

The fact is, there were over a million mail in ballots cast in PA's election. As a matter of fact I think the actual number was over 2 million.


And here again you're just regurgitating the same logical fallacy, officially called "Argumentum ad Populum" or in English "Everybody Knows". Unfortunately for you bullshitters, Everybody DOES NOT know, and your Ipse Dixit (that's another fallacy, means basically "because I said so") is one hundred percent USDA prime Bullshit.

Watch this.

"The fact is", I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway. "Everybody knows I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway". "It's just a fact" that I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway. "As a matter of fact I think the actual number is over 740".

I don't have to prove it though. I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway simply because I SAID I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway. Therefore it's a "fact".

Now, even though I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway, when I walk out there I can't see them. There's only one possible reason for that, and that is that someone make my 174 Lambourghinis invisible. Since "EVERYBODY KNOWS" I have 174 Lambourghinis in my driveway, there's no other explanation. After all, "Everybody Knows" they're out there, and Everybody Knows Because I Said So.

Want to buy a Lambourghini? It comes with a cloak of invisibility. I take PayPal.

SMFH, the lengths one has to go to just to dumb down the obvious for the fucking retarded....

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